X-Men: The Aftermath OOC [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Okay... [Nov. 17th, 2008|09:16 pm]

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Recently we've lost a few members via busy schedules and personal business. Dan can now be counted among those individuals. While this isn't crippling to the game (as he only plays one or two active characters), it pisses me off. So... any helpful suggestions to get some new life would be savvy. After all is said and done, (almost) everyone that opposed a restart is gone. I just feel like no one wants to join in something that's so convoluted. Hellz. Sorry to be kind of a downer. I just want to see some activity and have a plot that produces cooperation and muses and plot bunnies and all that other fun crap. Thoughts?

FYI - I'm really depressed, so non-perky constructive criticism should be left out. >_< Just sayin'.

Otherwise, I'm open to suggestions.


P.S. After talking with Leigh, a restart seems a little more possible. Maybe right after X3. Jean crawls out of the coffin. Scott pops back into existence and wanders. Logan comes back/remains to deal with the Jean revival. Storm/Kurt have Harmon, as Kurt hasn't left as is "canon" post-X2. Rogue didn't take the Cure. Iceman and Kitty are flirty, but mutant rights and issues are in a worse upheaval now than before and Kitty is concerned. Beast and Magneto are alive and well. Eh?
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My Update [Nov. 11th, 2008|01:24 pm]
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Things have been quite chaotic on my end as of late. Work has been crazy (as usual) and at home, well that's a whole different story. My basement drain/sewer lateral is clogged and has flooded part of our basement with sewage (not fun, especially for a germ freak). My water usage has been cut in half (3 minute showers, no laundry)I had someone come out and snake the pipe, but it's a work in progress. So I've been preoccupied to say the least.

In addition I've been reevaluating my characters and their stories. As Beck mentioned before, I dropped Iceman and will be picking up at least two more characters in the near future. Hellion's fate is undetermined as circumstances keep changing (Brotherhood, no Brotherhood, Mystique, no Mystique) so it's been a bit frustrating but I will work him in somehow. Input would be nice, from anyone.

If you're interested in any kind of interaction, just let me know. I'm on AIM usually late at night (U.S. Central Time) or you can drop me an e-mail.


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Post Away [Nov. 1st, 2008|02:45 pm]

Just wanted to let everyone know that posting has commenced. Each comm has new posts so check them out. If any of you have questions about what's going on and who's who, etc. don't hesitate to reply. Also, a few house keeping reminders: please update your wanted scenes and your friends list.

Thanks guys and have fun!

-Dan & Beck
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Fast Forward Time! [Oct. 27th, 2008|07:19 pm]

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Recommencing Date: Sunday, January 3rd, 2010
IC Interactions Begin: Friday, October 31st, 2008 (by or before!)

We would like everyone to post a paragraph (5-10 sentences only please) on what their characters have been up to during the year and three months that will have passed in the game from October 2008 to January 2010. Dan and I thought it would be better to give everyone til Friday to post a comment here with their character summaries. I know some folks will need more time to think than others. However, the sooner the better, eh? Once everyone has posted their responses, we can start back in with the in character posts. Yay.

We will be posting another OOC explaining what the HFC and other NPCs are up to in the empty period of time.

Beck's Characters )

Rob's Characters )

Dan's Characters )

Jordan's Characters )

( Mary's Characters )

( Poppy's Characters )

( Meesh's Characters )

( Leigh's Characters )

( Luis' Characters )

( Dex's Characters )
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[Oct. 27th, 2008|12:31 am]
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I would first like to thank everyone who took part in the survey. Becky and I were surprised at the feedback and feel the high turnout was related to the fact that it was anonymous. If that is the case, we want to make sure everyone realizes we don't bite. =) The OOC community is for any kind of discussion whether it be something goofy and unrelated or a serious constructive criticism of the game. We can not stress enough how important is to communicate, even if you fear a negative reaction. Click the link below to view the survey results as well as comments under each question. Thanks again guys.


Survey Closed as of - Monday, October 27th
Total Participants - 13

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[Oct. 24th, 2008|03:08 am]
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Hey All,

I created this anonymous survey that I would like every member to take at their convenience. It's only ten short questions; most are serious ones regarding the game and some are just for fun. Click the link below to participate. Thanks.


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Brotherhood - Please read. [Oct. 14th, 2008|08:06 pm]
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I know this was touched on a while ago, but Becky and I discussed whether or not we want The Brotherhood to continue in existence. The decision will be dependent upon the consensus of the members. Keep in mind that this will not effect any part of the storyline concerning the HFC and Vampires, it's simply just another group to have around. If anything, this will add plot and complexity to the game. I will compile a list of members below, please give your opinion as soon as possible as the game is about to move quickly. Let me know if you have a character that would like to join/remain in participation. Thanks.

*Note - Some changes I know some of us have mentioned is making the BH a lot smaller than it was before. A consolidated version so that 1) There are more characters available for the HFC/X-Men, 2) The game isn't so spread out with three huge entities, and 3) Mystique will be able to identify characters that are truly loyal to Magneto's cause and weed out the "brats" and "tag-alongs" so to speak. Maybe a one character limit per player? Just throwing out ideas, talk amongst ya'selves.


The Brotherhood of Mutants
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Some Important Words [Oct. 9th, 2008|10:43 pm]
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I've noticed something increasingly bothersome the past few months that I would like to address. I understand many have time constraints and feel their time should be spent posting IC, however I would like to emphasize that posting in the OOC community is just as important. Becky works very hard developing new features for the game and a lot of the time it goes unrecognized. When her or anyone else for that matter requests input, comments, or suggestions, it's not a formality, it's because they truly want them. When posts in OOC are concerning important aspects of the game, we expect and respect opinion from everyone. I know some may share their opinions through instant messages and/or e-mail, but it's important for the OOC community to be just that, a community. Please be socially proactive when time allows, that's all.


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[Sep. 27th, 2008|06:05 pm]
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Hey Guys,

I was bored the other night so I made some graphics for the game. Feel free to edit them and/or post them on your blogs, myspace, facebook, etc. (Helps promote the game). I would offer the embed codes in a text box but I'm not that code savvy. So, direct links are provided below. Thank ya!


[Banner 1] [Banner 2] [Banner 3]
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[Sep. 26th, 2008|09:08 pm]
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Just wanted to let those of you in the previous danger room thread know that you can post out of turn if you'd like. Luis (Cannonball) feel free to reply to Leigh (Rogue) since she was directly talking to you, it wouldn't make much since for Bobby to chime in yet. Everyone for themselves! =)

-Dan (Iceman)
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[Sep. 16th, 2008|02:57 pm]
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Just wanted to inform everyone of some minor changes to my OC Recon ([info]reconstruct_you). After some discussion and input from others, I will be changing the PB to Gale Harold. His characteristics fit the mold a little better, however I did make him a couple of years older. Nothing about past character interactions have changed, it's all the same - just a different face.

Another tidbit of information; I will hopefully begin playing Hellion soon ([info]hell_bent). The "Extra" at the bottom of his profile explains why I haven't got him going yet. If you haven't read that information, please do so as I don't want anyone being confused about his affiliation. I've caught wind about the future of the Brotherhood so I look to be posting him soon.

That's it.

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[Aug. 20th, 2008|11:06 pm]

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In case some didn't notice - IJ created a second page for the Prom thread. I've actually never seen that before but you can select the pages at the top. With over 220 posts now I can see how someone might get lost or confused, so if you have any questions about what's happened or what will happen just reply to this and someone will get back to you.

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Hey folks, update! [Jul. 28th, 2008|09:30 pm]

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So - Dan and I have decided to play Magneto and Professor Xavier as NPCs and not playable, completely functional characters. We discussed their situations and the characters (their history, personalities and fan preference/admiration). We both think it'd be more comfortable for us if the characters were played when needed - much less stressful.

I hope this is cool with everyone. Dan was hoping to pick up a canon in replacement. We'll see how things pan out. Thanks folks,

-Beck et Dan
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[Jul. 27th, 2008|11:31 pm]

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Just wanted to share this fake trailer for X4 I found, it's well made. Too bad it's not real! :(

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[Jul. 23rd, 2008|03:56 pm]

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With some help from Becky I created currently played character demographics, you can view them at the link below and they will also be added to info/links. We were going to add nationalities but a lot of characters are unknown so I decided to leave it out. If you see any discrepancies please let us know so we can fix it. Thanks!


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Unavailable [Jul. 9th, 2008|10:37 pm]


I will be out of town from Thursday (the 10th) to Monday (the 14th). I wont have access to a computer so I'll respond to e-mails and/or posts when I return. Thanks.

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[Jun. 4th, 2008|09:16 pm]

After a lengthy absence I'm happy to say I'm back in action. To all the members I apologize for my continued lack of communication and neglect towards the game. Things have been chaotic on my end with work, school preparations and family/friend/boyfriend drama. I'm excited about getting back on track though.

I will be ready to post this week, however I'd like to ease back into things and not jump into some mega-thread right away. I am looking into getting a second job and with school starting I may not be as timely as before, so bare with me. Threads that I did have open prior to my absence I would like to close, unless it's pertinent to the story. Feel free to e-mail me any ideas, suggestions, or comments.

Note: I no longer will be using AIM due to several reasons. I can be contacted through e-mail, YIM, and of course the OOC community.

Hope all is well.

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Soon To Be Back [Apr. 30th, 2008|01:19 am]

Hey all,

As Becky mentioned below I have been out of town for a bit. I was the photographer at the weddings so I have been sorting through pictures, editing them, and making a collage. It's all very time consuming.

I also am in the process of signing up for summer college courses and am getting in gear with that. As soon as I get a hold on everything I will start posting again. As for now, I apologize for my absence and neglect.

Hope everyone is well.

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Hey guys! [Apr. 24th, 2008|10:07 pm]

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Just wanted to update you all on what's been going on.

Rob and I finally got our internet issue squared away, so that's cool. Unfortunately, Rob's on a 6-day stretch at work, with 9 hours a shift each night, and we've been helping my dad with his scrap metal business on during the day when we're not asleep, but Monday and Tuesday are his off days, so we'll want to relax and stare at the computer, lol. Hopefully he can get some replies in before then. Time just keeps running out before we can sit down and think. I know I'll be replying, I have all night, after all.

Dan is at his brother's wedding out of state and won't return until Sunday, so he probably won't be ready to post until Monday, either.

I'm not sure about Jordan, but things have gotten crazy with her at work (vet clinic) and there was a local puppy mill that got raided and her employer has been trying to send as much help as possible to take care of the dogs and puppies, so things are nuts there.

I know Leigh's been visiting with family, so she's been busy, and there are always tests and finals and spring cleaning and other junk that I know we're all dealing with here and there. So, hopefully after this week things can pick back up. But I just wanted to explain what's going on, activity-wise.

Also, I'm sorry to say we've lost Nicole and Frank (Jubilee and Quicksilver) due to lack of contact after non-activity. I tried to reach them both. Alas, no go.

So, if anyone is interested in either of those pups or knows someone who is, bring 'em on down! And if Nicole and Frank pop back in and they're still open, well, all the better.

Thanks guys,

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Inspiration (not from concentrate) [Apr. 6th, 2008|09:27 pm]
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As you'll notice in the IC community a memo was posted from Xavier to all of the characters. I did this in hopes of inspiring players to be more involved with their character's journals. Feel free to write a blog entry about it (private or public), chat about it, e-mail about it, etc.

I know some of you are itching to post on your free time, but I want everyone to realize it's not always necessary to start a new thread, especially one that you feel doesn't contribute to plot or character development. There are countless opportunities to be creative within your journal.

Also, there are some that haven't made or updated their "Wanted Scenes" list, so please do so when it's convenient.

Thanks, that's all.

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*Update* - Character Alterations [Apr. 2nd, 2008|06:30 pm]
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After a lot of thought and discussion, I've decided to make some changes to Avalanche and I wanted to let everyone know for interaction purposes.

I've changed details such as his age (a little older), his demeanor/behavior, his purpose, and most of all his loyalties. It was brought to my attention that the abundant amount of Brother's loyal to Mystique was dividing the group, so I'm attempting to balance it out a little.

You can check out his revised profile here.

Update - Avalanche will no longer have the knowledge of weaponry and special tactics.


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I'm in there somewhere! [Mar. 18th, 2008|04:32 pm]

Now that the attack thread is beginning to collapse, I thought my post got kind of buried. It's a reply to Silver, but it's also a tag to Jean/Brian and Kitty. Bobby and Northstar's conditions are written as well in case anyone wanted to write out reactions. Thanks.

Here's the link to the specific comment.

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Wrap Up [Mar. 16th, 2008|10:48 pm]
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As we're planning to wrap up the Attack thread, I thought it would be a good idea to post here anything you want to accomplish or do before the attack is over. I know some people just got involved and there are still tags to be replied to so don't feel rushed. We just want to make sure everyone gets to do what they wanted with their character(s), so post away.


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Returned [Feb. 23rd, 2008|04:10 pm]
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Just wanted to inform you all of my return. I'm ready to play again and will be posting when it's convenient. I work this entire weekend but hopefully I can fit in some time to write. (Cathy I haven't forgotten you).

As you may have read, Xavier and Storm are planning a mission for the X-Men. I spoke with Becky and she agreed with me that those who have had the least amount of action should go. So I will leave it up to her.

I hope everyone is doing well and keeping warm.

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Out of Town [Feb. 17th, 2008|02:07 pm]

Just wanted to let everyone know that some family issues have come up and I will more than likely not post again until next week. I will be out of town for a few days. Feel free to move along threads without me such as the tour thread and I will jump in when I get some time. Thanks.

Love you all,

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Promotion [Jan. 15th, 2008|12:59 am]
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Hey Guys,

I made this little promotional video for the game, because I'm a nerd and have no life. Hope you enjoy it. It has music so turn your speakers on! =)

(Click Above To View)

P.S. If you want the code for your blog or website or whatever, just let me know and I'll e-mail it to you.

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"I'd have Jean braid your hair." [Jan. 6th, 2008|02:33 pm]

Hey Folks,

Any of you interested in posting with the Professor right now?

I'll be on AIM and Yahoo later this evening if so, or just let me know through here.

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~What do you think?~ [Jan. 5th, 2008|05:10 pm]

This is more or less a request for the mods. Can we go back to designating telepathic dialogue with "~"?

That way we don't have to keep typing "he said, with telepathy". It just makes more sense.

Example: ~I love you Scott!~

Wha'd ya'll think?

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Deflowering IC [Jan. 1st, 2008|04:25 pm]
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Happy New Years to everyone!

I suppose now that the game has officially started, we can start brainstorming.

I was curious what people's ideas were for new threads. I know Bec mentioned a New Years party, which is cool. I guess we just need to figure who and where to start.

What does everyone think?

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Peer Pressure [Dec. 26th, 2007|07:35 pm]
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I was really hoping to delay the little AA-like ceremonious introduction of myself but I want to be cool like everyone else, so here I am.

My names Dan. I used to play this game a while back but gave it up because of a hectic schedule. My good friend Bec (the mod) talked me into coming back and playing the Professor again so I obliged. Aside from Professor X (mens_lector), I will also be playing Recon (reconstruct_you) and Avalanche (after_shock). Their profiles/journals are still a work in progress but should be completed in the next few days.

It appears nobody else uses Yahoo Messenger so I suppose I will download AIM in order to discuss the game with everyone. You can contact me on there at TheHealerInside.

However, I am mostly on Yahoo under the same name. My e-mail is the same but of course with @yahoo.com

I look forward to playing with you all playing the game.

Take it easy.

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