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Wizard World Journal Posts

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[Sep. 21st, 2015|11:33 pm]

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Tomorrow I have to sit down with reporters from Witch Weekly and the Daily Prophet while they take pictures. My bio is already submitted for the program. My first match is on October 3 against the Falmouth Falcons.

This is REALLY happening.
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[Sep. 12th, 2015|10:47 pm]

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Who's actually staying on top of her schoolwork? THIS GIRL!

It's the weekend and I've already done ALL MY HOMEWORK!!!

Is this what freedom feels like?
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[Sep. 8th, 2015|02:09 am]

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I suppose it's high time that I started using this journal. I've been here quite a few months already. I hear it's a wonderful way to meet new people and connect with the other students and professors. If nothing else it's a fascinating social experiment.

Gellert Grindelwald. It's a pleasure to meet all of you, I'm sure.

I'll attach an image so you know who it is you're speaking with and I would appreciate if you all did the same, though it's not a requirement.

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[Sep. 2nd, 2015|07:34 pm]

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Gryffindor First years:

Welcome to Gryffindor. I'm Shaw, your Head of House.
I will tape you to the wall if you misbehave.
There are monsters in the walls. I use screaming children as sacrifices. Don't be one of them.
Keep your familiars under control, if they mess in the common room, you will clean it.
The Fat Lady likes me more than you. She will let you sleep in the hall if you try to come in after curfew.

Gryffindor Fifth-Seventh years:

You're close to making it out alive. Don't risk it. Stay out of opposite sex dorm rooms.
If I find you in the Prefect's bathroom and you shouldn't be there, you will be cleaning it with your toothbrush.
My Astronomy Tower is not a place for necking. I will throw you out the window.
If I find alcohol in your room, I will make you drink all of it. Every. Single. Drop. And then you'll have a few shots of tequila and we'll see how long it takes you to vomit.
If I find cigarettes in your room. You will be made to eat them.
Don't be late to class. Think up a witty threat of your own, I'm too exhausted to think of another one. But make it a good one.

Everyone else:
Welcome back and enjoy tormenting your own Head of House.
I hear Constantine is giving out condoms, Holmes is giving out candy, and Winchester has free brooms.
Have a great year.
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[Sep. 2nd, 2015|02:05 pm]

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Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts!

For those of you with questions about the syllabus for your Potions course (whichever level that may be), please direct your questions to me either after class, during my office hours, or here if you're in desperate need of an answer. As always, I strive to help in any way that I can and to make your education as interesting and painless as possible.

Some of my older students and those of you in my advanced courses may notice a bit of a change in the way some things are taught and handled but fear not. Potions is, as ever, rather unchanging itself. I only strive to make your time in class and with me a bit more enjoyable a lot less tedious.

Anyone wishing to speak with me outside of class is welcome to see me at my office during my hours which are as follows:

Monday-Friday: 2pm-6pm
Saturday: 10am-3pm
Sunday: By Appointment Only

Again, here's wishing you all a wonderful, educational and productive school year!
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[Sep. 1st, 2015|07:37 pm]

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Welcome students.

I'm Myron Wagtail, the new choir director. Still sounds weird.

Who is signing up for choir this year?
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[Sep. 1st, 2015|10:26 pm]

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I suppose now is as good of a time as any. When classes start tomorrow, everyone was going to find out.

Students of Hogwarts, I will not be teaching Ancient Runes. I will still hold ballet lessons and the ballet club is still active, but runes is not my class to teach. My office will stay where it is and I will be finding a new room for ballet.

Ballet will be held Tuesday and Thursdays after class. If you need me otherwise, please send me an owl and I will reply as soon as I can.
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[Sep. 1st, 2015|10:18 pm]

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Attention first years:

Please stop trying to jump to the landing when the stairs move. It's just not a good idea.

Attention upper-classmen:

Please stop convincing the first years that they should attempt to make the jump to the landing when the stairs move. It's not as funny as you think it is.

That is all.
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[Aug. 31st, 2015|10:15 pm]

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It'll be weird not riding the train to school tomorrow. I'm always interested to see the new students who will be coming in...I guess that will just have to wait until the Welcoming Feast!

For all the other 7th years, here's to making our last year the best!
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[Aug. 31st, 2015|08:51 am]

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Good luck to everyone going back to school.

I can't believe I'm not.

1st year training is over, and the veteran players are returning, so this will be the first full run on the pitch. I'm gonna end up bloody. I can see it coming. With the mood I'm in, bring it on.
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[Aug. 28th, 2015|06:11 pm]

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Anyone else check the calendar lately and suffer an aneurysm? Only three days left of the summer hols. I knew term was on the horizon but fuck me. Three days?

Odeon save us all.
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Ahem. [Aug. 27th, 2015|07:28 pm]
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Not really one for announcements (I'll leave the self-promotion to my prettier half), but I probably should inform the current students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that I will be supporting them next term in the position of Assistant Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts.

If anyone tries to get through a spot quiz on the five signs to identify a werewolf by including 'he wears a lot of tweed' and 'he's in my classroom right now,' I assure you, I've tried that joke myself.

Obviously I'd like to thank Professor Constantine and the headmaster for extending this opportunity. It appears that I can be a part of a wild pack and still find gainful employment. I'll be taking rooms within the castle from next week, so don't hesitate to knock on my door if you need to. You can even disturb me if my nose is buried in a book.

I look forward to seeing how you all grow and develop in the class, so remember to keep your quills wet with ink, your books well-thumbed, and always recall that the monsters we learn about are often just a different form of people.
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[Aug. 13th, 2015|04:09 pm]

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Good afternoon, lovely students and professors. I'm going to be your new Head Healer, fresh from St. Mungo's, so I'll be able to take care of all of those bumps and bruises and accidental removal of limbs. I'm actually pretty adept at reattaching limbs.

I'm Augustus, but you all can call me August.

And I promise, I'm the best Healer you've ever met. They send the very worst cases to me at St. Mungo's, so you're in soft, long-fingered, capable hands.

Plus, I'm modest.

I'll be around during the day and part of the evenings, but I'm at St. Mungo's for six hours a night taking care of whatever they need. But, if you need me for anything, you'll always be able to catch me here.

Nothing's too small, so don't be afraid to stop by or give me a shout if you need something.
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[Aug. 11th, 2015|08:44 am]

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So, my Hogwarts Owl came to me in my dormitory. That's a first. I've already collected all my books and supplies for Seventh Year... it's really nice having money. I was so worried when we didn't. It'll be weird not going to work in Hogsmeade every day, but getting back into the swing of things Quidditch wise will be nice.

What's everyone else looking forward to this year?
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[Aug. 10th, 2015|10:27 pm]

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Everyone has been mentioning key things indicating that it's almost time for back to school, but I dunno if it'll really feel like that for me. With summer classes, I feel like I'm already back. Maybe it would have made a difference if I had stayed in Hogsmeade like many other students.

Still! Looking forward to seeing people I haven't seen all summer, not looking forward to a last year of extra stress. >.< Here's hoping I can make it!
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[Aug. 8th, 2015|05:49 pm]
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It's been a rather active summer, I have to admit. Adulthood doesn't seem to horrible when you have friends to charm the laundry clean.

And I'm not a hideous cook, but Jordan could certainly show me a couple of tricks. Still, someone's got to fuss a little.

Actually, adulthood is: a cup of tea in the afternoon, a good book to read; a glass of wine after dinner and my boyfriend in my arms. Putting it like that, adulthood sounds rather good.

I am of course terribly sorry for all you young folk who haven't quite crossed this boundary.
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4. [Aug. 8th, 2015|04:55 pm]
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First summer holidays I've spent that didn't involve toolin' around me mam's place or visitin' an aunt. Or stayin' with me da as per the usual arrangements. First summer that didn't involve me bumblin' me way around the Falls an' being anythin' but anonymous, or wanderin' through London while me da was workin' and not havin' anyone slot me into a category.

Hogwarts is nice, though. Solid. Stood the test of time, as someone probably somewhere would say. There's a forest, there's a lake, there's the grounds: there's a little village to visit, brooms to ride, animals to feed, books to read and a library to lose yourself in.

It's not too warm up here, which is pleasant, and there's a nice comfy bed at the end of ev'ry evenin'.

And this year - me last year - is one in which no-one will get hurt, or killed, or broken. Not entirely sure if I know how to adjust to that.
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[Jul. 24th, 2015|09:30 am]

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My Present - one of them )

So after that, I was working on this with the visiting rock stars last weekend (Thanks Stubby, Myron, and Kirley). I'm not half bad.

Feeling Good - by Michael Buble
Might have been after a couple drinks here.

I will be back next week. I can't believe it's almost over. Life's been too good!
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[Jul. 16th, 2015|02:26 pm]

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Today we are having the driver take us out to the Gulf Coast to try surfing. Should be just like flying, all about balance, except in water. We'll also try not to get eaten by sharks.

It's almost my birthday. We should be spending it in Florida. I can't wait to play Quidditch again, but I do love it here.

I should have come to the states years ago. Oliver and I got loads of souvenirs for everyone.

[Private: Remy/Miles]
You need to get back here soon. We have one grumpy Scot walking around this place. I think you need to stock up on the booze. Your driver also knows all the hot spots in town. I told him that he'd get a huge tip from you for treating us so well.
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[Jun. 25th, 2015|09:49 pm]

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I'm pleased to say that all that studying I did paid off -- I received an O in every class I took this last year.
I don't mean to sound particularly smug, but I think 12 OWLs is quite enough for a little self congratulation.
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