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Hey true believers. [Jan. 20th, 2009|03:01 am]

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[Current Mood | blank]

I come bearing some bad news. After a few years here at aftermath, I'm ready to move on. Things aren't what I'd like them to be and I feel I've put forth a good effort over the months we've all been writing. Everyone has done their parts, of course. But I feel like I'm ready to move on (at least for a while). X-Men is a genre that I've played for 8 years now and while I don't need a break from RP, I feel something more fantastical is needed. More upbeat. I'll be over at [info]inflecto, as well as Rob and Jordan. If anyone is interested in so "post"-warts Harry Potter roleplay, feel free to check it out. Thanks again for everything and good luck to you all.

I hope we can play together in the future,

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Hiatus [Dec. 8th, 2008|04:53 pm]
[Current Mood | excited]

Starting tomorrow and until the 18th, I will be in Edinburgh or Galway. So I will not be able to update. When I come back, I'm so ready for Leyu to be kidnapped. XD
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[Dec. 3rd, 2008|11:41 am]
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Just to let you all know, I'm still kinda, sorta on hiatus. Tomorrow On Friday, I'm taking my computer to get checked out by a friend of mine, because it's still not performing 100%. I really don't know how long he'll need it, so there's a chance I may be without a computer/internet access for a little while. Once everything is fixed, expect a full comeback for me and my characters. xD I miss RPing with you guys so much.

In the meantime, you can probably still catch me on AIM. So, if you guys want to chat, plot or whatever, ping me! :) Or if I'm not on there, try e-mailing me.

- Leigh

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[Dec. 1st, 2008|12:36 am]
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Hey guys,

I just wanted to let you all know that I may be scarce for a while. My computer just started acting up in a big way this evening, so there's a good chance I may not have internet access here shortly. I have a feeling something happened to the registry when Windows was updating, which is probably going to take some time to pin-point.

So yeah, if I'm not around for the next few days (or weeks), you'll all know why. I promise I'll make an update as soon as I know more. Until then consider me and my characters on hiatus.

- Leigh (Phoenix, Scarlet Witch, Sunpyre, Matrix, Flux and semi-NPC!Contact)

Edit (11:14 AM 12/01/08) - The computer is running a little faster now that I've run a registry cleaner program. However, I discovered a Trojan (most likely the culprit for all of my computer woes) earlier and now I'm in the process of purging it from the system. I know an anti-virus program should be enough to remove it but for whatever reason, every time I run one, it freezes up and shuts down on me. It's a pain in the ass, but I'm sure I'll figure things out eventually. Lol.

Edit II (9:19 AM 12/02/08) - Okay, I think I might've actually gotten rid of the Trojan! It only took 24+ hours of work, but I think it's gone. Lol. I'm not 100% sure yet, but I should know by this evening. :)

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Hey folks. [Oct. 23rd, 2008|10:43 pm]

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News for yous. There are two new characters up for grabs (Psylocke and Boom Boom/Meltdown). Leigh's decided to drop them, and carry on the rest of her pups (some still in hiatus).

Also, at this time, I'd like to remind everyone of the 2 canons to 1 original guideline. Some of us players from a while back have mixed up characters so many times that we may or may not be breaking the rule, so, give it some thought and check your lists. Also, new players should think on picking up two canons before apping with an original. If no other canons appeal to you, talk to me about it. :)

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Hey, it's me again.... [Oct. 16th, 2008|05:00 pm]
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In light of recent events, I'm going to be putting two more characters on hiatus: Scarlet Witch and Boom Boom. Reason why I'm doing this is because they've sort of been left in limbo and I need time to figure out what I'm going to do with them. Flux will probably be making her return here shortly, though. :)

So yeah, if any of you guys have ideas/suggestions, please let me know! I'd rather not have them sitting out of the game for too long.

- Leigh (Phoenix, Mystique, Rogue, Psylocke, Matrix and Nightshade; hiatused!Flux, Scarlet Witch and Boom Boom)

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[Oct. 6th, 2008|09:25 pm]

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Guess who be out of hiatus. The original sugar monster herself. Yeah, Toad too. He was pretty ticked off that I hiatused his butt. All better now, though.

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[Sep. 25th, 2008|03:59 pm]
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Just as a friendly heads up, I wanted to let you guys that I'm putting Flux ([info]vanishing) on hiatus. The reason why I'm doing this is because I'm getting ready to rework/revamp this character. It's come to my attention that she needs to have a bit more direction in the game. I'm hoping that by doing this I'll be able to do more with her/people will be more interested in gaming with her.

Who knows, I may not have to change her too much. It may be as simple as coming up with a decent plot for her. Lol. Anyway, if you guys have any questions, concerns, or even suggestions to toss my way, I'm all ears.

- Leigh

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Massive OOC of Boredom! [Aug. 26th, 2008|05:13 am]

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We're trying out a new (minor) piece of plot. Rob and I thought it'd be interesting if Xavier's started using the concept of teams/squads from Cyclops/Storm down to Artie and Leech. People would be placed into these based on their personalities and most likely would be encouraged to train together, would be sent out together and to help each other out around the school/grounds. So, let us know what you think. Yay canon! If everyone would like to go check out this page: Squads, that'd be savvy. Please comment with any questions, thoughts or changes. If your characters aren't mentioned, it's because I didn't want to take any liberties. Feel free to shuffle things around. No one's feelings will be hurt. All of this would begin shortly before or shortly after the restart.

Pulse now belongs to Rob.
Karma now belongs to Beck.
Dan has picked up Hellion. ([info]hell_bent)
Jordan has picked up Wicked. ([info]haunted_)
Beck has picked up Dazzler. ([info]offendthesenses)
Beck has added Diamond to her 'temporary' characters (which also includes Cyclops).
Beck has put Scoot and Toad on hiatus.

On Monday, the mission will be posted In Character that will crack our vampire!plot wide open. Before then, look for an outline and chance for discussion/questions. The mission will begin after they've arrived and begun their tasks, already in full swing. I don't want to risk wasting time or causing boredom for something that doesn't necessarily need to be written out, but will trigger bigger, more dramatic events and themes. I still believe it will be a very important plot point to write out though, and fun to boot.

Recently, Dan and I have been updating lists like mad, but I'm afraid some are still out of date. So, if you'd all check over some of these links for us, and comment with corrections or thoughts, that would be a great help.
THE SCREEN NAMES LIST (If your character's screen name was not chosen by you, feel free to choose a different one.)
WANTED SCENES (If you haven't done this yet, please do! Comment on that page with a link to your list!)
CONTACTS (Make sure you're up to date!)
RULES - They've been updated and condensed. ^_^


P.S. Has everyone heard about Johnny Depp being the new Riddler in the next installment of Batman? Worse still (I'm a Johnny fan, a Riddler fan and a Batman fan, and I don't think this is a good idea. I hope Nolan makes me eat my words), Cher is rumored to be the next Catwoman. 'Older and more menacing'. Wait... Catwoman's a sex icon and an athlete. So...
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