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War Is Coming Communications.



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July 19th, 2013

No Thanks Evil

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Give back my Pepsi! I can't function without them among other things.

You do not deny a hacker what makes her tick!

against evil

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What the hell.

July 13th, 2013

Adios El Diablo and his minions!

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Okay so since it was actually kind of a hit when I mentioned it, I'll be a bit more serious this time. Who's actually into this pop culture class idea? And who wants what decade? Dibs on the 90s! Just saying. And I think it was Lydia ... or was it Lois... SOMEBODY mentioned we should start with the most recent stuff and work backwards which kind of makes sense, I think. Objections?

If you want to teach this stuff to our fellow displaced, come grab a decade and start putting your stuff together! I'll leave your lesson planning up to you guys :P This is gonna be the best class EVER! I'm so ridiculously excited! H.G., you should join in the fun at some point, just saying.

(ETA) Don't worry if someone went for "your" decade, we can definitely have more than one person covering one decade. Just, y'know, collaborate and make sure you aren't doing the same stuff!

(ETA2) This doesn't have to be confined to the 1900s, guys, I just figure they're a good place to start!

Decade Claims!Read more... )

July 12th, 2013

Bye Bye Evil!

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Anyone need a computer tech or IT pro? I'm also looking for work and want to stay with what I know and love.

July 11th, 2013

no evil

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Too much down time. Someone fix it. Not used to sitting on my hands so long. I'm a soldier, down time is not my friend. I can only clean Tony's penthouse so much before I lose my mind.

So, Black Cat. Can't say I'm thrilled Tony's dating a thief.

July 6th, 2013

Proscribed against evil

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Good morrow, good people of Lawrence. I brave once again the mysteries of this device in order to laud something that I doubt not you take for granted, but which is a treat almost unequalled to me.

No, I do not speak of fireworks, though I attended a display that was most enjoyable.

I speak of sugar!

When I was a child, we had cakes and pies and sweets made of sugar from the shop at the corner. I remember them well. I simply adored coconut rolls (with liquorice!). And strawberry creams, or white chocolate drops -- positively ripping! Until the war, I was quite keen on baking too. But not long after we left London, sugar was rationed, and we were not allowed it often. Perhaps this is why I remember those earlier treats so fondly.

In Narnia we lacked refined sugar as well, for the sugarcane plant did not grow in our climate -- indeed, I don't know if it even existed in that world -- nor would we have had the labour to process it. Our feasts were none the worse for it, for there are other sources of sweetness, but all the same...

July 5th, 2013

Aidios El Diablo

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My head is fuzzy but not threatening to explode, so I'll call that a win. I sent the boyfriend for coffee, I think he should be back any time now. Felicia, amazing party, as always. Tony, all I can say is: work those pyrotechnics, boy!

Also. I thought of something this morning in my fuzzybrain haze which may be the most ridiculous thing ever. Or totally brilliant. I don't know. So, idea, in a nushell: A class about popculture. I mean, we get so many people here from other times, other worlds entirely, and people have made comment about wanting to catch up on it. So, brilliant or ridiculous? Discuss, while I go bathe in caffiene.

Filtered Against Baddies Inc

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Being pulled from the net and scooter repairs turned out to be a good thing! I actually had fun and well fireworks are always awesome! Granted I did not exactly get the holiday but that's where I wave my handy "Got pulled from the future" card.

July 1st, 2013

Filtered from the Baddies

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Now that I've got a lair of sorts up and running things are falling into place, sort of. I even made a fake ID for myself as a just in case, using the last name I used on jobs since its a different time period.

So outside of my meeting/tech show and tell with Tony Stark what can I do? I'm going to take some of the classes so would love a weapons idea, especially since my usual weapon is being behind a laptop tapping at keys. And well I need to know what to do to fit into this period of time, I mean the gear can be explained but not much else can.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

June 29th, 2013

No Evil, Thank You!

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So I haven't done this in a fair bit, but I've been a bit busy settling into domestic married life and hey, don't knock it, it's kind of awesome. That being said, I see a LOT of new people here and I figured I'd offer up what I can do.

My name's Connor Temple and I'm what may be known to some as a 'geek'. Certified computer geek and damn proud of it. FBI/MI5/Secret Government Organizations, hacking into them is not really a problem for me. And most company and school systems are a thousand times easier.

So what I do around here (other than work security detail, raise two dinosaurs with my gorgeous wife, and eat way too much junk food with Superboy), is help people get settled into life here. Need to go back to school? Still in high school? I'm your guy. Want to work in the police force or corporate America but don't have proper documentation? That's me.

What I do NOT do (and this is a common misunderstanding) is make fake IDs. I never learned how, though I guess as many people think I do, I should probably learn. I know Sam Winchester is pretty good at them and I read someone else saying they did but I can't remember who, so please, if this is a skill you've got, step up!


June 28th, 2013

Filter: All Tech Heads with the Good Guys, Filtered Against Baddies

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It was suggested I touch base with Connor Temple and Tony Stark but I figured this would let you guys know about me.

Name's Radical Edward (its my code name online) but I have used the last name of Tivrusky in the past. I landed here a couple of nights ago and I'm actually a hacker from the year 2080. After a day spent in unplanned laptop and scooter repair I can say I'm back in cyber business and want to be useful in the fight. My skills outside of hacking are mostly in computers and electronics, fixing electronics and computers, programming and a good bit of scooter repair (should translate into cars I think).

Claudia did mention adding me to the security detail within the complex but I can't sit still for long. I'm going to take a couple of the classes since I'm not from the period but would love a possible next move or two.

And yes I will share how my laptop and VR goggles work for the curious!

June 27th, 2013

no evil

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Right then, since we've got quite a few new people there are classes posted up in the complex lobby. Jo mentioned there's the gun and knife class [location!] But there are also a few others including a Hunters Camp Bobby runs every so often when he's able. And no, not the animal sort. Anyone interested in becomming a hunter ought to look into the classes we offer in the mean time though. At the very least you should probably learn some self defense.

Take the Lawrence basic classes, then attend the camp.

Since this has come up a few times recently, just to clarify so everyone can see: the complex isn't really owned/runby anyone person. I have been here nearly 3 years now though. God that's a long ass tiSo if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them.

How are y
I've been reading I just

What say you to a hunt?

Filtered against evil

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It's been a while since I've done one of these and we have some new people, so...hey. I'm Jo Harvelle-Shurley. I own the Roadhouse at [address]. It's more of a saloon and a popular place for out of town hunters, but all you displaced folks drink and eat for free there. I teach gun and knife classes with Booth, Sarah Conner, and some others out at a range at [location], and I'm a native of this world as well as a hunter like the Winchesters, so if they're not available, you can also come to me with any questions about monsters and so forth from this world.

Filtered Against The Baddies

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Sorry for the mess on the 3rd floor, spent most of yesterday and good part of today in unplanned scooter repair. Now its onto seeing if my VR goggles will actually work or to make more adjustments.

June 26th, 2013

Filtered Against the Baddies

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So I'm at the complex and could use an official next move. Plus I want to join the fight, my skills are mostly in computers, hacking, ID making and general electronics but I've picked up things from working with the bounty hunters in my time. I also know my way around spaceships which should translate to cars (plus I've been fixing my scooter for ages)?

And should I add more safeguards to my computers?

June 25th, 2013

Filtered Against Any Baddies

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Ok, something is very wrong with this picture. Because for one thing this is not 2080 Jupiter and this is Earth before the Gate Accident! But for some reason I have my scooter and all of my computer gear and tools.

So a little help? Because you have one confused little tech head on your hands right now.
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