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[Sep. 30th, 2015|11:35 am]

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The choir will make an appearance in a week. It will be the first show. They sound pretty good. Don't miss it.

I'm going to play at the Hogshead for fun on Friday night.
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[Sep. 1st, 2015|07:37 pm]

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Welcome students.

I'm Myron Wagtail, the new choir director. Still sounds weird.

Who is signing up for choir this year?
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[Aug. 20th, 2015|07:21 pm]

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I'm pretty glad this whole age thing managed to miss me. At least I still fit into my clothes, and my voice is as perfect as ever. I think I'll go down to the pub and play something.
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[Jun. 22nd, 2015|01:44 pm]

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Ladies and gentlemen;

As moving is done, that means it's time for interviews to be held. If you wish to be a curse breaker, please make an appointment and come see me either Wednesday or Friday at Gringotts. Tell the goblin you are there for an interview. They will bring you to me.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
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[Jun. 21st, 2015|07:58 am]


Happy Father's Day to dads out there. Celebrate it by throwing on your best dad jeans and dancing to your old records, in public, in front of your kids' crushes. Be sure to point out who your child is in a crowd. They'll be so proud that you're their dad.
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[Jun. 17th, 2015|08:34 am]

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Who wants free pygmy puffs? An order I put in three months ago just arrived.
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