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War Is Coming Communications.



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November 30th, 2013

Filtered to all natives of this world (sans Lucifer)

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I require a list of the seals and the rituals that were required to break them. Specifically the thirtieth.

Additionally, was it only sixty-six that were broken, in total? And were they required to be a specific set, or at random from the other six hundred of them?

I need as much detail as possible.


It seems I may have some questions which would best be asked of you directly, when you are feeling up to serious discussions.

November 27th, 2013

Filtered Against Lucifer

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There are many different futures. Simply because he has seen one does not mean the future will take the path that he's seen. We merely have to make different decisions than were made in that future to change things.

Does anyone know the world he's describing? And what we might do to change it?

[Friends of John Watson]

Yes, John is currently staying with me. He's safe. The hospital was doing little for him mentally and he's still getting the medications he needs while being in the open air.

Visitors are welcome at his discretion.

[Little One]

It seems my otter needs a name.

November 22nd, 2013

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He's dead.

We have Graham and John. Ambulance is on the way.

And no, I'm not filtering. Let the bastard know, this is one we won.

{{ooc: ALSO backdated to post-stabbing))

November 13th, 2013

No Evil / Lord Harry / Moriarty / Khan / Kids

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Okay. Who knew Khan was here and that he wasn't really Sherlock? And if you knew, why the hell didn't you tell me? Because of everyone in this town I think I needed to know as soon as other people knew. I've thought I was paranoid from the moment he got here but I was right the whole time. I am...I honestly don't know how I feel right now. Fucking pissed is a good start.


I need to go shoot something to keep from shooting him. Do you have a gun I can borrow and a place I can shoot?


I get off work at one. I need to get very drunk and rant for a while. Feel like making sure I don't get alcohol poisoning again?

Filtered against evil

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So the girls currently like the phrase "allllll day". I have no idea where they picked it up from.

"Mommy drink coffee alllll day."

"Raerae keeps taking my blanket alllll day."

And my personal favorite: "I can fly with my cape alllll day.".

[Mom + girlfriends]
I've been thinking about taking off my wedding ring. It's just...I don't know. I don't think he's coming back.

Screw Evil, Particularly Psychotic Demon Ex-Boyfriends

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So she's finally done it. My baby girl has said her first word.

And we all thought it would be mama, or even dada since that's what her big brother has been pushing on her.

Nope. Her first word was a distinct and very proud of herself "En-wee". Kid does love her brother, that's for sure!

And she's climbing everything trying to walk and who needs to sit down, really?

November 12th, 2013

No Evil / Lord Harry / Moriarty

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To anyone with tech skills, I have a question. If I go borrow my phaser back from Lydia, is there any chance we can build another one? Or several? I'm thinking with some of the threats we have, having a weapon with a stun and a kill option wouldn't be a bad idea. Mine survived the trip here, and we could always use it as a blueprint to make more.


We still on to see if I can outdrink you? I think you're going to win this bet, but I still want to see.


Just out of curiosity, is there going to be any way you'll run a camp any time soon? I know there's still more I can learn, and I've been going to the classes, but I wanted to know if there's something where I can get more experience. I'd like to go out on a hunt but I don't think I'm ready yet.


[Lydia B.]

I may need the phaser back for a bit. If we can make more I'm definitely making sure you get one of the first ones.


Just signed up for Bobby's camp. I'm going to need some time off, though I have plans for Friday night. I can come in Thursday afternoon, though, as long as I'm off by 6.

November 8th, 2013

Filtered to Close Friends-not Henry

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My mom is gone. Neal is gone. Anyone else feel like leaving me beh

At least they're safer not being around me. I don't know how much longer I can hold him off.

Maybe Sam is right.


Do me a favor, kid?

October 24th, 2013

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I did it. I actually found it. There is bacon flavored vodka in Lawrence. You still want it?


If we ever get someone at the Roadhouse who wants bacon flavored vodka (though I don't know who in their right mind would, other than Kenzi), I have actually found a place in Lawrence that stocks it. And they had a case full of bottles.

October 10th, 2013

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[Sent during this. Allows comments but.. she can't answer.]

[Text to Jo Harvelle]

- Complex under attack.
- Getting people out now.
- Will regroup at Roadhouse when others are safe.


[Board/network post, auto-filtered against evil]

help smoke,, heavy loadd on m
tried t get themm out.
sorry tried to hlp
just stop devil and make own fate
too much smoke

October 9th, 2013

Texts to Jo

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>> It's bad. Don't know about the Complex but Stark Towers...it's really bad.
>> Any chance you can use the Roadhouse to help? We need someplace to send the people who don't need to go to the hospital.
>> And we need to start letting people know who's where, and who's injured and all that.

October 8th, 2013

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[Filtered to: Winchesters (plus associated), Emma Swan (plus associated), people directly linked to Moriarty last time (but no kids. Because even Crowley has standards. Ish)]


Shit balls.

Had word from my contact. Nothing any of the ones loyal to me can do to delay it any more, Moriarty is coming topside, folks. We've got a day, two at most.

October 6th, 2013

Filtered Against Evil

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I apologise for being away. Under the circumstances and with all the arguing happening, I needed some time to myself and also thought it might be beneficial to not be in the city for a bit. I think it would be best for me to check in, however, given how many disappearance seem to be happening.

Meanwhile, I find Chicago fascinating.

((ooc: meaning if Jo DOES go looking for 'Khanlock', she won't find him...he's in 'Chicago'!)

Texts To Jo

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>> You are about the only friend I have left in Lawrence and I need your help.
>> I think someone is trying to make me think I've lost my mind. I keep seeing someone from my past. Someone I don't like much.
>> Can you see if Sherlock Holmes is in town for me? The one who looks like Benedict Cumberbatch, not the Victorian one and not the one from Elementary.
>> It's really important. Normally I would ask Oswin but I think the seal took her. Thanks in advance.

September 23rd, 2013

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[Intentionally not filtered]

I will find him. I will exorcise the bastard that's in him.

And then we'll end this. Send the asshole topside for all I care. You've got one of my kids. You sure as hell won't get both. And I will get him back.

September 20th, 2013

Filtered to Jo

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About the weapons' caches we set up everywhere. I was thinking I'd talk to the medbay about setting up some first aid kits to put with each one, make it a sort of general emergency supplies cache. What do you think? Anything else that might be good to add to them?

September 19th, 2013

Filtered to the Ladies...cept Lexi. Not her!

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Bachelorette party for Lexi. Not at Bed of Roses cause that would be silly.

...Jo? Roadhouse?

Friday night, say, 9pm?

Now I have to go find a Bon Jovi coverband who is available like...now.

September 16th, 2013

Filtered against evil & kids

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Ever since I got the wish money windfall a couple years back, I've been stockpiling weapons and supplies in a bunker under the Roadhouse. It's got more than one room and in one of them we can put the kids and those who can't fight when all this goes down so hopefully they'll make it out. I've got enough weapons for a small militia down there, as well as various other supplies, so people can start coming by today to gear up. We may not know when things are going to happen, but it's obvious it's coming fast, so we need to prepare, look out for one another, and stick together.

There's also a chance that supernatural activity may pick up while all this is going on, so keep your eyes open and your amulets on.

ETA: Scratch that - we can use the Roadhouse as an HQ if needed, but the kids and all should go to Ruby & Sam's.

September 12th, 2013

Close Friends

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I feel like I just lied to my kid. Which I swore I'd never do.

And I'm pretty sure Death is way too interested in my mom for my liking.

And Aislinn is picking up on the tension and teething more and is cranky.

It's not gonna be a great day.

August 21st, 2013

Filtered against Lucifer and evil

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Good to see Lawrence still in one piece.

You in town?

Keeping outta trouble boys?
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