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News. [Mar. 13th, 2009|11:00 pm]


We're gonna try another go over at [info]xmen_genesis. Movieverse (basically), but pre-X1. So, we'll be writing the movies, essentially. Lemme know if you're interested. And we're using the same profile outline and journals to make things easier.


P.S. I haven't advertised, yet. Leigh, Jordan, Rob and I are on board.
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Hey true believers. [Jan. 20th, 2009|03:01 am]

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[Current Mood | blank]

I come bearing some bad news. After a few years here at aftermath, I'm ready to move on. Things aren't what I'd like them to be and I feel I've put forth a good effort over the months we've all been writing. Everyone has done their parts, of course. But I feel like I'm ready to move on (at least for a while). X-Men is a genre that I've played for 8 years now and while I don't need a break from RP, I feel something more fantastical is needed. More upbeat. I'll be over at [info]inflecto, as well as Rob and Jordan. If anyone is interested in so "post"-warts Harry Potter roleplay, feel free to check it out. Thanks again for everything and good luck to you all.

I hope we can play together in the future,

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Finally done. [Jan. 17th, 2009|03:32 am]
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Hey. Becky and I are finally finished with our massive Will/Troy backdate. Log. Thing. We had to split it into two parts. Here they are: Part 1, Part 2. They span eight years, and there are about 7 or 8 pages for each entry. (Four scenes a piece, eight posts in each scene.) So if you're really bored, feel free to check 'em out.

-Rob (and Beck)
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[Jan. 14th, 2009|12:16 am]
[Current Mood | hopeful]

hi everyone! i'm angel and i play angel. that should be easy to remember right?

about me: in atlanta, georgia and currently unemployed but i have an interview on thurs so cross your fingers k?

so thanks for letting us come play in your sandbox; looking forward to getting to know y'all :)
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Hiatus [Jan. 13th, 2009|04:48 pm]
[Current Mood | sick]

Sorry, I've been bad. Got busy and stuff. Anyway, right when things settled down, I get diagnosed with bronchitis. So I'm gonna take a hiatus until I feel a little better.
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[Jan. 11th, 2009|07:04 pm]
[Current Mood | curious]
[Current Music |"Don't Look Back," by Boston]

Hey guys, what's up?
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[Jan. 5th, 2009|01:00 am]

Jean's back from the dead. Feel free to post/set up scenes for your character(s) to react to it. :) I'm pretty sure it'd be big news. Haha.

Also, I'm bringing Tabby/Boom Boom back into the game. If anyone wants to thread/have some plot with her, lemme know.

- Leigh

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Happy New Year [Jan. 1st, 2009|05:46 am]

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To Jordan, Leigh, Poppy, Mary & Matt

good luck in 2009, aftermathers.

-Beck (and Rob)
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Recent Journal Entries [Dec. 27th, 2008|02:16 am]

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public journal entries
private journal entries
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[Dec. 23rd, 2008|01:26 pm]

Well, it looks like we're not going out of town after all. We're having car trouble (what else is new?), so I'll be around. But don't expect much of me for the next few days or so, because I really want to enjoy my Christmas without having to worry about being on the computer so much. Lol. My husband's also off from work and I want to spend time with him.

So yeah, I'm around. If you want to plot, chat or whatever, feel free to drop me an IM (when/if I'm online) or an e-mail. I'll mostly be online during the later evening hours.

- Leigh (Phoenix, Scarlet Witch, Sunpyre, Matrix, Flux & Contact)

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An Early 'Happy Holidays'. [Dec. 22nd, 2008|03:51 am]

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I just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday (whichever one(s) you're celebrating). I'd also like to ask for everyone who plans to continue playing here to check in before we all get swept away in this last week of Decemeber/first week of January. Activity checks are only useful when those who reply are active. No one has been posting threads or making replies. We've just restarted. This is no fun - for anyone. And yes, I know finals and family and friends come first. There are loads of more important things to be doing than writing about comicbook characters, but if you don't have time for this hobby, please let me know.

In recent news: Leigh will be gone from Tuesday to Sunday (23rd-28th). Jordan has picked up Mirage (Moonstar/[info]mirage_). I have picked up Gambit ([info]diablerouge). Dan, Dex, Ashlee and Ray are gone, so far as I know. (That means we're without Avalanche, Icarus, Recon, Surge, Magik, Emma and Hellion.)

So, good tidings and safe trips. ^_^ Please respond here as soon as possible. I want to know who we've got left. And if you respond, please post something in the IC communities. There are several open threads at the moment and lots to talk about.


P.S. Bwahahaha.
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[Dec. 22nd, 2008|01:49 am]

Hey guys,

I just wanted to inform you all that I'll be going out of town on Tuesday and I won't be home until next Sunday. :) I want to apologize to those of you who I'm currently threading with, but don't fret, we will finish those scenes when I get back.

Happy holidays!

- Leigh (Phoenix, Scarlet Witch, Sunpyre, Matrix, Flux & Contact)

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Mon amis, [Dec. 21st, 2008|06:33 am]

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[Current Mood | sleepy]

I bring you Gambit.

What's this, our 3rd? 4th? Either way, he's new to me. I've never played the thief before, so you guys'll have to help me along, eh? I'm pretty psyched. He's 30 and enjoys ... breathing. Other stuff, too. It's late (or reallllly early). Apologies. Anyhow, there will be plotting. He's about to show up at the school and do some damage. Either that or he's been there a bit. Preferences?



P.S. Teeheehee.
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Mirage [Dec. 19th, 2008|10:51 pm]
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Hi. Just wanted to let everyone know I've picked up Dani. She's 27 and the history teacher. She's very motherly, so she's fairly open and friendly. If you want to scene or plot or whatever, let me know. :)

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[Dec. 12th, 2008|10:50 am]
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[Current Mood | bored]
[Current Music |"Fly On The Windscreen," by Depeche Mode]

I know many of us are busy, but does anyone feel up for a scene? I'm bored out of my freakin' mind here. x.x

Jean Grey / Phoenix - She's dead right now, but there can always be a bit of backdated action.

Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch - Since we can't seem to find a place for her (or her brother) right now, backdated stuff is always an option with her too.

Leyu Yoshida / Sunpyre - She's at the school, so there's plenty of stuff she could be doing: training, hanging out with fellow students, etc.

Eva Garza / Matrix - Anyone wanna bother a workaholic (totally almost typed 'alcoholic') techie? I figure I should have her doing some stuff, since that scene with her and Sam seems to be dead.

Wren Zhang / Flux - I know she's in the masquerade thread, but the scene with her and brother is dead. So, if anyone wants to do anything with her, lemme know.

Lucia Garza / Contact - She is a semi-NPC, but I will play her upon request.

Check my wanted threads if that'll help you get ideas.

- Leigh

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Hiatus [Dec. 8th, 2008|04:53 pm]
[Current Mood | excited]

Starting tomorrow and until the 18th, I will be in Edinburgh or Galway. So I will not be able to update. When I come back, I'm so ready for Leyu to be kidnapped. XD
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Okay, wanted scenes! [Dec. 7th, 2008|01:51 pm]

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I thought this might help with activity. Maybe not. Either way, we need more threads going, and pronto! So: Check everyone's wanted scenes out and comment here (for a huge OOC discussion) or on their individual pages if something interests you. Let's get things movin', folks.


ASHLEEMagik, Surge
BECKStorm, Cyclops, Diamond, Rogue, Britannic, Toad, Warp, Dazzler, Zap, Torrent, Scoot, Trance
DAN HIATUS: Avalanche, Hellion, Recon
DEX Icarus
JORDANNightcrawler, Jubilee, Polaris, Mars, Levity
LEIGHPhoenix, Scarlet Witch, Sunpyre, Matrix, Flux, Contact
LUISCannonball, Havok, Aegis
MARYSunfire, Orpheus
MATTQuicksilver, Leech, Arcade
POPPYShadowcat, Sage, Gert
ROBWolverine, Colossus, Sabretooth, Forge, Warpath, Omen, Sentient
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[Dec. 6th, 2008|08:16 pm]
iunno where to put this, but i'm writing out emma's introduction to the game. it's going to be at her new york branch of frost international. basically, i'm looking for adult players to play with. hfc or x-men are allowed. just make sure it's someone who's gonna have great development with emma. try scott or shaw for instance. just examples. first come first served, btw!
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[Dec. 6th, 2008|01:31 am]
[Current Mood | calm]

Okay so... the computer is working normally again. Guess what that means? I'm officially off of hiatus, and so are the rest of my characters. Hoorah! And what better way to get back into the swing of things than a masquerade ball? Wren/Flux is the only character of mine who is going to be attending, so if any of your pups want to go/tag along with her (boy or girl), lemme know. I should have her entrance posted by Sunday.

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Activity Check [Dec. 4th, 2008|05:28 pm]

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activity check
Please respond by 6:00pm (central) on Saturday.
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[Dec. 3rd, 2008|11:41 am]
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Just to let you all know, I'm still kinda, sorta on hiatus. Tomorrow On Friday, I'm taking my computer to get checked out by a friend of mine, because it's still not performing 100%. I really don't know how long he'll need it, so there's a chance I may be without a computer/internet access for a little while. Once everything is fixed, expect a full comeback for me and my characters. xD I miss RPing with you guys so much.

In the meantime, you can probably still catch me on AIM. So, if you guys want to chat, plot or whatever, ping me! :) Or if I'm not on there, try e-mailing me.

- Leigh

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Hey true believers. XD [Dec. 1st, 2008|06:33 pm]

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I just wanted to mention that A) I know we're all busy lately with work, school and the holidays (as well as computer issues), so don't feel too terrible about not being as active as per usual. Still, if anyone would like to get any of the bigger plots moving, say the word. I know we wanted to get our characters reestablished. :) B) I wanted to mention that I updated the rules page and rule #0 has been added. It reads:

0. Tag your entries! If it is an OOC entry, please add your name to the tags section before or after you post it. If the entry is IC, please add your character's codename (and any other characters that are involved) to the tags section before or after you post it. Here are the tag lists for each community: TAGS: IN CHARACTER, TAGS: FLASHBACK, TAGS: FLUFF, TAGS: OOC. There are also listed under our info and links page.


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[Dec. 1st, 2008|12:36 am]
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Hey guys,

I just wanted to let you all know that I may be scarce for a while. My computer just started acting up in a big way this evening, so there's a good chance I may not have internet access here shortly. I have a feeling something happened to the registry when Windows was updating, which is probably going to take some time to pin-point.

So yeah, if I'm not around for the next few days (or weeks), you'll all know why. I promise I'll make an update as soon as I know more. Until then consider me and my characters on hiatus.

- Leigh (Phoenix, Scarlet Witch, Sunpyre, Matrix, Flux and semi-NPC!Contact)

Edit (11:14 AM 12/01/08) - The computer is running a little faster now that I've run a registry cleaner program. However, I discovered a Trojan (most likely the culprit for all of my computer woes) earlier and now I'm in the process of purging it from the system. I know an anti-virus program should be enough to remove it but for whatever reason, every time I run one, it freezes up and shuts down on me. It's a pain in the ass, but I'm sure I'll figure things out eventually. Lol.

Edit II (9:19 AM 12/02/08) - Okay, I think I might've actually gotten rid of the Trojan! It only took 24+ hours of work, but I think it's gone. Lol. I'm not 100% sure yet, but I should know by this evening. :)

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News [Nov. 29th, 2008|03:03 pm]

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As any Guthrie might say: Hey Y'all! I finally updated the threads list. Lemme know if things can be moved down to the "closed threads" section. In bigger news, we have two new characters: [info]electricsurge (Surge) as played by Ashlee and [info]sheneverforgot (Sage) as played by Poppy. Look for intros from them soon. Finally, we have a third new character played by a new player (Ray). She'll be taking over Emma ([info]ffrost). So, look for her intro as well. :)


P.S. Jordan has dropped Wicked and I have decided to drop Karma. We just didn't have the interest to focus on them and give them the attention they deserve. If anyone is interested in playing either of them, lemme know!
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Magneto says: Date your threads (and journals). [Nov. 25th, 2008|03:44 pm]

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[Current Mood | hopeful]

Hey guys. I just wanted to say "Yay!", the restart is movin' along. But I also wanted to ask/remind everyone to use dates and days of the week when labeling both threads and journal entries. I make lists of both types of entries, and "date" is one of the categories that I list for them. Also, when there isn't a date, it's harder to tell when something was happening when a member looks back at journals and threads. It makes it confusing for newcomers, as well. "The top says it happens in 2008, but the game was at the end of 2007. So..." You know. Anyhow, thanks and here's the link to the "How To Label New Threads" page: Click me!. I added a reminder in the "When:" queue about the date/day. So thanks guys. Oh, and remember to tag threads with codenames! (And if it's an OOC, your name, lol.)

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[Nov. 24th, 2008|12:48 pm]
[Current Mood | bored]
[Current Music |"Don't Take Your Love Away," by Vast]

Since we've restarted the game, I figured I make a little post for the sole purpose of getting all of my characters' relationships figured out. So, if you want to establish your relationship with one (or many) of mine, comment below or comment on their character profiles.

Dr Jean Grey-Summers ([info]the_phoenix) - At the moment, she's not doing much on the account that she's dead. But I'd still like to settle her relationships in-game. I know she would be close with Storm, since they were pretty tight in the comics - like sisters, almost. How about her and Polaris? Would they still be friend, or has Polaris always been with Magneto? I also figured she probably would (or would've been) be close with Britannic, Recon and Beast, being that they've worked together quite a bit. Thoughts? Add-ons? Lol. I'm sure she was close with more people, but I don't want to make too many any assumptions.

Wanda Maximoff ([info]scarlet_witch) - While I'm still not too sure what's happening with her (or her brother), it couldn't hurt to figure out who she knows/is close with in-game - besides her brother, of course. Haha.

Leyu Yoshida ([info]sunpyre) - She's been at the school for nearly a year now, so I'm almost positive she would've made some friends and/or enemies by now. Anyone interested in having their character(s) be either of those? Lol. You might want to check out her profile to see her interests and stuff, that way you can figure out if your character(s) will be compatible or not with her.

Eva Garza ([info]cyberpathy) - Not much has changed with her. She's been at the mansion since she was in her early teens, so I'm sure she knows everyone at the mansion and has had encounters with Brotherhooders and the like. Mind you, she's not one to make too many close friends and prefers to keep a tighter social network than most.

Wren Zhang ([info]vanishing) - Just to let you all know, her history has changef quite a bit, so you might want to check her profile out. I even added onto her abilities, which I'll gladly change if you guys (meaning the mods) have a problem with them. Anyway, she's also been at the school since she was a teenager and she's twenty-four now, so she's been there for about a decade. Friends? Enimies? Exes? She needs'em all.

Lucia Garza ([info]through_touch) - Meet Eva's kid sister! She's a lot different from her older sister - personality-wise, anyhow. She's much more sociable and more inclined to act silly in public. She's not very shy at all, but she still has her moments from time-to-time. Oh yeah and she's fairly new to the mansion, but I'd still like her to have at least a friend or two to hang around with. :P

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Hi new char! [Nov. 23rd, 2008|07:20 pm]
[Current Mood | accomplished]

Hey everyone! This is Mary (aka Sunfire) with a new kidlet. This is Wolfgang Claude Alviani-Clavette, an OC and the White Scribe of the Hellfire Club. He's the son of an opera singer and a conductor who came from long line of musicians and performers. So he grew up very wealthy and is a bit of a prodigy when it comes to music. His ability, which he is not open with, is the ability to turn sound into pheromones. He usually manipulates this ability through music, hence his codename Orpheus.

He's a world famous conductor, known for directing his orchestra so well, he induces feeling. Of course, little do audiences know, the reason this is is because of his mutant ability. So in addition to inherited money, money from his parents, he has made quite a small fortune traveling with his orchestra.

He's a bit of a social butterfly so you probably can find him at most upscale clubs. He's also a total ham. He tries to keep a cheerful disposition mainly because he doesn't want to influence people by just talking.

So anyways, plot? Previous connections? :D
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[Nov. 22nd, 2008|11:17 pm]
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Bonne nuit! As you can tell, hopefully, I am new here and my name is Ashlee. I've been on this page several times, but never actually picked a character to play. Finally I gave in and picked someone; so please to be introducing Illyana Rasputin! I'm super excited to be here with everyone. Please let me know if you'd like to set up any plots with her and whatnot. I'm willing to do anything! You can contact me over AIM at Twilight Lambent or e-mail me at totally.nargles@gmail.com.
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Posting to begin tonight! [Nov. 21st, 2008|06:11 pm]

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please respond with your feedback! if you're okay with these plot suggestions, lemme know - and tell me who in your arsenal you'd like involved with each/any.

To kick everything off, I'll be posting a sentinel incident on the main community which will be witnessed by the X-Men, etc through the media. Threads can go up in reaction to it, should you wish. For the near future, there are these events planned. Please let me know if any of your characters would like to be involved with any of these specific threads.

1. In reaction to the soon-to-be-posted sentinel incident to take place in the mid-west, Shaw will be holding a humans-and-mutants camaraderie gala and will be inviting several mutants from the school (those who are particularly powerful, those who are extremely well-educated, those who are particularly wealthy, etc.)

2. To keep Shaw's nose clean, I would like it if he employed Arcade Sabretooth to round up a number of the morlocks and place them on Genosha so that new, prototype sentinels can have their fun. X-Men would catch wind of this (probably through Toad) and send a team.

3. In Xavier's will, he left instructions for a group of the X-Men to travel to a remote location on the continent of Antarctica and retrieve/destroy information he left there. The purpose of this is to prevent it from getting into the hands of Erik Lensherr - the man who co-created the 'Savage Land' with Xavier before they founded the school. As to what the information says/is for, we'll find out later.

4. I REPEAT: PLEASE THINK ABOUT PICKING UP A HELLFIRE CLUBBER! I've updated their page and I'm including classic members that have been involved in the past X-Verse (Iron Man, Hob/New Goblin, Warren Worthington III, the Braddocks, etc). See here: Hellfire Club.

I added this All About Sentinels to [info]xalted. I also updated the journal entries list so that it's ready for the new plots. I've moved the old list to the OOC, seen in the entry below this one. It's just nice to be able to look back, eh?
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Old Journal Entries List [Nov. 21st, 2008|02:54 pm]

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List of Personal Character Writings )
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Plot! We got it! [Nov. 19th, 2008|10:01 pm]

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Hey folks. I've set about making updates and the first was the list of threads. The old list can now be found here: ye olde threads. The next step would simply be to update all of the information pertaining to the plot. Well, we need to settle on a plot. So I'm gonna run some things by you guys and see where we get. I wanna get posting again ASAP, as I'm sure you all do as well.

First off - there are Magneto and Shaw to consider. I think they should be paired up, since Magneto wouldn't have his mutation back yet. He would go to another powerful man with his ideals to at least have a safe haven while he gain back his 'strength'. And Shaw wouldn't put Magneto down - he has loads of information, experience and is a powerful mutant, when all is said and done. So! That in mind, I would like to think that Magneto would suggest to Shaw that Genosha be utilized for further Sentinel testing/enhancement - and that his band of Morlocks/Brotherhood that remains (from the Cure/Alcatraz battle) be used as guinea pigs. The sewers would be wiped (by whatever means) and the homeless, rogue mutants would be transported to the island and fend for themselves against Shaw's prototypes. Bwahaha. However, as I'd written it into his profile, after Callisto's death (as well as with another group), Toad became powerful amongst the Morlocks and is recognized currently as their leader. He has it out for Magneto. Shaw's men would strike when Toad and a few others were out of the picture, which would leave them helpless in assisting their 'kidnapped' brothers. Desperate, I would have Toad go to the X-Men for assistance.

And just as Shaw and Magneto assume, the X-Men would be called in and Shaw/Arcade would have super powerful, pick-of-the-litter mutants for the Sentinels to battle. Whether or not the X-Men went to Genosha, they would still have a worthwhile project on their hands.

At the same time (or any other time, really), we could do something with the Savage Land. As Matt suggested, it could be a sort of LOST/Survivor situation (with Jurassic Park, to boot!). However, I feel that this piece of plot would have to be limited or all-encompassing. I find it difficult to think of a reason why any decent-sized group of X-Men would get trapped and still retain use of their mutations. There could be plenty of reasons for them to go there, of course. Also, it wouldn't be very logical to put the whole cast of characters there, either (however fun watching Emma swat giant mosquitoes away would be). So, I think if enough of us are interested in this little tidbit, we can put a movieverse version of the Savage Land in concrete and get a group and mission together to go there.

For the record, the government, Shaw, Magneto, Arcade and whomever else could/should be involved with/responsible for any of these things.

As for Xavier's - I think the man himself should remain comatose in his brother's body. At least for a while, or until after the Jeanix crap settles. Since Magneto is weak, I'd like the scales to be even. Those two are a matched set, eh? So the school would be in Storm's charge. Leigh and I would write in Jean and Scott's returns as the story progressed, with Jean being first. If anyone has any preference for Beast, let me know now. He can either decline the President's offer and come back to the school or remain active with the government. I'll be NPCing him either way! :) If he were away, I think he would return during the Jeanix situation, no matter how long he actually stays.

For the Brotherhood, Toad isn't with them. We do not have a Mystique, and she hates Magneto post-X3 anyway. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were not mentioned in the films, so they can do whatever they'd like. Perhaps Magneto can contact them and invite them to join him with Shaw? Could do pretty much anything they'd like. You can say they met him and decided to do something different from his vision, or they've never met him... anything. Up to you. I'll go along with whatever.

Let me know what you guys think and if anyone has any ideas different from or elaborating on what's here, please comment! I want the plot to have contributions from everyone so we can all be doing things we're interested in. Thanks guys for the patience and the feedback. You roolz me.


P.S. PLEASE THINK ABOUT PICKING UP A HELLFIRE CLUBBER! I've updated their page and I'm including classic members that have been involved in the past X-Verse (Iron Man, Hob/New Goblin, Warren Worthington III, the Braddocks, etc). See here: Hellfire Club.

P.S.S. As per our timeline for the films, we'll now be set back in 2007, unless someone would prefer we set time forward - ie; 2010, which would mean Liberty Island (X-Men 1) took place in 2008 or so.
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Old Threads List [Nov. 19th, 2008|07:50 pm]

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Old Threads Listed Here )
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Okay... [Nov. 17th, 2008|09:16 pm]

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Recently we've lost a few members via busy schedules and personal business. Dan can now be counted among those individuals. While this isn't crippling to the game (as he only plays one or two active characters), it pisses me off. So... any helpful suggestions to get some new life would be savvy. After all is said and done, (almost) everyone that opposed a restart is gone. I just feel like no one wants to join in something that's so convoluted. Hellz. Sorry to be kind of a downer. I just want to see some activity and have a plot that produces cooperation and muses and plot bunnies and all that other fun crap. Thoughts?

FYI - I'm really depressed, so non-perky constructive criticism should be left out. >_< Just sayin'.

Otherwise, I'm open to suggestions.


P.S. After talking with Leigh, a restart seems a little more possible. Maybe right after X3. Jean crawls out of the coffin. Scott pops back into existence and wanders. Logan comes back/remains to deal with the Jean revival. Storm/Kurt have Harmon, as Kurt hasn't left as is "canon" post-X2. Rogue didn't take the Cure. Iceman and Kitty are flirty, but mutant rights and issues are in a worse upheaval now than before and Kitty is concerned. Beast and Magneto are alive and well. Eh?
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Warpath is here. [Nov. 14th, 2008|06:36 pm]

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Hey guys, this is Rob. I'm bringing in Warpath to enhance the Native club. Anyone up for plottin'?

Rundown: He's big, he's angry, he's nomadic. And he's here to hang with you!

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Lili's gone - Siryn's free. [Nov. 14th, 2008|03:06 pm]

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If anyone is interested, lemme know.

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Most recent journal entries. [Nov. 12th, 2008|09:19 am]

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public journal entries

P.S. Don't feel obligated to respond to any/every entry.
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:/ [Nov. 11th, 2008|09:31 pm]
I apologize, especially because of my post yesterday, but I'm going to be pulling Aurora.

Thank you to everyone. It was fun. Sorry if I left you hanging.
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So... here's Americus. [Nov. 11th, 2008|07:38 pm]


I didn't think the north was being represented well enough, so I'm bringing in Trance here to balance out all the southerners. Jaykay.

I never do intros like this for people, but seeing as he isn't a canon, I figured I might as well shed a little light on him. More or less, he's a normal kid, no huge emotional or mental issues on his plate. His mutation is x-ray/telescopic vision, but he can only use one or the other at a time. And when he uses any sort of enhanced vision, he falls deaf (so that's fun!). He knows sign language at least, so that helps.

He's Zap's nephew, as a mentioned before. He's sporty and good with mechanics, and I'd say he's a bit of an observer. He delivers a great burn from time to time. He's 18 so he likes girls. A lot. And learning. Sometimes they don't mix well, but that's okay. He needs to be trained up a buttload, in many ways, so he'll have things to be doing.

He's been at the school for 6 or 7 months, so I'm sure he's run into just about everyone. He tries to avoid confrontation at most costs, so I doubt he's gathered too many enemies. If anyone would like to thread with 'im, lemme know! I'll get his wanted scenes added to my list ASAP. Danke,

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My Update [Nov. 11th, 2008|01:24 pm]
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Things have been quite chaotic on my end as of late. Work has been crazy (as usual) and at home, well that's a whole different story. My basement drain/sewer lateral is clogged and has flooded part of our basement with sewage (not fun, especially for a germ freak). My water usage has been cut in half (3 minute showers, no laundry)I had someone come out and snake the pipe, but it's a work in progress. So I've been preoccupied to say the least.

In addition I've been reevaluating my characters and their stories. As Beck mentioned before, I dropped Iceman and will be picking up at least two more characters in the near future. Hellion's fate is undetermined as circumstances keep changing (Brotherhood, no Brotherhood, Mystique, no Mystique) so it's been a bit frustrating but I will work him in somehow. Input would be nice, from anyone.

If you're interested in any kind of interaction, just let me know. I'm on AIM usually late at night (U.S. Central Time) or you can drop me an e-mail.


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Oi, here we go again! [Nov. 11th, 2008|01:26 pm]
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I realize that I dumped six of my characters within the last month and I reworked my character roster recently but--yes, there's a but! I'm bringing back Matrix, because a.) I was already beginning to miss her, even with her lack of plottage and b.) I ended up talking to Beck the other night and somehow, I ended up deciding to bring her back WITH A SISTER. Mind you, Contact is a semi-NPC and if I find the right person to play her, I'll gladly hand her over to them. However as of right now, she's not adoptable. I sort of want to establish her first and go from there.

I know that my character roster is pretty uneven and I plan on fixing that later. I like to follow the rules, but it will have to wait until after the holidays. (Yes, I mean it this time. Lol.) But in the meantime, I'll be trying to find a new character (or maybe an old character) to bring into the game. As always, suggestions/ideas are always welcomed and appreciated. :)

- Leigh (Phoenix, Scarlet Witch, Sunpyre, Flux, Matrix and semi-NPC!Contact)

P.S.: Anyone want to scene? Plot? Anything? Boredom is beginning to take its toll on me. Meh.

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