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War Is Coming Communications.



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December 2nd, 2012

Filtered against evil and the possessed

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Considering we have two dead now and some of us are possessed, I think it might be wise to have an idea of where everyone is staying. Possibly have some kind of check in to make sure we know where everyone is and that way if those away from the complex get into trouble they’ll have a faster response time than just posting to the boards. Not that I’m necessarily sold on such a large group of us all congregating in one place because that’s a big old target but strength in numbers and all.

With how crazy everything is getting it might take awhile for someone to see it and every minute counts in these kinds of situations. Or so my father always told me whenever he said anything about war. And he had a lot to say about

Its a suggestion. What do the rest of you think?

November 26th, 2012

Filtered against Evil, Jerry, Katherine and Jacen

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Does anyone else have a fucking problem with the fact that Jacen Solo is deliberately not filtering and refusing to say why? Because I don't know about anyone else, but I was led to believe letting fucking Lucifer hear about that kind of shit was a BAD idea.

Anyone else care to explain what the fuck he thinks he's doing, since he's decided he's fucking above everyone else and doesn't have to let anyone else in on his grand fucking master plan?

Suspicious activity and condescending assholes aside, I know there's people here who make weaponry or know people who do. The hunter's armory has been fucking emptied out, so if you are looking to arm yourself right now, you are shit out of luck. We need to restock immediately, ESPECIALLY since everyone seems to be back down to normal human capabilities right now.

Filtered against Lucifer.

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If all of those wishes we made are reversing themselves, that means that my house isn't magically protected from anyone who might pose as a threat. As a precautionary measure, I already salted and trapped the place up, but that doesn't count for much when compared to the way that the place was protected before. I was going to offer to let a few people stay here, but I don't know if it's going to be any safer here than it is at the complex.

I was going to say something else, but I'm having a hard time focusing on what
Oh, right. I rememb

Chuck warned us that something was coming. He wasn't wrong. If we thought we were unprepared before, we're ten times as much now. We all need to gather supplies and fortify our homes as much as we can. If Lucifer is going to strike at us, it's going to be now. Let's not make it easy for him.

[ooc: Sam is going to become dramatically less coherent throughout this post. Welcome back, blood addiction! :D]

Filtered against baddies

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My magic isn't working! Bloody hell. My broom is gone too. Such an awesome broom But my magic, there's nothing. Keep casting and flicking the wand, all I get is empty air. And a sore wrist. What the f

Filtered from evil

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Watchtower is...gone. I woke up on the street

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ash is gone

she disappeared from her crib

we have to fix this

Added filte against evil (a few hours after posting)

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[ooc: Sorry Avengers Warehouse residents. At prompty 7:42, Gary woke up, as usual.... and there was some rather loud not happy sounds. Among which include some screaming/yelling about someone stealing his signals...and things being thrown around in his room. ....Oops?]

What happened?! Where are my signals! They're always there and now they're not and this isn't how it's supposed to be! Give them back! They're mine and not yours! Give them back now!

Filtered against Lucifer.

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I just burned myself. With coffee.

As in, the coffee actually hurt.

Filtered against evil

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What is going on? Why am I suddenly me again?

November 23rd, 2012

no evil

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I forget who first told me about the speech to text feature but whoever did that, thank you.

Anyway, I'm awake. I'm fine. I'll be fine. Please stop the worrying train that's been happening. I can't talk to text long since I get have a whole bunch of fun tests done now I think the doctors are trying to bore me to death but does anyone have any tricks on how to get a Kryptonian to actually go home and get some real sleep, because I could use them right about now. Edit: This goes for younger siblings as well--looking at you, Stephanie and Kon.

Also, most importantly, does anyone have left over pie?

Filtered Against Evil

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So, I took this pictures. )

I don't think he likes knowing I'm sharing these withe everyone, but it's totes cute. No idea what brought on the cat thing, but he's cute. Interesting Thanksgiving this year.

Happy turkey day, peeps!

November 21st, 2012

Filtered from Evil

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I've been thinking, and with what happened with the donation money and the fact that this is the first year Ive actually had anything to my name that wasn't stole.

I'd like to have something at the Inn for this holiday for the children that money was for. Food and games and things like that. And I know you all do your American celebrations, but if a few of you spare an hour, it would really help out?

Anyone interested

November 22nd, 2012

Filtered to Avengers Warehouse/Rose/Andrea

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Everybody here treats me like a kid. Some people have even called me one. I'm not a kid. And I'm not as useless as people think, either. I'm not the liability people think I am. I may not have cop training or whatever like Bill, but ask Rachel, we don't exactly have the safest work environment at home either and Dr. Rosen and the rest of the team at home never act this way. I'm not a kid.

November 20th, 2012

Filtered to Bruce and Svetlana

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Have either of you seen or heard from Helena since last night?

Edit: Filtered to Public and Against Evil
Happy damn Thanksgiving to you as well Seal.

November 18th, 2012

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[Andrew, Charley, Amy, Ginger, Kurt, Marguerite, Tom S., Wesley, Faith, Rose, Lois, Jonathan, Andrea, Xander, Steph, Jack, Lexi, Epiphany, and Spike. I hope you appreciate this Andrew, because fuck.]

So Ginger and I were talking earlier and she pointed out that that ridiculous American holiday with all the food and not!football is this week. And insists this means we need to hang out and drink and eat things. Andrew agrees with her, so I guess you're all invited to me and Andrew's flat on Thursday for aforementioned hanging out and drinking and eating. and you can bring significant others and extra food and shit if you want.

Fuck, it is going to be so fucking cramped in there.

November 15th, 2012

Filtered Against Jerky Evil-Doers. And All Other Evil-Doers, Too.

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I want to go do something! Quick. Peeps that I am friends with. Make with the ideas of things for me to do tonight. Because yes.

Xander, you're going to the party with me this weekend.

Shut up, Lois.

November 13th, 2012

No Evil!

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Last night was pretty awesome. It did not include:

- too much plague to still have fun
- getting shot
- dying
- volcanoes :(
- booze :(

It did include:

- people who don't suck
- people who do suck, but from a distance, so it was okay
- tropical beach of some kind (still not sure where that was, you guys. Emergency Quick teleports are weird)
- being badass

Lois, Andrea, you're not horrible, and we should do something again sometime.

...I hope neither of you get sick from being around me. Whoops.

For now: wine and soup and blankets. APPARENTLY fall/winter air + recovering from the edge of illness + excitement = kinda wanting to turn into furniture just so you never have to move again.


So last night, we were spying on some of Moriarty's dudes, and
Okay, probably not the best thing to start off with. Right. Okay, so, tact... how do you tact?

Hey, so, not to alarm you or anything, but apparently I can teleport fast enough to evade bullets! This is a celebratory "I'm awesome!" notice, not a cause for alarm. Nor is this an opportunity for you to yell at me about doing anything dangerous. Additionally, you aren't allowed to freak out. You know what maybe I should just n
Fuck it

So, uh, not to alarm you, but shady shit is going down in town, so just, you know. Be careful. If you go anywhere. Do you go anywhere? Where do you go? Are you a shut-in, now, or something, because that's not healthy. No wonder you got sick. You need sunlight. I am going to dump you on a beach for a few hours once you're feeling better.

Are you feeling better?

Filtered against evil shit

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Anyone up for a spar? Been a while since I had an actual challenge. Dr. B, you available maybe? Or, hell, anyone who's got time.

Filtered against evil

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Oi, Andrew. I see how you spend your free time. Never knew you and Vi were so...musical together.

November 12th, 2012

Filtered against evil

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Damn cast is off. I have never been so excited to be free from annoying plaster.

Also any chance anyone on here might be able to clear up some surveillance images so that I can see an actual face and not blurry pixels? And if that fails, does anyone want to make a quick fifty bucks photographing something for me?
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