Network for Winterdale

January 2022



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February 9th, 2021





This handsome piece of man is single.

He's 5'10, strong enough to literally sweep you off your feet, and a little aggressive but that's not always a bad thing!

Don't let the crazy hair fool you, it's quite soft, and he has the most deceptive dark eyes ever. They're actually a lovely sage color.

A little rough around the edges but he's bound to be a soft teddy bear on the inside. He might not be able to draw you like a French girl, but he can best any challenger in any physical field. I've seen it!

Basically, he is ready to be picked for your Valentine's adventures. I'll be screening potential suitors, but please hurry!

You won't regret it!



[No Subject]

Okay everyone! We've got our arrangements made finally so we're going to have a training camp between the three top schools here in Winterdale.

Infinite Academy will be posting a Volleyball Training Camp for those interested. We've arranged for some rooms on campus as well as held a few awaiting final reservations at the local inn for a fee.

All rooms, no matter the location will sleep two comfortably, or four with some space sharing. We'll be providing futons as wanted/needed, too.

We need an actual list so we know how many rooms to get, and how much food to make arrangements for. So please sign up with me here! And if you'll have roommates. Obviously no one is required to come, so if for some reason there's not enough from your team that signs up, we'll move spare players around to compensate! No official games.

Of course! There's also plenty of space for team managers and any helpful assistant hands that want to join us.

We'll be starting next Monday through Friday and then we've arranged for a brief two night stay at Winterplace at the end to help heal our athletes! Everyone will be going home Sunday afternoon.