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Hellfire Club [Nov. 3rd, 2008|07:04 am]

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Hey there. I updated the HFC entry. Added some photos and info. If anyone is interested in picking up any of the HFCers, lemme know! We only have four people in each court. Shaw could always use a black queen! :D Though, Emma wouldn't be too happy. Ahem.

EDIT I added the following information to rule #8 on the rules page.
ADDED 11/04/08 Thread limit! Please involve each of your characters at any given time in only two threads. This will help to keep overexposure down and will allow all characters equal time in the spotlight. Logs, journal entries, etc do not fall under this rule - only open, on-going threads. But try to spread your attention evenly over all of your characters.

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Help for You! [Oct. 30th, 2008|04:50 am]

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Demographics for a Post-Apocalyptic Marvelverse )
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Thought you ought to know... [Sep. 30th, 2008|12:17 am]

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Hello, Aftermathers! Shaw checking in. I felt the need to inform you all that I have indeed killed Ra ([info]sun_god) and that the Hellfire Club will be coming for your holes to a city near you. Read all about it here.
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Hellfire Club Inductees [Sep. 29th, 2008|04:26 am]

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Hey lieblings. Luis and Leigh have two pups ready for take off, both aspiring members of the HFC.

[info]infusco is Nightshade (or Mercedes Maclay). Leigh owns her, and Nightshade will own you. What! She is an umbrakine (yay for shadow!babes).
[info]aegistic is Aegis (or Christian Holland). Luis' take on a hellhound for Shaw. Bwahaha. He has an exoskeleton of psionic energy that works like armor.

If anyone else is interested in taking or creating a character for the HFC, please do so! Having a Tessa or Selene around might be interesting. Also, Angel is a member by default (inherited from his father, who may or may not be deceased [he was infected, but at Xavier's under Angel's watch/care]). So he might be interesting to pick up as well. Thanks folks!

The TAKEN PAGE has been updated accordingly, as well as the entry for the HELLFIRE CLUB.

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Attention Hellfire Club hopefuls! [Sep. 18th, 2008|12:24 pm]

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We're still accepting applications. Savvy?

Click for details. )

-Beck (and Dan and Sebastian Shaw XD)

P.S. Feel free to post your vampire characters being up and about after their recovery periods in the infirmary. Rob and I wrote up Logan/Storm on October 11th, and there's a Beast post for the 10th. They should set the pace. There are several things beside the physical changes the vampires might experience, and your characters could maximize one or several. Aggression, enhanced sex drive, paranoia, apathy, anti-social tendencies... Choose your weapon.
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The Hellfire Club [Sep. 14th, 2008|07:49 am]

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Under Construction )
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Good day everyone. [Aug. 31st, 2008|09:48 am]

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I am Sebastian Shaw. You may call me 'your Majesty'. For the record, I like long walks on the beach and offing homo sapiens. I will soon be overtaking your role playing experience, so I thought it only fair to let you know, at least.

I am a vampire and I like it that way. My Hellfire Club is being rebuilt as you read this (you can read, yes?) and together we will overtake this ragtag, rubbish-filled excuse for a planet and refine the status of life for our kind. Mutants, of course. If you'd care to join me, I'm accepting applications for extremely powerful, obedient mutants who are also vampires. Qualify?

Probably not.

The Black King

P.S. Mudbloods need not apply.
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