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[Sep. 3rd, 2008|09:11 pm]

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Going to summarize the Supply Run thread. (Which included Flux, Shadowcat, Levity and Scoot.)

The group prepares to relay the bags to the vehicle, but get cornered in the front of the store near the exit. They're in a line, up against the wall. As trained, Shadowcat grasps the hands of Levity and Flux, and mutters to Scoot to make a distraction. Scoot takes off, while Levity uses her mutation to calm and slow the creatures as they react to the noise that Scoot makes across the store. Scoot makes it outside. Meanwhile, Flux has concentrated on the other two women she's with, and the light bends around all three, rendering them invisible. Now, unable to be touched or seen, the three make their way quietly toward the exit. Once in the sunlight, they draw back on their mutations and join Scoot in the Hummer. After regrouping, they decide that they can get the bags from inside the store. With Levity outside the doors, and Scoot in the driver's seat of the Hummer, Shadowcat and Flux work silently, hand-in-hand, to retrieve the bags from the front counter while Levity keeps the Darkseekers distracted and confused. Once all has been loaded, they take off for the return to the school.
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SUMMARY / THREAD MAP [Mar. 19th, 2008|05:03 pm]

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I'll update this as the final posts are added, so when we're all done, this will have complete coverage. None of this is really in order, either, so if you've been following the thread, this will make sense to you. You'll have to read all of it together sooner or later if you haven't been keeping tabs, unless someone suggests a way to arrange these to make sense, since there are comments and replies every place. >_< lol

ON MARCH 24TH, 2008


And finally, I added my wanted scenes, at last. They're here.


P.S. In other news, we're now in the market for a replacement!Wolverine, as Liu will no longer be with us. She leaves this message:

Long kiss goodnight.
Hey guys.I'm sorry, but it looks like I won't be staying on with the game. I'm gonna miss this game, and all of you, dearly. Best of luck with this and future ventures.

and some critters for your userpics! )
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You may proceed... [Jan. 8th, 2008|06:37 pm]

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Glad everyone's on the same page and again, sorry for being unclear/slackerish on the details. So, now that most everyone has read the fine print and we've all gotten to talk, feel free to get goin' again.

I'm so glad everyone was so patient and is willing to rock this plot out. That's awesome.

So, if anyone wants to edit any opening entries (thread-starters) that's fine, other wise we can just ignore things they mentioned that wouldn't apply to the game, now. The only thread that will be restarted is Logan/Colossus/Banshee/Northstar. And I will get the threads list updated.

But I would like to ask that everyone try and read the threads your character aren't involved in. It helps you learn who is who and gives you hints about the plot and other things you can do with your characters so far as interactions go, etc. So, that said, go post. ^_^

Thanks again,

-Bec (and Jordan)
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OOC; important, please read [Jan. 7th, 2008|07:36 pm]

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M'kay. I'm not sure everyone understands what's happening in the game so far as plot and details of what every day life is like goes. So, here's the truth of it.

Honestly? We took most of this plot line from I Am Legend. I would really appreciate it if those who have seen the movie could recall the facts they saw there and applied them to this game. If you haven't seen the film, then please check out the wikipedia page that explains the plot of the 2007 version of the film: here.

For a run-down...

This is a minorly-apocalyptic plot setting, and we started it AFTER all the major issues would've happened. All the battling is over, all the families being torn apart is over, all the chaos. It's now up to the folks at the X-Mansion to stay alive and to help find a cure for the virus (Beast, Moira (from afar), Britannic, Recon, Xavier, Phoenix, etc). They believe they can cure all of these creatures and get them turned back to their normal, human states. There is info in the plot page. And in the oocs. I don't think some of you have read it all... If you have, then excellent, and thank you. Maybe folks missed a few things.

The US (and probably most of Canada and wherever else in the world this virus has gotten to, which for our purposes will be everywhere) has been abandoned. There are creatures that come out at night that eat you. This isn't the flu. No one is around in the day time - creature or not, they're hiding.

There are immune survivors, and they are in a very few safety zones throughout the US. Most all of the police and military are dead or guarding the survivors. They are no longer patrolling or bothering themselves with evacuated areas. Manhattan has been quarantined. Unless you are a mutant or immune and a great hide-and-seeker, then you wouldn't be there. Facts are totally hit and miss around here and things aren't making a lot of sense. I'm sorry about that. But until everyone's sure about the plot and details and such, well, I don't want any threads going up. The threads that are up at the moment (a good deal of them) have contradicting info and aren't going with the flow. Don't get me (us) wrong - we don't want to control every aspect of every character/player's experience. But if the plot doesn't make sense and isn't being perceived correctly, then the game is pretty well pointless, save for a bit of character development.

To be blunt - life is over - there's nothing left. Granted, our references to all this were either vague or belated, but they have been around so sorry for the confusion. If you don't wish to play any longer now that things are more clear, we understand and apologize. The virus is so fast and its effects are even quicker (the creatures). No one goes to work, few are alive. The X-Mansion is a safe zone for mutants only. There are other safe zones. The only reason any mutant would go out at night (even with a group, even if they were all powerful) is to safe another one. No one goes out at night - it's suicide. It's just not done.

Please, check over these links again and comment here if you have any questions.


P.S. Please - if there are more than two people in a thread, do not post out of turn. Wait for them to respond. There is a contact list for a reason - if you get impatient and want the third or fourth party to respond so you can carry on, then e-mail or IM them, but please don't go on a posting spree and leave someone behind for having to work an eight hour shift at their job. I wouldn't be uptight about this, but there's a mention of it in the rules (7?), and we have more members than we've ever had before, and with the plot being so wonky at the moment, I just don't want things to go chaotic. Thanks guys, for being so patient.
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Hey guys - gonna try to make some things clear [Jan. 5th, 2008|01:38 am]

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Sorry about all the mix-ups lately with times and dates.

I really wish we could've gotten some mod-posted opening threads done, but real life went crazy. There was a bit of a falling out between Jordan and I (patched up now) and I sort of lost my job. Rob's working midnights... lol. It was impossible for us all to get together on the first and write some solid openers. So, our bad. But to clear some stuff up:

Saturday, February 16th, 2008, 6:15 PM, EST
Moira makes her announcement. The Cure Virus has been in effect since December 2007. Cases had been getting worse, and deaths started happening. This will be added to the PLOT section, but here's the huge event that really made things come out into the open about the virus...

Wednesday, December 19th, 2007
An orderly at a hospital in NYC was a mutant who had gotten the cure. He had come into contact with most every patient and co-worker on his level, and within a day or so (two twelve-hour shifts) he had spread the Cure Virus to all those 'sapiens. So naturally, they went nuts and started eating the other patients/staff. This is when scientists really jumped in and started studying the virus. That happened in December. Everyone should know about the mutated homosapiens by now, and most of the cities have been evacuated (the immune and the mutants). The only people left in most major cities are the creatures, some mutants, a few stranded immune people and maybe a few cops/special forces.

Wednesday, February 20th, 2008
Charles Xavier locates a mutant boy in a Manhattan apartment building mid-day and sends a team of six to retrieve him.
Cyclops, Phoenix, Beast, Nightcrawler, Iceman & Cannonball

On or before Wednesday, February 20th, 2008
Wolverine and whomever decides to accompany him (friends/mentors of Rogue?) leave the mansion in hopes of bringing Rogue back and keeping her in the security of the school. With news of the Cure Virus, they all feel it's dire that their friend is brought back to safety, even if she doesn't come willingly. Do they know she's in the Brotherhood? Not really. Charles isn't sure himself, but he has an inkling she might've run into them.

On or before Wednesday, February 20th, 2008
Magneto receives information from Sabretooth that the creatures will be reaching their lair in the abandoned subway station and will prove to be an issue (coming and going, general living). So, upon his return, he will discuss with his Brotherhood where they will be relocating to.

Okay! Now, everyone else - if you post something before February 16th, it should be backdated. Threads should not be taking place after that date, though, as it's current time in the game. Anyone at the mansion who is left can interact at will / discuss the issues at hand, etc. Hope this helps! Sorry about all the confusion, again.


P.S. We have two new pups: [info]upgradeyou (Mars, played by Jordan) and [info]cyberpathy (Matrix, played by Leigh).
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Ahoy, mateys. [Jan. 4th, 2008|12:34 am]

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I like, so totally updated the timeline and junk. Yeah. It's moved over to InsaneJournal now, so that's even more helpful. I basically just changed the last line, but it helps.

To answers a few questions that I've gotten that I think everyone else would like to know the answers to:

The latest date in the IC is the most recent and current time that anyone could be posting in. (Which I think is Wednesday, February 20th, 2008...)

Feel free to post journal entries for your characters (current or backdated) and feel free to do some character development in the backdates community! :)

Randomly - HAHAHA. FAT!EMMA. Oh, it gets me every time.
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