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[Sep. 12th, 2015|10:39 pm]

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Is it possible to have a midlife crisis at 17?
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[Sep. 11th, 2015|09:14 pm]

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Summer hols are over. Not sure why everyone's acting like that's not the case. If I get one more student who didn't do the readings I assigned, I'm going to have a bloody aneurysm.
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[Sep. 10th, 2015|11:02 am]

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Private to Stubby )
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[Sep. 8th, 2015|02:09 am]

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When it comes to matters of the heart, I find myself completely and absolutely lost.

Love is too fickle and too hard. I give up.

Private to Roger )

Private to Stubby )
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[Sep. 8th, 2015|02:09 am]

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I suppose it's high time that I started using this journal. I've been here quite a few months already. I hear it's a wonderful way to meet new people and connect with the other students and professors. If nothing else it's a fascinating social experiment.

Gellert Grindelwald. It's a pleasure to meet all of you, I'm sure.

I'll attach an image so you know who it is you're speaking with and I would appreciate if you all did the same, though it's not a requirement.

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[Sep. 5th, 2015|05:36 pm]

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He's gone. Draco's gone.

It's strange how I could miss someone so much when I had only known them for half a year. But I feel like there's a piece of me missing.

His boyfriend seems to be missing as well. I can only hope they're together and happy. Or maybe he's gone back to his own time, I dunno.

Private to Pansy )

Private to Harry Potter )
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[Sep. 3rd, 2015|12:51 am]

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It's so strange to see so many entries about the first day of school and realize I don't have to be apart of that.

It's even stranger to think that I miss it...just a bit.
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[Sep. 2nd, 2015|02:05 pm]

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Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts!

For those of you with questions about the syllabus for your Potions course (whichever level that may be), please direct your questions to me either after class, during my office hours, or here if you're in desperate need of an answer. As always, I strive to help in any way that I can and to make your education as interesting and painless as possible.

Some of my older students and those of you in my advanced courses may notice a bit of a change in the way some things are taught and handled but fear not. Potions is, as ever, rather unchanging itself. I only strive to make your time in class and with me a bit more enjoyable a lot less tedious.

Anyone wishing to speak with me outside of class is welcome to see me at my office during my hours which are as follows:

Monday-Friday: 2pm-6pm
Saturday: 10am-3pm
Sunday: By Appointment Only

Again, here's wishing you all a wonderful, educational and productive school year!
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[Sep. 1st, 2015|07:37 pm]

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Welcome students.

I'm Myron Wagtail, the new choir director. Still sounds weird.

Who is signing up for choir this year?
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[Sep. 1st, 2015|10:18 pm]

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Attention first years:

Please stop trying to jump to the landing when the stairs move. It's just not a good idea.

Attention upper-classmen:

Please stop convincing the first years that they should attempt to make the jump to the landing when the stairs move. It's not as funny as you think it is.

That is all.
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[Aug. 28th, 2015|06:11 pm]

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Anyone else check the calendar lately and suffer an aneurysm? Only three days left of the summer hols. I knew term was on the horizon but fuck me. Three days?

Odeon save us all.
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[Aug. 23rd, 2015|12:04 am]

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Old age seems to have left me with some rather curly hair. It's a blasted mess and I'm not very fond of it at all.

That being said, I can't say I'm disappointed with how I've aged.
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[Aug. 13th, 2015|04:09 pm]

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Good afternoon, lovely students and professors. I'm going to be your new Head Healer, fresh from St. Mungo's, so I'll be able to take care of all of those bumps and bruises and accidental removal of limbs. I'm actually pretty adept at reattaching limbs.

I'm Augustus, but you all can call me August.

And I promise, I'm the best Healer you've ever met. They send the very worst cases to me at St. Mungo's, so you're in soft, long-fingered, capable hands.

Plus, I'm modest.

I'll be around during the day and part of the evenings, but I'm at St. Mungo's for six hours a night taking care of whatever they need. But, if you need me for anything, you'll always be able to catch me here.

Nothing's too small, so don't be afraid to stop by or give me a shout if you need something.
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[Aug. 10th, 2015|11:07 pm]

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Well. Another one bites the dust.

I'm beginning not to like this time again. Is there just this strange odor that hangs about me that suddenly deters everyone from me?

It must be that. Because I refuse to believe I'm losing my charm or becoming ugly.
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[Aug. 8th, 2015|05:20 pm]
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As much as I enjoy the London summer, the constant questions about passport and visa rules from tourists is annoying. If I have to deal with one more retiree from Florida on their first trip ever overseas who is confused by the cars, the food, or the currency, I will tell them to never leave the country again.

This place isn't America and it's not like Downton Abbey either. Funny that.

Oh, and British people, if you want actual heat, I would direct you to California at this time of year. You can stay with my folks and melt.
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[Jul. 27th, 2015|09:33 pm]


I'm finding my interest in muggle things growing. Between these phones everyone has and the muggle side of London, my curiosity is continually growing. Did people know there was a large moving apparatus in muggle London? You're in this large bubble like thing and it turns in a full circle so you can see all of London! It was fascinating!

It was like being on a broom, but you were encased in the safety of a room.

Private to Harry Hart )
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[Jul. 27th, 2015|02:03 pm]

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The upside to living with people who all come from the late seventies is that their interest in music is sort of fascinating. Sirius has recently acquired a record player and the phrase "Bowie Dance Party" has been coming up an awful lot lately. I don't mind, considering I don't know particularly much about muggle music. I'm getting a decent education on it though as they all try and catch up with the last forty years in trends.

Some music, admittedly, is better than others. I'm really happy the "dubstep" phase was short lived and also possibly banned from ever being again. That's some really annoying stuff and the foundations wouldn't stop vibrating.
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[Jul. 20th, 2015|10:44 pm]

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Private to Harry Hart )
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[Jul. 16th, 2015|11:27 pm]

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Thank you to everyone who reached out to me or my family in regards to the explosion at our flat. I hear they're still investigating to see what actually happened, but at least everyone is safe. It seems that they have a new flat for us to occupy, but I find myself enjoying the comforts of where I am.

Classes have started once more and I find myself enjoying being a professors assistant. To anyone taking Potions over the summer course, I should warn you, I am not any less "easy" than Professor Hart. I will be happy to help anyone that may need it, but please do not come to me expecting anything more than help.

Private to Pansy & Draco )
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[Jul. 5th, 2015|11:01 pm]

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Dodged a bullet there, didn't I? Phew.
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