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Mirage [Dec. 19th, 2008|10:51 pm]
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Hi. Just wanted to let everyone know I've picked up Dani. She's 27 and the history teacher. She's very motherly, so she's fairly open and friendly. If you want to scene or plot or whatever, let me know. :)

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Out of Town Notice [Nov. 6th, 2008|10:20 pm]

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Jordan will be gone from now until Sunday night (11-09-08). So, those characters (Nightcrawler, Jubilee, Polaris, Wicked, Mars, Levity)/threads won't be moving... so if anyone would like to post with any of my characters (Storm, Cyclops, Diamond, Rogue, Britannic, Toad, Dazzler, Karma, Zap, Torrent, Scoot) or whatnot, lemme know.


P.S. Here are some open threads that could be joined:
Wolverine, Cannonball, Levity, Zap + 1 go vampire hunting = here.
Sebastian Shaw + 2 (Avalanche, and ?) hang out at the HFC = here.
Colossus and Rogue dine at Chuck's = here.

P.S.S. I updated my wanted scenes list, finally.
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Fast Forward Time! [Oct. 27th, 2008|07:19 pm]

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Recommencing Date: Sunday, January 3rd, 2010
IC Interactions Begin: Friday, October 31st, 2008 (by or before!)

We would like everyone to post a paragraph (5-10 sentences only please) on what their characters have been up to during the year and three months that will have passed in the game from October 2008 to January 2010. Dan and I thought it would be better to give everyone til Friday to post a comment here with their character summaries. I know some folks will need more time to think than others. However, the sooner the better, eh? Once everyone has posted their responses, we can start back in with the in character posts. Yay.

We will be posting another OOC explaining what the HFC and other NPCs are up to in the empty period of time.

Beck's Characters )

Rob's Characters )

Dan's Characters )

Jordan's Characters )

( Mary's Characters )

( Poppy's Characters )

( Meesh's Characters )

( Leigh's Characters )

( Luis' Characters )

( Dex's Characters )
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Minor news, take 2. This was the "more to come". [Oct. 19th, 2008|11:46 pm]

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Retcon! )
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Minor news. More to come. [Oct. 19th, 2008|09:03 pm]

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Retcon! )
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Hehehe. Jack-o-lanterns, nerd style. [Oct. 16th, 2008|07:17 am]

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So Jordan and I made some jack-o's last year and I just found the picture we snapped of them.

I made the X-logo and Jorge made the rather scary shark teeth face. A few days later, the X-logo had curled inward into a taco shape and the shark teeth looked more like a gramma sans dentures. So that was fun! Lol. That's all.

Family Portraits )
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Wicked's done. [Sep. 26th, 2008|08:40 pm]
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I forgot to finish filling out Wicked's information. It's now more or less complete and I plan to bring her in soon. If anyone is interested in talking history or dead people, she's the go-to girl.

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[Sep. 2nd, 2008|03:37 am]

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Do stuff.

Oh, and an FYI: Just a reminder.

Darkseekers = homo sapiens cannibals. (Exposed to mutated Mutant Cure [virus])
Vampires = homo superiors bloodsuckers. (Back-exposed, from mouth-to-flesh contact to a de-evolved Cure Virus)

And this was IMed to me from Jordan. Thought I'd share it with you all. Batman Interrogates The Joker.
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FYI. Jorge and I finished this monster. [Aug. 31st, 2008|07:56 am]

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Eddie/Zap backdates. It's not important or anything, but more like character development. So if you'd started reading it, it's now complete. In all its four-part glory: Zap & Levity Backdates. That is all. Please don't feel obligated to read that nonsense. lol


P.S. If anyone else is interested in doing anything similar to this (also seen here with Zap/Ronan), lemme know. My pups are all up for some backdated timeline-y stuff.

And I've been really bored... )
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Special Sauce...Revamp! [Jun. 21st, 2008|04:32 am]
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Hey everybody! I just wanted to let it be known that I've made some major changes (with Becky's help) to Edana. She is no longer a catwoman. She is now an empath! Woo! She's also the school's counselor and has been for quite sometime. So, if anyone's characters have any issues, I'm up for plotting! :D If you would like to learn more please go here: [info]levity_

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Hey guys! [Apr. 24th, 2008|10:07 pm]

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Just wanted to update you all on what's been going on.

Rob and I finally got our internet issue squared away, so that's cool. Unfortunately, Rob's on a 6-day stretch at work, with 9 hours a shift each night, and we've been helping my dad with his scrap metal business on during the day when we're not asleep, but Monday and Tuesday are his off days, so we'll want to relax and stare at the computer, lol. Hopefully he can get some replies in before then. Time just keeps running out before we can sit down and think. I know I'll be replying, I have all night, after all.

Dan is at his brother's wedding out of state and won't return until Sunday, so he probably won't be ready to post until Monday, either.

I'm not sure about Jordan, but things have gotten crazy with her at work (vet clinic) and there was a local puppy mill that got raided and her employer has been trying to send as much help as possible to take care of the dogs and puppies, so things are nuts there.

I know Leigh's been visiting with family, so she's been busy, and there are always tests and finals and spring cleaning and other junk that I know we're all dealing with here and there. So, hopefully after this week things can pick back up. But I just wanted to explain what's going on, activity-wise.

Also, I'm sorry to say we've lost Nicole and Frank (Jubilee and Quicksilver) due to lack of contact after non-activity. I tried to reach them both. Alas, no go.

So, if anyone is interested in either of those pups or knows someone who is, bring 'em on down! And if Nicole and Frank pop back in and they're still open, well, all the better.

Thanks guys,

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