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[Sep. 8th, 2015|07:55 pm]

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Private to Stubby )
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[Sep. 8th, 2015|06:04 pm]

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Private to Albus )
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[Sep. 8th, 2015|02:09 am]

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I suppose it's high time that I started using this journal. I've been here quite a few months already. I hear it's a wonderful way to meet new people and connect with the other students and professors. If nothing else it's a fascinating social experiment.

Gellert Grindelwald. It's a pleasure to meet all of you, I'm sure.

I'll attach an image so you know who it is you're speaking with and I would appreciate if you all did the same, though it's not a requirement.

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[Jul. 16th, 2015|10:27 pm]

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Private to Stubby )
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[Jul. 5th, 2015|03:31 pm]

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Private to Albus )
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Parting Summer Hols Pressies [Jun. 15th, 2015|12:57 pm]

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An iPhone 6 with the following cases has been left on each lad's bedside table, accompanied by a handwritten note and a chocolate frog. The phones' 'Favourites' lists have been programmed with each other's new mobile numbers, including Remy LeBeau's. This has been set for the backgrounds, though the lock screens are catered to the individual.

Gideon Prewett )

Fabian Prewett )

Percy Weasley )
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Private to the Prewetts, Oliver Wood [Jun. 11th, 2015|10:33 am]

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I've been doing a lot of thinking about the upcoming summer.

While I know that I initially agreed to stay with you all in Professor LeBeau's estate, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to retract that decision. I simply don't feel comfortable with it, and would prefer to stay here at the school. It'll be easier to get to the summer courses being offered, as well as Hogsmeade; I was thinking I might look for some kind of temporary work.

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[Jun. 7th, 2015|08:34 am]

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I got two owls today. One from Puddlemere United, and the other from the Wimbourne Wasps. Remy came through. Quidditch tryouts are next week. They could have texted me, but I guess they don't really go for the Google yet.

Does anyone want to put the books down and come throw quaffles at me? I need a workout, and I'm a great target. Yes, I am volunteering for that, or if enough people want to get a scrimmage together, I'd be down.

I have tryouts. I HAVE TRYOUTS. I might be panicking just a little.
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[May. 29th, 2015|09:20 pm]

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Warded away from Oliver Wood )
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[May. 26th, 2015|12:29 am]

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So, er

Hello, everyone.

Before anything else, I'd like to apologize for not having made introductions earlier. I'd like to say I have a good excuse, but I'm not especially sure that I do. Not one that I'd like to get into, anyway. I hope you can all forgive me for being remiss and mostly absent. I guess -- uh. Well. I'm here now. And I'd very much like to ---

I'm here now, anyway.


I'm Harry Potter.
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[May. 25th, 2015|11:33 am]

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I still have to go up to the infirmary and get another dose of the healing salve. I'm a bloody mess.

This is why I don't jump into fights.
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Private Messages [May. 24th, 2015|01:43 pm]

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[Percy Weasley]
Hate to ask, but would you mind bringing my books to the infirmary, please?

[Gideon Prewett]
Won't be on the pitch for a few dates, mate. Sorry.
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[May. 12th, 2015|07:54 pm]

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Private to Albus Dumbledore )
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[May. 12th, 2015|05:47 pm]

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Private to Gryffindor Quidditch Team (All three Prewetts inclusive - welcome to the team, Percy) )
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[Apr. 30th, 2015|05:51 pm]

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Private to Albus )
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Private to Gideon Prewett [Apr. 29th, 2015|05:03 pm]

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Good morning lesser looking Prewett. Oliver and I-

Hey Gideon. About 4:00 in the morning at the moment. If you're awake, pen me a message? Otherwise, see you on the pitch in an hour.
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Private to Wood & G. Prewett [Apr. 22nd, 2015|01:57 pm]

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6am Quidditch practice?

Is that entirely necessary.
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Private to Regulus [Apr. 18th, 2015|12:32 pm]


Hey, I just wanted to see how you were doing.. say hello.

So, um. Hi.
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[Apr. 12th, 2015|10:50 am]

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I found this picture in my album, and decided to post it here for Gideon and Fabian Prewett.

[Picture pasted into the journal] )
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[Apr. 9th, 2015|12:21 am]

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Gryffindor Quidditch Team:

There are brooms in the common room. For us. New brooms, mates.

They're so awesome, I want to kiss whoever did this-- Black?

They seem to be very good quality.

Does anyone know where they came form?

They're personalized brooms! Holy shit!

Please come collect them at your earliest convenience.
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