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[Sep. 12th, 2015|10:47 pm]

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Who's actually staying on top of her schoolwork? THIS GIRL!

It's the weekend and I've already done ALL MY HOMEWORK!!!

Is this what freedom feels like?
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[Sep. 11th, 2015|09:14 pm]

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Summer hols are over. Not sure why everyone's acting like that's not the case. If I get one more student who didn't do the readings I assigned, I'm going to have a bloody aneurysm.
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[Sep. 2nd, 2015|02:05 pm]

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Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts!

For those of you with questions about the syllabus for your Potions course (whichever level that may be), please direct your questions to me either after class, during my office hours, or here if you're in desperate need of an answer. As always, I strive to help in any way that I can and to make your education as interesting and painless as possible.

Some of my older students and those of you in my advanced courses may notice a bit of a change in the way some things are taught and handled but fear not. Potions is, as ever, rather unchanging itself. I only strive to make your time in class and with me a bit more enjoyable a lot less tedious.

Anyone wishing to speak with me outside of class is welcome to see me at my office during my hours which are as follows:

Monday-Friday: 2pm-6pm
Saturday: 10am-3pm
Sunday: By Appointment Only

Again, here's wishing you all a wonderful, educational and productive school year!
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Ahem. [Aug. 27th, 2015|07:28 pm]
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Not really one for announcements (I'll leave the self-promotion to my prettier half), but I probably should inform the current students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that I will be supporting them next term in the position of Assistant Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts.

If anyone tries to get through a spot quiz on the five signs to identify a werewolf by including 'he wears a lot of tweed' and 'he's in my classroom right now,' I assure you, I've tried that joke myself.

Obviously I'd like to thank Professor Constantine and the headmaster for extending this opportunity. It appears that I can be a part of a wild pack and still find gainful employment. I'll be taking rooms within the castle from next week, so don't hesitate to knock on my door if you need to. You can even disturb me if my nose is buried in a book.

I look forward to seeing how you all grow and develop in the class, so remember to keep your quills wet with ink, your books well-thumbed, and always recall that the monsters we learn about are often just a different form of people.
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[Aug. 8th, 2015|02:21 pm]

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[Aug. 8th, 2015|05:49 pm]
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It's been a rather active summer, I have to admit. Adulthood doesn't seem to horrible when you have friends to charm the laundry clean.

And I'm not a hideous cook, but Jordan could certainly show me a couple of tricks. Still, someone's got to fuss a little.

Actually, adulthood is: a cup of tea in the afternoon, a good book to read; a glass of wine after dinner and my boyfriend in my arms. Putting it like that, adulthood sounds rather good.

I am of course terribly sorry for all you young folk who haven't quite crossed this boundary.
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THE GREAT CHOCOLATE WAR OF 2015 [Aug. 4th, 2015|07:45 pm]

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No, really, I'm not mad. A funny thing sort of happened. See, as I was running around, and around and around, ducking and dodging and hexing balloons in my room that soaked all my sheets and my telly, and my google, which has survived thanks to a thing on the front called a Zagg, I kept running. Well - I couldn't get away, so I ran into Sirius' room and they followed me, so as they popped, they left the mess there too, which is kind of funny really. The mess in there is about as bad as in my room, and then we won't talk about the sofa. The whole house looks like the Easter bunny exploded.

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Filtered away from Harry Potter [Jul. 29th, 2015|08:59 am]

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I really need a gift for my son's birthday.

I do have an idea, but I have no clue where my things would have went after the war. Gringotts maybe? I haven't really check the vault for all of that. I know the house was rubble, but there are certain things that might have survived.
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[Jul. 27th, 2015|07:54 pm]

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Definitely got the right job, I think. There's something fulfilling about learning how to avoid things exploding whilst simultaneously making them explode.

Yeah. That's a thing. And it's awesome.

And how are all of you fine and lovely folks? Good? Great.
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Private: Maurauders [Jul. 9th, 2015|11:52 pm]

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Hey. I was just thinking, er - yeah, thinking. If I were to ask another girl out, other than the one I married the last time around, what would you think of that?

Do you think Harry would feel weird about it? I mean, it's just a date, and this is like years later and Lily and I haven't been together since the time warp.
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[Jul. 6th, 2015|09:42 pm]

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Quite a couple of months that Hogsmeade has had. I can only hope this isn't a pattern that we have to look forward to. I can only imagine residents and business owners wouldn't appreciate that.

It certainly would make me reconsider a new flat somewhere else.
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[Jul. 6th, 2015|11:54 am]
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The first thing you learn about share-houses is that there's an invisible, if inevitable, division of labour.

The second thing is that when anyone offers to help with the dishes or turns out to be a good cook, you look at them as if they just saved your first-born child.

And no-one who cooks breakfast well can be all bad.

Private to Regulus )
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[Jul. 4th, 2015|11:36 am]

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Private to Professor John Constantine. [Jul. 3rd, 2015|06:21 pm]
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Cut for prying eyes. )
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[Jun. 28th, 2015|09:58 pm]

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Oi, mates and peers and whatever!

As the new assistant Quidditch Coach, it's my pleasure to post the teams for intramural summer quidditch teams! They're posted below.
Comments, complaints and concerns can be logged, and that's very nice, but no good. Compliments will be well received.
If you missed sign-ups and still want to play, lemme know and I'll see if I can't make any adjustments.

Quidditch Rosters )
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Private to Friends of a Certain Character [Jun. 27th, 2015|06:58 pm]
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Private to Sirius Black, Regulus Black, James Potter and Lily Evans. )
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[Jun. 21st, 2015|08:45 pm]
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I have to say, if adulthood is an endless summer of movies, popcorn and alcohol, I rather like the sound of it.

And this house is glorious, even if it is a bit too obsessed with dinosaurs. Some James Bond, please: I have a lot to catch up on since 'The Man with the Golden Gun' was released. And practicing saying "Lupin. Remus Lupin" in the mirror doesn't quite cut it.

I never really got the thing about Sean Connery, though - it spawned too many Scotsmen who think they're all that, from what I can tell.
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[Jun. 20th, 2015|10:33 pm]

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Can you imagine how difficult moving must be for muggles? Not having the ability to shrink things down to tiny size and stick them in a trunk which can then be levitated to its new destination? What an absolute HORROR it is to consider actually having to do any heavy lifting.

Prepare for a BEAUTIFUL segue, here:

The only heavy thing here, friends, is my heart. My woes are many. An era has ended.

Today is the day I finished moving all of my personal items out of Hogwarts and into my new flat. Which is, admittedly, a very decent flat, seeing as I share it with some very decent people (and also a mostly alright 7th year Gryffindor -- kidding. You're okay, Zuko).

We very suddenly had an extra room open up and I'm pleased to say that what we've used that room for instead is entirely better than what our original plan was. There's now a space for excessive pillow-y comfort and a muggle television. Have you lot SEEN muggle movies? There are an absolute TON of them, and I can wholeheartedly say that each and every one of them is better than Bletchley.

Particularly the dinosaur ones.
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[Jun. 14th, 2015|05:13 pm]
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As much as I'm tempted to say Severus put it better, I'll add my own singular comment:

When we were children, we did not talk like children. We were not given the grace to think like children, or to reason like children. The comforts of home and family were reft from us by duty and war and things unspeakable.

Now we have become men and women, and I'm glad that we've remembered that part of the point of being an adult is still being able to find a simple, childish joy in things, from time to time.

(But what Severus said. Really.)
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[Jun. 6th, 2015|05:43 pm]

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Reading history books certainly puts things into perspective, doesn't it.
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