X-Men: The Aftermath OOC [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Hey true believers. [Jan. 20th, 2009|03:01 am]

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[Current Mood | blank]

I come bearing some bad news. After a few years here at aftermath, I'm ready to move on. Things aren't what I'd like them to be and I feel I've put forth a good effort over the months we've all been writing. Everyone has done their parts, of course. But I feel like I'm ready to move on (at least for a while). X-Men is a genre that I've played for 8 years now and while I don't need a break from RP, I feel something more fantastical is needed. More upbeat. I'll be over at [info]inflecto, as well as Rob and Jordan. If anyone is interested in so "post"-warts Harry Potter roleplay, feel free to check it out. Thanks again for everything and good luck to you all.

I hope we can play together in the future,

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Finally done. [Jan. 17th, 2009|03:32 am]
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Hey. Becky and I are finally finished with our massive Will/Troy backdate. Log. Thing. We had to split it into two parts. Here they are: Part 1, Part 2. They span eight years, and there are about 7 or 8 pages for each entry. (Four scenes a piece, eight posts in each scene.) So if you're really bored, feel free to check 'em out.

-Rob (and Beck)
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Recent Journal Entries [Dec. 27th, 2008|02:16 am]

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public journal entries
private journal entries
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Mon amis, [Dec. 21st, 2008|06:33 am]

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[Current Mood | sleepy]

I bring you Gambit.

What's this, our 3rd? 4th? Either way, he's new to me. I've never played the thief before, so you guys'll have to help me along, eh? I'm pretty psyched. He's 30 and enjoys ... breathing. Other stuff, too. It's late (or reallllly early). Apologies. Anyhow, there will be plotting. He's about to show up at the school and do some damage. Either that or he's been there a bit. Preferences?



P.S. Teeheehee.
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Hey true believers. XD [Dec. 1st, 2008|06:33 pm]

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I just wanted to mention that A) I know we're all busy lately with work, school and the holidays (as well as computer issues), so don't feel too terrible about not being as active as per usual. Still, if anyone would like to get any of the bigger plots moving, say the word. I know we wanted to get our characters reestablished. :) B) I wanted to mention that I updated the rules page and rule #0 has been added. It reads:

0. Tag your entries! If it is an OOC entry, please add your name to the tags section before or after you post it. If the entry is IC, please add your character's codename (and any other characters that are involved) to the tags section before or after you post it. Here are the tag lists for each community: TAGS: IN CHARACTER, TAGS: FLASHBACK, TAGS: FLUFF, TAGS: OOC. There are also listed under our info and links page.


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News [Nov. 29th, 2008|03:03 pm]

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As any Guthrie might say: Hey Y'all! I finally updated the threads list. Lemme know if things can be moved down to the "closed threads" section. In bigger news, we have two new characters: [info]electricsurge (Surge) as played by Ashlee and [info]sheneverforgot (Sage) as played by Poppy. Look for intros from them soon. Finally, we have a third new character played by a new player (Ray). She'll be taking over Emma ([info]ffrost). So, look for her intro as well. :)


P.S. Jordan has dropped Wicked and I have decided to drop Karma. We just didn't have the interest to focus on them and give them the attention they deserve. If anyone is interested in playing either of them, lemme know!
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Posting to begin tonight! [Nov. 21st, 2008|06:11 pm]

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please respond with your feedback! if you're okay with these plot suggestions, lemme know - and tell me who in your arsenal you'd like involved with each/any.

To kick everything off, I'll be posting a sentinel incident on the main community which will be witnessed by the X-Men, etc through the media. Threads can go up in reaction to it, should you wish. For the near future, there are these events planned. Please let me know if any of your characters would like to be involved with any of these specific threads.

1. In reaction to the soon-to-be-posted sentinel incident to take place in the mid-west, Shaw will be holding a humans-and-mutants camaraderie gala and will be inviting several mutants from the school (those who are particularly powerful, those who are extremely well-educated, those who are particularly wealthy, etc.)

2. To keep Shaw's nose clean, I would like it if he employed Arcade Sabretooth to round up a number of the morlocks and place them on Genosha so that new, prototype sentinels can have their fun. X-Men would catch wind of this (probably through Toad) and send a team.

3. In Xavier's will, he left instructions for a group of the X-Men to travel to a remote location on the continent of Antarctica and retrieve/destroy information he left there. The purpose of this is to prevent it from getting into the hands of Erik Lensherr - the man who co-created the 'Savage Land' with Xavier before they founded the school. As to what the information says/is for, we'll find out later.

4. I REPEAT: PLEASE THINK ABOUT PICKING UP A HELLFIRE CLUBBER! I've updated their page and I'm including classic members that have been involved in the past X-Verse (Iron Man, Hob/New Goblin, Warren Worthington III, the Braddocks, etc). See here: Hellfire Club.

I added this All About Sentinels to [info]xalted. I also updated the journal entries list so that it's ready for the new plots. I've moved the old list to the OOC, seen in the entry below this one. It's just nice to be able to look back, eh?
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Okay... [Nov. 17th, 2008|09:16 pm]

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Recently we've lost a few members via busy schedules and personal business. Dan can now be counted among those individuals. While this isn't crippling to the game (as he only plays one or two active characters), it pisses me off. So... any helpful suggestions to get some new life would be savvy. After all is said and done, (almost) everyone that opposed a restart is gone. I just feel like no one wants to join in something that's so convoluted. Hellz. Sorry to be kind of a downer. I just want to see some activity and have a plot that produces cooperation and muses and plot bunnies and all that other fun crap. Thoughts?

FYI - I'm really depressed, so non-perky constructive criticism should be left out. >_< Just sayin'.

Otherwise, I'm open to suggestions.


P.S. After talking with Leigh, a restart seems a little more possible. Maybe right after X3. Jean crawls out of the coffin. Scott pops back into existence and wanders. Logan comes back/remains to deal with the Jean revival. Storm/Kurt have Harmon, as Kurt hasn't left as is "canon" post-X2. Rogue didn't take the Cure. Iceman and Kitty are flirty, but mutant rights and issues are in a worse upheaval now than before and Kitty is concerned. Beast and Magneto are alive and well. Eh?
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Lili's gone - Siryn's free. [Nov. 14th, 2008|03:06 pm]

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If anyone is interested, lemme know.

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My Update [Nov. 11th, 2008|01:24 pm]
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Things have been quite chaotic on my end as of late. Work has been crazy (as usual) and at home, well that's a whole different story. My basement drain/sewer lateral is clogged and has flooded part of our basement with sewage (not fun, especially for a germ freak). My water usage has been cut in half (3 minute showers, no laundry)I had someone come out and snake the pipe, but it's a work in progress. So I've been preoccupied to say the least.

In addition I've been reevaluating my characters and their stories. As Beck mentioned before, I dropped Iceman and will be picking up at least two more characters in the near future. Hellion's fate is undetermined as circumstances keep changing (Brotherhood, no Brotherhood, Mystique, no Mystique) so it's been a bit frustrating but I will work him in somehow. Input would be nice, from anyone.

If you're interested in any kind of interaction, just let me know. I'm on AIM usually late at night (U.S. Central Time) or you can drop me an e-mail.


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Oi, here we go again! [Nov. 11th, 2008|01:26 pm]
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I realize that I dumped six of my characters within the last month and I reworked my character roster recently but--yes, there's a but! I'm bringing back Matrix, because a.) I was already beginning to miss her, even with her lack of plottage and b.) I ended up talking to Beck the other night and somehow, I ended up deciding to bring her back WITH A SISTER. Mind you, Contact is a semi-NPC and if I find the right person to play her, I'll gladly hand her over to them. However as of right now, she's not adoptable. I sort of want to establish her first and go from there.

I know that my character roster is pretty uneven and I plan on fixing that later. I like to follow the rules, but it will have to wait until after the holidays. (Yes, I mean it this time. Lol.) But in the meantime, I'll be trying to find a new character (or maybe an old character) to bring into the game. As always, suggestions/ideas are always welcomed and appreciated. :)

- Leigh (Phoenix, Scarlet Witch, Sunpyre, Flux, Matrix and semi-NPC!Contact)

P.S.: Anyone want to scene? Plot? Anything? Boredom is beginning to take its toll on me. Meh.

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Updates! [Nov. 11th, 2008|09:36 am]

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Hey guys. I changed the communities around - there are no longer banners at the top of each journal - which I think makes things look more unified, and since I switched the journal styles to "s2", the tags are displayed on the journals/communities instead of just on the comment pages. So, when you look at x_ooc_x, you should see [Tags|link, link].

Also, I'm pretty sure we lost "J", the potential player of Wolfsbane, but she never posted, so it's not that big of a deal, eh? Lol. Anyhow, I was sort of looking forward to having Rahne around, so if anyone is interested, she's available again.

Finally, as per requested by other players, we've (myself/Rob) posted some open threads in a few communities. They can be found here: Colossus and Rogue @ Chuck's and Sebastian Shaw tag 2 HFCers. Also, it's not too late to join in with Wolverine, Cannonball, Levity and Zap here as each character has only been posted once, and the thread is open to one more character. None of these threads have progressed rapidly, as we were waiting on other characters to jump in. In a few days, we'll wrap them up if no one joins in.



P.S. Yes, there's always a P.S. with me. Leigh and I are picking up two semi-NPC characters. Lucia Garza (aka Contact, [info]through_touch) is the sister of Matrix ([info]cyberpathy) and all be played by Leigh. Americus Stavros (aka Trance, [info]tranced) is the nephew of Zap ([info]zapster). They will be brought in ASAP.
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I uh, updated my thingy. [Nov. 8th, 2008|09:15 am]

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My wanted scenes are all updated, so check it. Don't be afraid to comment. :D


P.S. Beck said to look at hers, "I made it all pretty!" ... "...'kay." Her wanted scenes list.
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[Nov. 4th, 2008|07:19 pm]

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Before these characters get posted, I wanted to mention that some changes have been made...

A) Iceman and Mystique are now up for grabs. (As well as Pyro, Angel, Juggernaut, Psylocke, Multiple Man, Meltdown, etc, etc.) Leigh has decided to drop Rogue and Mystique, as well as two of her originals; Matrix and Nightshade. I'm gonna snag Rogue, and hopefully we can shuffle around or get some new folks to pick up our X-Men. We need 5+ film canons now. Oi!

B) Polaris might be better off in the Hellfire Club - any thoughts? Twins, did you still wanna leave? Then Mystique could run the show her own way. Ideas?

C) In their character summaries, Mars and Zap were supposedly living at Xavier's and doing their old jobs. We've decided that they are still infected with the Upir Virus (their choice) and are living off the synthetic blood. They are living in a home of their own nearby and visit the mansion near-daily. A little independence goes a long way.

I added the following information to rule #8 on the rules page.
ADDED 11/04/08 Thread limit! Please involve each of your characters at any given time in only two threads. This will help to keep overexposure down and will allow all characters equal time in the spotlight. Logs, journal entries, etc do not fall under this rule - only open, on-going threads. But try to spread your attention evenly over all of your characters.


A word from Rob: So, I was thinking a bit on the state of the world after our fast forward. What I would like to see is something kind of the fandoms of Firefly, Star Trek and Star Wars, in that the further you get from civilization (for our purposes, the cities and towns) the more likely it is that there is lawlessness - wilderness - uncertainty. There would be a feeling of unexplored territory, sort of like a semi-Old West. There are still rebel mutants, humans, vampires and Darkseekers in the nooks and crannies of the world, so people would stay closer to cities and try to keep in groups. If anyone has any input (eh?) or questions/comments, leave 'em. :D


P.S. obamarama!
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Hellfire Club [Nov. 3rd, 2008|07:04 am]

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Hey there. I updated the HFC entry. Added some photos and info. If anyone is interested in picking up any of the HFCers, lemme know! We only have four people in each court. Shaw could always use a black queen! :D Though, Emma wouldn't be too happy. Ahem.

EDIT I added the following information to rule #8 on the rules page.
ADDED 11/04/08 Thread limit! Please involve each of your characters at any given time in only two threads. This will help to keep overexposure down and will allow all characters equal time in the spotlight. Logs, journal entries, etc do not fall under this rule - only open, on-going threads. But try to spread your attention evenly over all of your characters.

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K. [Oct. 31st, 2008|01:47 am]

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We've lost David and (apparently) Cathy, as she hasn't responded to messages/e-mails. Luckily, that's only three characters, only one being movie canon. (Multiple Man.) So... if anyone is interested in Northstar or Jamie, lemme know. I'm probably going to put Wild Child on the banned list. I also dropped Pyro, so if anyone is interested, lemme know! Since there's a restart, you'd have a chance to make any of these pups your own. And for the record, I dropped Sway too. Keeping my balance closer to rule-following. lol This has been updated, by the way:


P.S. Thanks for posting the summaries, folks.
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Hey folks. [Oct. 23rd, 2008|10:43 pm]

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News for yous. There are two new characters up for grabs (Psylocke and Boom Boom/Meltdown). Leigh's decided to drop them, and carry on the rest of her pups (some still in hiatus).

Also, at this time, I'd like to remind everyone of the 2 canons to 1 original guideline. Some of us players from a while back have mixed up characters so many times that we may or may not be breaking the rule, so, give it some thought and check your lists. Also, new players should think on picking up two canons before apping with an original. If no other canons appeal to you, talk to me about it. :)

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List of Mutations in Use [Oct. 20th, 2008|10:13 pm]

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Just as with the "played by" list, here is a list for everyone's reference purposes so that no toes get stepped on. Picking up canon characters which have mutations of someone already in the game cannot be avoided, and should not/is not discouraged. However, when creating originals, please check this list and contact the player of anyone with similar abilities to your character. It may bother them/make them uncomfortable. Of course, more than one person can have the same mutation, but there are hundreds to choose from, and characters that share mutations can always be in different affiliations. :) I hope this helps!

Mutations in Use )
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Journal Entries [Oct. 19th, 2008|11:49 pm]

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EDIT For the record, here's a list of people who have the Upir Virus: Aegis, Beast, Colossus, Mars, Northstar, Psylocke, Sebastian Shaw (and others in the HFC), Shadowcat, Storm, Nightshade, Zap. Possible vampires: Avalanche, Mystique, you? Finally, here are some links pertaining to the Upir Virus and our vampires, etc...

All About Our Vampires
OOC Vampires Tag

Hello! I've updated the "how to label your threads" entry to include an outline for journal entries as well. See that here: How To Label Your Threads.

I log all of the journal entries to keep track of them, and update once in a while to the OOC with a list of them and links to help promote. :) See that page here: Journal Entries.

I also wanted to remind folks to use the TAGS system. And please don't feel the need to get descriptive with your tags. In the OOC, your name works fine. In the IC communities, your characters' codenames work fine. I'd prefer keeping things simple, because if everyone adds random descriptive tags to ic and ooc posts, there might be three tags for the same type of thread: "romance," "love," "fluff." You know. All mean the same thing. Not really necessary.


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Thought you ought to know... [Sep. 30th, 2008|12:17 am]

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Hello, Aftermathers! Shaw checking in. I felt the need to inform you all that I have indeed killed Ra ([info]sun_god) and that the Hellfire Club will be coming for your holes to a city near you. Read all about it here.
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News. [Sep. 25th, 2008|07:41 pm]

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EDIT / I've added a few X-Suit icons to the batch we've got going. Aurora, Icarus, Multiple Man and Cannonball are the n00bs this go 'round. Don't feel obligated to use 'em. I just get bored. / END EDIT

-We've gained a character! Forge ([info]forged_) will be played by Rob.
-A character has gone on hiatus. Leigh's character Flux ([info]vanishing) will be down for maintenance for a while.
-We've lost a player (Marisa / [info]decypher), and they have been removed from the lists.
-New characters are on the horizon!

I've compiled a list of most wanted/needed characters, so if anyone is interested in any of these, you should keep them in mind next time you want to pick up a pup. And don't forget about originals, too! Two canons = one OC. Yay.

Angel, Banshee, Husk, Magik, Mirage, Magma, Quicksilver, Siryn and Emma Frost & Cyclops are always up for adoption.

Thanks guys.
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Who Does What [Sep. 15th, 2008|11:12 am]

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Bonjour, les vrais croyants! )
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[Sep. 3rd, 2008|10:33 am]

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As mentioned before, I'm picking up Dazzler. Back when she was in the public eye, she was a mixture of Amy Lee and Pink. Canonly, Colossus, Shadowcat, Jubilee and Juggernaut have been named amongst her fans, but I'm not sure how any of them would feel about this Dazzler's style for music. It's a sort of urban-goth-soul-punk situation. She's really outgoing and cynical, but she tries not to be too much of a downer. If anyone would be interested in hanging out with Alison (check out the profile if you're not sure!), lemme know.

-Beck (and Dazzler!)

P.S. A Rare Dazzler Cover (she writes her own crap, folks).
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Good day everyone. [Aug. 31st, 2008|09:48 am]

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I am Sebastian Shaw. You may call me 'your Majesty'. For the record, I like long walks on the beach and offing homo sapiens. I will soon be overtaking your role playing experience, so I thought it only fair to let you know, at least.

I am a vampire and I like it that way. My Hellfire Club is being rebuilt as you read this (you can read, yes?) and together we will overtake this ragtag, rubbish-filled excuse for a planet and refine the status of life for our kind. Mutants, of course. If you'd care to join me, I'm accepting applications for extremely powerful, obedient mutants who are also vampires. Qualify?

Probably not.

The Black King

P.S. Mudbloods need not apply.
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JOURNALS, BLOGS, ETC. [Aug. 31st, 2008|08:29 am]

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If you guys aren't interested in writing journal entries, that's okay I guess. But I just want to remind folks that they can. Please? Here's the list - it's updated. Thanks.


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FYI. Jorge and I finished this monster. [Aug. 31st, 2008|07:56 am]

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Eddie/Zap backdates. It's not important or anything, but more like character development. So if you'd started reading it, it's now complete. In all its four-part glory: Zap & Levity Backdates. That is all. Please don't feel obligated to read that nonsense. lol


P.S. If anyone else is interested in doing anything similar to this (also seen here with Zap/Ronan), lemme know. My pups are all up for some backdated timeline-y stuff.

And I've been really bored... )
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Massive OOC of Boredom! [Aug. 26th, 2008|05:13 am]

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We're trying out a new (minor) piece of plot. Rob and I thought it'd be interesting if Xavier's started using the concept of teams/squads from Cyclops/Storm down to Artie and Leech. People would be placed into these based on their personalities and most likely would be encouraged to train together, would be sent out together and to help each other out around the school/grounds. So, let us know what you think. Yay canon! If everyone would like to go check out this page: Squads, that'd be savvy. Please comment with any questions, thoughts or changes. If your characters aren't mentioned, it's because I didn't want to take any liberties. Feel free to shuffle things around. No one's feelings will be hurt. All of this would begin shortly before or shortly after the restart.

Pulse now belongs to Rob.
Karma now belongs to Beck.
Dan has picked up Hellion. ([info]hell_bent)
Jordan has picked up Wicked. ([info]haunted_)
Beck has picked up Dazzler. ([info]offendthesenses)
Beck has added Diamond to her 'temporary' characters (which also includes Cyclops).
Beck has put Scoot and Toad on hiatus.

On Monday, the mission will be posted In Character that will crack our vampire!plot wide open. Before then, look for an outline and chance for discussion/questions. The mission will begin after they've arrived and begun their tasks, already in full swing. I don't want to risk wasting time or causing boredom for something that doesn't necessarily need to be written out, but will trigger bigger, more dramatic events and themes. I still believe it will be a very important plot point to write out though, and fun to boot.

Recently, Dan and I have been updating lists like mad, but I'm afraid some are still out of date. So, if you'd all check over some of these links for us, and comment with corrections or thoughts, that would be a great help.
THE SCREEN NAMES LIST (If your character's screen name was not chosen by you, feel free to choose a different one.)
WANTED SCENES (If you haven't done this yet, please do! Comment on that page with a link to your list!)
CONTACTS (Make sure you're up to date!)
RULES - They've been updated and condensed. ^_^


P.S. Has everyone heard about Johnny Depp being the new Riddler in the next installment of Batman? Worse still (I'm a Johnny fan, a Riddler fan and a Batman fan, and I don't think this is a good idea. I hope Nolan makes me eat my words), Cher is rumored to be the next Catwoman. 'Older and more menacing'. Wait... Catwoman's a sex icon and an athlete. So...
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It's clobberin' time. [Aug. 21st, 2008|03:48 am]

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[Current Mood | energetic]

EDIT: BIRTHDAYS... I just wanted to remind some folks that with the upcoming fast-forward, some people will be aging. Another year wiser? Here's a list of birthday boys and girls (so their ages can be changed within their profiles) from the prom up into the fast-forward:


Hey guys. Just wanted to remind everyone to please utilize the Friend Lister. Please please please. :D

Also, if anyone feels the urge to write blog/journal entries for their characters, DO IT! lol I'd love to read them. And there are a few that have been added recently. Feel free to comment to any of the public entries, even if they're a little outdated.

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Heeeeeey. [Aug. 16th, 2008|04:57 am]

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[Current Mood | awake]

Okay, I'd like to suggest that we begin a few threadlets within the prom thread that take place AFTER 9:30 OR 10:00PM. It would be completely dark then, and the weather is dewy and slightly cool. So, finish out any tidbits you're working on, and then begin commenting with new pieces ('post new comment') for folks to respond to. I know a lot of us had plans for our characters and I'd like to see those things happen before things get stale and we get too anxious to start the new chapter in the plot. So, unless your character is wrapped up, feel free to move them down to the bottom and start something new / tag someone. :)

I updated some things, including the relationships list and the journal entries, so please tell me if everything looks fine by you! Also, Cathy is out of town until Sunday night/Monday morning, so I doubt she'll be responding until late Monday/early Tuesday.

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Hey! Updates. [Aug. 14th, 2008|06:26 am]

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[Current Mood | sleepy]

Have a few updates for all you fine folks!

I really need to get some feedback on the vampire storyline, so lemme know what you're thinking by commenting here or in the previous OOC post so far as your thoughts go on the subject and what sort of plot you'd prefer for your specific character(s) where the vampire theme is concerned.

I made a list of Birthdays/Zodiac Signs: Here.

Rob is going to introduce a new character ASAP - [info]sentient_. He's an original and some of you might remember him from over at GJ. He hasn't been played in a while and we thought he could use some dusting off. A quick run-down on Sentient/Conlan: He's 20, has been at Xavier's for 5 or so years, he's an 'animator' (so far as his mutation is concerned) and he is Mars/Ronan's younger brother.

We lost Mel, who was the player of Quicksilver, Aurora and Shock. So, those characters are now open again, and have been removed from the lists, etc.

Okay - VAMPIRES. If you haven't let me know which of your characters you planned to have turn or be involved, please please please do so. If you'd prefer not to participate actively with that plot theme, that's fine too. I just need to know either way. Please keep in mind that one vampire per four character guideline. So if you have eight characters, you could technically play two vampires, etc. Our thoughts on the beginnings of this particular storyline...

We were hoping that 90% of the vampires to be turned could be in a horrible failure of a mission together where all but one or two people get bitten/scratched. There is a bit of yet-to-be-mentioned plot for the element of surprise. I'll bring it up as we get closer to the time to start threads. As far as the timeline goes, I really hope that we can fast forward to October. Two months after the prom - plenty of time for the X-Men to get going with administering the cure. This is going to be done with gun-like weapons that were developed by some of the science guys where they were able to concentrate the radiation-like output of the machine (found on the Washington DC mission) into rays. So, mutants that go on these missions have to have a great deal of control and need to be trusted by all other members of the teams. It's not likely many Brotherhood members would be going on these missions, for more than one reason. The weapons are heavily protected within the complex. The government has been contacted about a cure, however, they were not given information about the specific method. By the time we start threads, society will be taking the first steps to getting back on its feet. Normal humans would be beginning to rally together and the specific governments of different countries are beginning to take charge once more (battling rebels and rogue mutants all the while). I'd really prefer the focus to be less on curing infected humans (as we're trying to skip over that part) and more on society and social issues and the condition that will be overtaking some of our X-Men and other mutants throughout the world.

Lastly, just so it's clear, these vampires are not the undead sort. So, they can go longer without needing human blood, they have no need to 'feed' before having sexual interactions (males) and they have reflections in mirrors, etc.

So, gimme some feedback, any kind.

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Hey folks, update! [Jul. 28th, 2008|09:30 pm]

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So - Dan and I have decided to play Magneto and Professor Xavier as NPCs and not playable, completely functional characters. We discussed their situations and the characters (their history, personalities and fan preference/admiration). We both think it'd be more comfortable for us if the characters were played when needed - much less stressful.

I hope this is cool with everyone. Dan was hoping to pick up a canon in replacement. We'll see how things pan out. Thanks folks,

-Beck et Dan
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Prom things. [Jul. 25th, 2008|10:46 pm]

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I've posted up the PROM THREAD, though as of this second it is fairly empty. I need to fill it out and give a bit more set up. But I wanted to start an OOC post so we could all show off what our folks are wearing. So, comment with links and what have you and then we can all refer to this post to see who's wearing what! :D

SHAN / ?

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[Jul. 20th, 2008|06:07 am]

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Hello, mein leiblings! It seems the majority wishes to move things along with the mission thread, so we'll be doing that. If there's anything that you'd like to add to it or would like it to be known that your character did, please comment here and I'll add it into the list of things that occurred, and then link I'll to it in the actual mission thread. So, even if you've said something to me or another player about a plot point or character interactions you'd like to have happened, comment about it anyway so everyone can know about it. I'll begin writing up the summary ASAP and it will be posted up in the previous thread where the mission was discussed (which is linked to above). So, please please please let me know what you hope to happen with your character(s) on the Washington DC mission. Don't let 'em be left out!

For now, figure out who the hell you're taking to the damned prom.

LOL Ahem. That was my inner-Pyro coming out. Excuse him. I think he's jealous.

I've updated the links lists around the community to include a link to everyone's wanted scenes (ie; the wanted scenes page) as well as a link to this page: JOURNAL ENTRIES which is spankin' new and can be located underneath this entry. There are descriptions under each section - so you know where you can comment and whatnot. Comments and more entries are welcome! They'll be added in as they're posted.

I want to post up the prom thread soon, by the way - sometime in the next day or so. After that's through, we can post all of our X-Men (and Brotherhood?) wandering through the counter (and world?) delivering the cure to all those super cute infected humans. XD

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So. [Jul. 19th, 2008|02:33 am]

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Uh. Our mission thread is moving at break-neck pace. I'd really prefer to write a lot of it out - or at least the important parts. But no one is posting in there as frequently as should be, so, I'd like to ask everyone now who is involved:

Would you prefer to continue it (it's been weeks now, and they've only just gotten started) or would you prefer to finesse the summary a bit more and move on and get the cure stuff over with?

I think at this point I'd prefer the latter, but I also know it sucks not getting to do cool shit with your pups.



P.S. Once the cure is found (last week of July, 2008 [25th-31st] - in character) we'll start doing missions to administer the cure, so that could be fun. We could have ten missions going at once, whee! So, think about it. :D Oh, and there's the ... prom to consider. lol

P.S.S. Please please please update your friends lists! PLEASE! You can do so here: CONTACT LIST. Just log in and then type the username you're logged in as in the friendlister box (says 'MAKE FRIENDS' on the button) and press enter. Then log in as any other characters you have and do it again. It'll add and remove whoever needs to be. I've updated several of my character's journals with both private and public entries, so people can comment wherever they see fit! Hope to see some of the same from you guys!
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Guess who's back! [Jul. 17th, 2008|12:05 am]

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It's Slim Shady. Get it? Slim... and. Glasses. Yeah. Okay. I'm picking up Scott temporarily on account of he's been uber!neglected and folks are depending on him for plot and attention. So, here we go!

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Updates! News! Things to read! [Jul. 13th, 2008|06:05 pm]

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This group reaches the R&D labs and after rifling through a few goodies they locate the room where the machine is kept and begin inspecting it. Brian and Poison show particular interest. Due to a mishap with TEAM B, the power is delayed and comes on in an uncontrolled burst - causing the machine to fire up. It emits a massive amount of radiation (which is contained in the room). Britannic grabs Poison (who was examining the piece with him) and envelopes them both in a forcefield. Shard, who was watching the door, is hit with the raw force of it and his tissues are severely damaged. It's unclear at this point what the machine does. The others are alerted and Britannic inspects Shard carefully. He requests that TEAM C joins them immediately - as all of their mutations are required. After conferring with Poison, it's decided that the machine was meant to be a weapon against mutants, and Brian realizes that they need to take it along. Thusly, Wolverine is needed to help remove the massive machine. Nightcrawler is needed to transport Shard to the jet and out of harm's way. Matrix is required to shut the machine down carefully so no information or hardware is damaged in the process.

Mars decides to take a shortcut off the map en route to the main power controls and despite Iceman and Zap's concerns, they follow suit. After entering the unchartered, dark room, Zap realizes there are several creatures present, though unseen. Mars tells the two younger parties to stay behind and presses on to scope things out. Despite their orders, Zap urges Iceman to follow her and they go after Mars. After a blaze of gunfire, the younger X-Men realize Mars is surrounded by Darkseekers and out of ammo. Iceman scopes out the remainder of the area and watches their rear while Zap concentrates on Mars and takes down all of the creatures (no more than 30) that surround him. This severely weakens her, and when they finally reach the generators and main controls, her attempt to initiate the power results in an overload that blows much of the electrical equipment throughout the structure and causes the rest to go haywire - thus starting the machine that Britannic and Poison are inspecting.

Despite Nightcrawler and Wolverine's best efforts to get Matrix to the main computer, due to the lack of time after the power is started and when they are needed elsewhere, Matrix is only able to gather half the information she might have been able to otherwise. Amongst the files is information concerning mutants, weaponry (the locations of the unactivated sentinels) and military history. TEAM C is called to R&D by Britannic and they go to work. Matrix shuts down the machine and manages to save the information within. Wolverine uses his claws to release the hefty piece of machinery and tells Mars to meet them outside the hall of the largest lab. Nightcrawler teleports Shard to the jet and continues minor medical attention on him. After Mars, Iceman and Zap's arrival, Wolverine instructs Mars to fire as many RPGs as it takes to make a hole directly from the lab below ground up to the jet outside. This, of course, attracts attention. Britannic uses the new route to fly the machine up and outside and he and Kurt secure it to the jet. Poison, Matrix, Wolverine, Zap, Iceman and Mars use available abilities and weaponry to return to the surface through the forced tunnel back to ground level and are greeted by a hungry pack of Darkseekers. Poison, Wolverine, Iceman and Mars make a path for Zap (weakened) and Eva (toting the precious files) to the jet.

Once on the jet, everyone gets strapped in and take off is almost immediate. Mars pilots, Logan 'co-pilots', Britannic and Zap sit with Shard (despite Zap's [and other peoples'] disgust in Brian for allowing him to be injured at all, while Poison remains untouched), Matrix works to send some of the information back to Cyclops at the mansion. During the flight, Wolverine contacts Storm to tell her they're returning and that Shard is wounded - possibly mortally.

First and least important item on the agenda: I updated my wanted scenes list. Like, hardcore revamp. So check it out.

Second and slightly more important item on the agenda. I made a new character and you can find her at [info]scoot_. So that's fun times.

Finally! I would like do a fast forward to the end of July, if at all possible. It is in fact, possible, so, we'll be doing it.

It begins immediately, though all current threads can continue as needed, no rush. Since there's a big old piece of plot running around in the form of our mission thread, I thought it would be savvy to have a discussion here and leave an outline of what is going to occur and the six players involve can react / add in accordingly. Please please please feel free to add to this. Only a few people have discussed ideas for the mission for their specific characters and we want things to be well-rounded. So, comment away and I'll add things in. ^_^

- Britannic, Poison and Shard find a mutant-sensing/attacking machine.
- The machine is activated.
- Shard gets hit by the machine's radiation.
- Zap saves Mars' life before turning on the power.
- Matrix steals thousands of files of information concerning mutants, weaponry and military history.
- Britannic saves Poison from radiation with forcefield, not Shard.
- Wolverine helps Britannic remove the machine.
- Mars uses rocket propelled grenade to make a hole from lower levels to ground floor / the jet.
- Britannic flies machine up to the Blackbird II.
- Nightcrawler bamfs! Shard to the safety of the jet.
- Wolverine sits co-pilot on the flight back, Mars pilots.

- Wolverine, Nightcrawler and Matrix find Darkseekers.
- Group is met by Darkseekers outside - small scuffle?
- Wolverine has phone / smart!com discussion with Storm on the flight back.
- Zap spends the flight back with an unconscious Shard.
- Britannic is emo on the flight back. (Okay, this will happen no matter what.)

So, what I'd like to happen now is for things to move along. Our next big piece of plot is finding the cure, which will be in progress for the next current-time threads that are posted. The discovery of this machine and all of the information taken from the mission will lead directly to the discovery of the cure. Things will begin to change - methods of administration will be discussed and carried out. Teams will need to go on frequent missions. The Brotherhood will evolve; sink or swim! The secret locations of sentinel storage are located via the DC information. Loads of things!

All of that, and then the personal plots that are going on with all the characters.

So, I need feedback here guys. Lemme know what you're all thinking and what you'd like to happen. Please, please, please don't be shy! Update your wanted lists, as well! Here's a link to the page where everyone's is linked to: WANTED SCENES. Thanks folks,


P.S. I've started utilizing the TAGS system here on InsaneJournal. The OOC contains tags, as well as the IC. So, when you make an OOC post, please put a lowercase version of your name as the tag, at the least. Then we can look back and see what all we've posted here or find information we need that might get lost. Here's a link to the page with all the OOC tags. They need to be consistent to work, so if you want to label something, check it out here: OOC TAGS first. I'll add a link to the OOC TAGS page in the "INFO/LINKS" page right now. Hope this helps! Also, when you make an IN CHARACTER post, please add whatever characters you're including in the thread to the tags box. You can always go back and edit by clicking the button in the center of the thread at the top of the page that says 'TAG'. It's in the yellow box at the top of every post.
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Hey guys. [Jul. 1st, 2008|11:15 am]

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Things have slacked up a bit! If you have some threads to finish up, get'r done.

Bigger news: We have two new characters, Aurora (Jeanne-Marie) and Shock (male, Brotherhood OC) as played by Mel. So look forward to meeting them. Check out the taken page or the contact list for more info!


Peace be with you. XD

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So, we lost two members. No more Gambit or Shadowcat. [Jun. 23rd, 2008|04:27 pm]

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We're keeping Emma, however, as I picked her up and am trading Siryn to do so.

Our needed list now has: Cyclops, Angel, Shadowcat, Gambit, Siryn, Jubilee and Juggernaut

So, we need to advertise hardcore, on whatever medium you think might work. There are only a handful of us left, playing a whack of characters a piece. The plot is moving and we're getting all of our character development stuff underway, but we just need some more kids on the playground, eh?

So, you can find Emma now at [info]whitediamonds. And our Contact List and F-Lister has been updated - as well as the other pages that include character lists, etc. Hope all is well,

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[Jun. 7th, 2008|05:57 pm]

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We encourage everyone to update their wanted scenes list for each character. Now that the stagnant period of the game is over, I'm sure we've all had time to think about new ideas, plans, and wanted interactions. Also, please strike through the scenes you have already completed, no longer want, or are not applicable. Thanks.

-Dan / Bec
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Hey dudes. [Apr. 20th, 2008|04:59 am]

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Even though some of you haven't even gotten back to me, I think it's better that we stay here. Despite my feelings of being betrayed by a huge crash here at IJ, I do prefer the icons, and I do love the fact that we're already established here and have put in a lot of effort. I just don't want to lose it, and it's happened before, in quite the same fashion. So. I'm keeping the community over at LJ ready for when things get bad again.

So, continue your threads! Post new ones! Be merry. It's a free for all.

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