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Okay, wanted scenes! [Dec. 7th, 2008|01:51 pm]

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I thought this might help with activity. Maybe not. Either way, we need more threads going, and pronto! So: Check everyone's wanted scenes out and comment here (for a huge OOC discussion) or on their individual pages if something interests you. Let's get things movin', folks.


ASHLEEMagik, Surge
BECKStorm, Cyclops, Diamond, Rogue, Britannic, Toad, Warp, Dazzler, Zap, Torrent, Scoot, Trance
DAN HIATUS: Avalanche, Hellion, Recon
DEX Icarus
JORDANNightcrawler, Jubilee, Polaris, Mars, Levity
LEIGHPhoenix, Scarlet Witch, Sunpyre, Matrix, Flux, Contact
LUISCannonball, Havok, Aegis
MARYSunfire, Orpheus
MATTQuicksilver, Leech, Arcade
POPPYShadowcat, Sage, Gert
ROBWolverine, Colossus, Sabretooth, Forge, Warpath, Omen, Sentient
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I uh, updated my thingy. [Nov. 8th, 2008|09:15 am]

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My wanted scenes are all updated, so check it. Don't be afraid to comment. :D


P.S. Beck said to look at hers, "I made it all pretty!" ... "...'kay." Her wanted scenes list.
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So.... [Sep. 11th, 2008|11:07 am]
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I recently updated my "wanted scenes" list for each of my characters. I think there's at least 50+ ideas/suggestions to choose from now; so if you wanted to play with me and were stuck on what to play (and who to play with), you should definitely check it out! Right now, I'm really interested in playing Scarlet Witch (my most underused character) and Matrix, but any of my pups will do - except Psylocke, since she has reached her quota thread-wise. Lol. For now. Phoenix and Scarlet Witch have now reached their thread quota.

Anywhere, here's a list of who is available and who isn't available for a thread right now:

Boom Boom (1/2)
Flux (1/2)
Matrix (1/2)
Phoenix (2/2)
Psylocke (0/2)
Rogue (1/2)
Scarlet Witch (1/2>)

As you can see, most of my pups are free to socialize with. So, if you like one of my ideas/suggestions (or have one of your own), feel free to contact me... or just start the thread and let me know! :)

- Leigh

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Wanted Scenes [Mar. 3rd, 2008|08:42 pm]

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Storyline Central )
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