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[Sep. 22nd, 2015|10:50 pm]

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To all Upper Classmen - Please refrain from selling 'Lift Passes' to First Years. As veteran students, it is expected you assist in guiding your peers through their formative schooling, acting as shining examples of the Hogwarts motto: Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus.

Twenty house points will be rewarded to the first student able to correctly translate our school's motto. A further thirty to the student best able to articulate its double entendre as applies to this situation.

Lastly, to all First Years - I regret to inform you there are no lifts at Hogwarts, only moving staircases and twisting towers. Should you find yourselves continuing to lose your way, please ask a Prefect or a Professor for directions. Unfortunately, 'I got lost,' will cease to be a valid excuse to tardiness at lessons come 1 October, 2015.


Mr. Boot
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[Sep. 12th, 2015|10:51 pm]

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A friendly reminder to those who come to the library:

This is a place of study and of learning. If you wish to study alone, in silence, wonderful! If you would like to meet with a group or tutor, even better! It is NOT a place for snogging between the stacks! I have no problem with escorting the two of you out of the library, in front of everyone that happens to be in there, no matter the state of your undress.

That, or I'll speak to Professor Shaw on good tactics to keep students in line.
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[Sep. 8th, 2015|02:09 am]

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I suppose it's high time that I started using this journal. I've been here quite a few months already. I hear it's a wonderful way to meet new people and connect with the other students and professors. If nothing else it's a fascinating social experiment.

Gellert Grindelwald. It's a pleasure to meet all of you, I'm sure.

I'll attach an image so you know who it is you're speaking with and I would appreciate if you all did the same, though it's not a requirement.

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[Sep. 3rd, 2015|12:40 am]

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A little late on the bandwagon, but welcome back to school! I hope the beginning of the year has already started on a good foot for everyone and that the first years are able to find their way around the hallways without too much trouble! I can see that some professors have already started passing out the homework as I already have some students in the library.

That or they just missed me that much. ^_^

If anyone needs anything, please don't hesitate to ask!
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[Sep. 2nd, 2015|07:34 pm]

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Gryffindor First years:

Welcome to Gryffindor. I'm Shaw, your Head of House.
I will tape you to the wall if you misbehave.
There are monsters in the walls. I use screaming children as sacrifices. Don't be one of them.
Keep your familiars under control, if they mess in the common room, you will clean it.
The Fat Lady likes me more than you. She will let you sleep in the hall if you try to come in after curfew.

Gryffindor Fifth-Seventh years:

You're close to making it out alive. Don't risk it. Stay out of opposite sex dorm rooms.
If I find you in the Prefect's bathroom and you shouldn't be there, you will be cleaning it with your toothbrush.
My Astronomy Tower is not a place for necking. I will throw you out the window.
If I find alcohol in your room, I will make you drink all of it. Every. Single. Drop. And then you'll have a few shots of tequila and we'll see how long it takes you to vomit.
If I find cigarettes in your room. You will be made to eat them.
Don't be late to class. Think up a witty threat of your own, I'm too exhausted to think of another one. But make it a good one.

Everyone else:
Welcome back and enjoy tormenting your own Head of House.
I hear Constantine is giving out condoms, Holmes is giving out candy, and Winchester has free brooms.
Have a great year.
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[Sep. 1st, 2015|07:37 pm]

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Welcome students.

I'm Myron Wagtail, the new choir director. Still sounds weird.

Who is signing up for choir this year?
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[Aug. 28th, 2015|06:11 pm]

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Anyone else check the calendar lately and suffer an aneurysm? Only three days left of the summer hols. I knew term was on the horizon but fuck me. Three days?

Odeon save us all.
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4. [Aug. 8th, 2015|04:55 pm]
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First summer holidays I've spent that didn't involve toolin' around me mam's place or visitin' an aunt. Or stayin' with me da as per the usual arrangements. First summer that didn't involve me bumblin' me way around the Falls an' being anythin' but anonymous, or wanderin' through London while me da was workin' and not havin' anyone slot me into a category.

Hogwarts is nice, though. Solid. Stood the test of time, as someone probably somewhere would say. There's a forest, there's a lake, there's the grounds: there's a little village to visit, brooms to ride, animals to feed, books to read and a library to lose yourself in.

It's not too warm up here, which is pleasant, and there's a nice comfy bed at the end of ev'ry evenin'.

And this year - me last year - is one in which no-one will get hurt, or killed, or broken. Not entirely sure if I know how to adjust to that.
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[Jul. 11th, 2015|07:53 pm]

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To those of you interested, I have finally chosen to get a tattoo. It was a difficult and long decision to put a permanent mark on such perfect skin, but I love what I chose. To those younger folks and those afraid of the human form, look away now.

* * *

Visible only to those over 18 (a little NSFW picture) )
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[Jul. 7th, 2015|06:10 pm]

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Well, it's been a fasinating development to try and guess who has been affected by the Veritaserum and who's just playing games. Hopefully the effects will wear off before summer classes begin; I can only imagine what kind of dynamic that would bring to the classroom!

Private to Neville )
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[Jun. 21st, 2015|08:45 pm]
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I have to say, if adulthood is an endless summer of movies, popcorn and alcohol, I rather like the sound of it.

And this house is glorious, even if it is a bit too obsessed with dinosaurs. Some James Bond, please: I have a lot to catch up on since 'The Man with the Golden Gun' was released. And practicing saying "Lupin. Remus Lupin" in the mirror doesn't quite cut it.

I never really got the thing about Sean Connery, though - it spawned too many Scotsmen who think they're all that, from what I can tell.
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[Jun. 18th, 2015|09:32 pm]

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It's so strange to come into the library and have it be empty. There are a few students who still come in, bless their hearts, but it's almost eerie to have it so quiet. Once summer classes begin, hopefully it will brighten the stacks again.

Hopefully all students are enjoying the few days of freedom with no classes or work!
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[Jun. 13th, 2015|08:51 am]

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Watching people clean up from my window. There's still a lot to be done. I think I'll go out and help them in a bit.

Private to Terry Boot )
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[May. 21st, 2015|01:49 am]

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I just wanted to give everyone a friendly reminder that if you need any extra help with studies, let me know! I'm free anytime during the week after 5pm and anytime after 3pm on the weekends! I know how stressful it's getting to be, don't let it overwhelm you! Ask for help if you need it! I would be happy to oblige!

Also, I ask that you please keep food out of the library. The rats are beginning to grow to an impressive size.
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