X-Men: The Aftermath OOC [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Hey true believers. XD [Oct. 9th, 2008|02:09 am]

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I've been updating some stuff around the game (lists, coding, images, layouts) and decided to get ambitious. I made a new community for us to play at. [info]x_fluff_x. Whether you think it's frivolous or not, joining isn't mandatory, so no worries there. I, personally, felt that overloading the main community with fluff and pr0n wasn't the best thing for me to do with my characters (and not just recently, either). So I wanted a guilt-free place to post them goofing off or getting busy, etc. :D It's open to all, so if you feel like doing something pointless and naughty, post it up there. Please, however, don't feel obligated to direct all romantic, humorous, angsty posts toward that community. If you believe there is honest-to-goodness plot in your thread, or immense character development, that thread belongs either at [info]x_aftermath_x or [info]x_flashback_x (respectively). Also, threads posted to the fluff community can absolutely be backdated. Finally, please know that you will not be hounded to move threads around accordingly. This is all for fun. However, I can't protect you if your Logan/Colossus billiards thread covers up someone returning from the dead or something. Hah. :P

Anyway, comments would be great. I'd like to know what everyone thinks - about any of the changes. I can fix things if need be!


P.S. To clear up any confusion, I'd like to answer two could-be questions! Yes, the threads posted to the fluff community are canon. They shouldn't be anything that wouldn't happen on the main community. The community is there for true-to-our-story threads. :)

And to help with the distinction, here are some types of threads...

FLUFF: (please insert the word "plotless" in front of all of these descriptions) BFF threads, kitchen threads (we've all done 'em), sex scenes, family bonding, Danger Room threads, 'I'm bored' threads, etc.

LEGIT: Initializing relationships, storyline advancement, side-switching, deaths, responding to changes in the plot, threads that seem fluffy but will be important later in the storyline, etc.
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