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[Sep. 8th, 2015|10:16 pm]

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Private to Stubby )
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[Aug. 20th, 2015|07:21 pm]

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I'm pretty glad this whole age thing managed to miss me. At least I still fit into my clothes, and my voice is as perfect as ever. I think I'll go down to the pub and play something.
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Private to Stubby [Aug. 20th, 2015|08:46 pm]

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I saw this today and I thought of you. )
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[Jul. 11th, 2015|07:53 pm]

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To those of you interested, I have finally chosen to get a tattoo. It was a difficult and long decision to put a permanent mark on such perfect skin, but I love what I chose. To those younger folks and those afraid of the human form, look away now.

* * *

Visible only to those over 18 (a little NSFW picture) )
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[Jul. 5th, 2015|03:27 am]

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Private to Kirley )
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Summer Classes with Professor Schmidt [Jun. 14th, 2015|07:24 pm]

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For those of you who are now signing up for classes, I wanted to take a moment and talk about the classes I will be teaching over the summer. I will be teaching the following:

Muggle Music
This class will focus on music from the Muggle world. The history of music, how it has changed over time, how it influenced and continues to influence music in the Wizarding world and beyond.

Muggle Philosophy
I realize that many of you may not be familiar with this study. Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind and language. I will give a history and base of the subject and then this class will be strictly open-discussion style with a topic handed down at the beginning of class. I encourage free-thinking and creativity.

If anyone has any questions for me, please don't hesitate to contact me!
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Private to Stubby [May. 10th, 2015|11:20 pm]

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Would you like to get together soon to sing again? Practice makes perfect, after all.
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