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[Sep. 8th, 2015|06:04 pm]

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Private to Albus )
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[Sep. 8th, 2015|02:09 am]

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I suppose it's high time that I started using this journal. I've been here quite a few months already. I hear it's a wonderful way to meet new people and connect with the other students and professors. If nothing else it's a fascinating social experiment.

Gellert Grindelwald. It's a pleasure to meet all of you, I'm sure.

I'll attach an image so you know who it is you're speaking with and I would appreciate if you all did the same, though it's not a requirement.

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[Aug. 19th, 2015|11:41 am]

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Ladies (and gentleman) of Hogwarts, does anyone have any warming charms or spells to soothe muscles? Or any sort of potion to stop feeling bloated? Or maybe some American chocolate or a milkshake or something?

Shaw, you were right, by the way. Fucking ovaries.

[Warded for the women only]
Does anyone have a pad I could use? Possibly of the 'heavy' or 'overnight' sort? Once I go out to get more, I'll return the favor with something extra as well.
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[Jul. 20th, 2015|10:46 pm]

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I am undone.
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[Jul. 12th, 2015|10:46 pm]

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Private to Albus Dumbledore )
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[Jul. 5th, 2015|03:31 pm]

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Private to Albus )
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[Jun. 28th, 2015|09:58 pm]

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Oi, mates and peers and whatever!

As the new assistant Quidditch Coach, it's my pleasure to post the teams for intramural summer quidditch teams! They're posted below.
Comments, complaints and concerns can be logged, and that's very nice, but no good. Compliments will be well received.
If you missed sign-ups and still want to play, lemme know and I'll see if I can't make any adjustments.

Quidditch Rosters )
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-filtered to students only- [Jun. 15th, 2015|09:51 am]

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Hello! I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions about summer courses? I've already signed up for Dueling, Alchemy, and cursebreaking. Have I made any terrible choices? I'd rather not fail out over summer term.

I'm Steve Rogers by the way. Thanks in advance.
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[Jun. 14th, 2015|02:01 am]

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No one ever said finishing school would feel so anticlimactic.
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[Jun. 10th, 2015|11:22 pm]

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I am going mad with all these books and all this studying. I've caught up, and I'm almost done.
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[Jun. 11th, 2015|12:58 am]


Rose Tyler, you're an AMAZING witch.
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[Jun. 10th, 2015|08:58 pm]

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I hope everyone is having a decent week? I know Hogwarts can be a stressful place during the last week before summer.
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[May. 29th, 2015|12:48 pm]

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Because I've been informed that I do technically have to make an official announcement, Scud and I got hitched yesterday.
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[May. 26th, 2015|12:29 am]

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So, er

Hello, everyone.

Before anything else, I'd like to apologize for not having made introductions earlier. I'd like to say I have a good excuse, but I'm not especially sure that I do. Not one that I'd like to get into, anyway. I hope you can all forgive me for being remiss and mostly absent. I guess -- uh. Well. I'm here now. And I'd very much like to ---

I'm here now, anyway.


I'm Harry Potter.
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[May. 22nd, 2015|10:36 pm]


I suppose I should introduce myself as well, since I'm part of Chris' business. I'm Jenny, his sister. I help at Garland's as well. If any of you are in need of any new robes or even new clothes for the summer, we would be happy to provide. I've heard that many of you will be staying in Hogsmeade over the summer, I hope you do drop by to see our wares.
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[May. 21st, 2015|01:49 am]

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I just wanted to give everyone a friendly reminder that if you need any extra help with studies, let me know! I'm free anytime during the week after 5pm and anytime after 3pm on the weekends! I know how stressful it's getting to be, don't let it overwhelm you! Ask for help if you need it! I would be happy to oblige!

Also, I ask that you please keep food out of the library. The rats are beginning to grow to an impressive size.
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[May. 17th, 2015|09:37 pm]

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Curse breaking is probably going to be the best thing to happen to me. It's a great challenge in all aspects; physical, mental, emotional. It'll never be the same thing every day, each job will be a new adventure, and I get to travel to boot! Strange how I can go from one week of not knowing what to do with my life to being so excited to graduate from the school.
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[May. 12th, 2015|07:54 pm]

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Private to Albus Dumbledore )
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[May. 10th, 2015|07:20 pm]

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So what's going on with Quidditch this summer? Because I wanna be on a team that will actually play. Professor Winchester, I heard I talk to you, yeah? There's still an opening for a chaser, yeah?

Private to John )
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[May. 3rd, 2015|12:31 pm]

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Seems to be a sleepy sort of Sunday around these parts, doesn't it? Bloody boring

S'pose if anyone needs me, I'll be in my classroom today instead of my office. Need a bigger space, even if it's just for all the paper grading.

Remember to get in touch with me if you're interested in any of the summer bits I went over earlier in the week. There'll be more on class schedules and sign ups for them later on, etc etc.

Private to Professors
I know a bloke who's another year older come next Sunday. It'd be best if you rewarded his massive efforts with a great deal of bevvies.
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