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November 15th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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Important Things to Note:

* I still smell like camp. UGH. I have showered continuously and yet there is this musty dingy gunpowdery scented odor that never quite goes away. Eeeew.

* I am not a badass. I'm okay admitting this. I suck at Latin, my weapon use is basically lame, and combat is not my friend. However if we ever need help firing a crossbow, apparently I'm your girl. Who knew, right??

* Regina Mills is even cooler in person. And Morgana's boyfriend is hot.

* There is now currently a freaking hot ass adorable superhero on my couch and we're trying to find something to watch and seriously, there's nothing on. Suggestions on pay-per-view? BONUS NOTE: The Amazing Spider-Man is not an option.

* In 'News From Back Home', according to The Me Show my sister's vlog, she may not be so perpetually single much longer. Shedding tears of joy and amazement!

(ooc: As Viki has apparently lost track of dates, and Lydia is apparently still at camp, if we could pretend this was tomorrow and not today, that'd be great, thanks!)

November 13th, 2012

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Anyone here fancy taking a moment out of their terribly busy schedules to tell me what in the bleeding hell is going on here?

Do you know how hard it was for me to get this thing working? You lot are lucky Hermione decided to show me how to use a complooter, otherwise Why have I got to go round digging up information on this stupid thing? Why couldn't that twitchy midget who pointed me over here tell me what was going on? What's going on?

no bad guys or vampires except ms. lexi

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Invitation for all (except bad vamps) under the cut) )

grace and i will make all the cookies and tea!

Filtered against evil

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This was the absolute worst idea. I didn't know that signing up to learn how to defend myself meant that I would nearly be shot when all the guns suddenly went off.

November 12th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil, Regina, and Katherine

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I mean, we all saw it coming. It had to be. But ugh, this sucks. I've been working steadily since I was 20. I don't know how to do the research end without actually following through. This sucks.

In better news, Henry, what we talked about? With school? Still interested?

Also, I now officially have ultrasound pictures for the baby book. She still kinda looks like an alien to me...

House filter plus Belle and Dick

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I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to worry any of you. I just needed to clear my head and got lost. That's it.

storybrooke sans Regina

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I found Ruby wandering alone in the dark on the bat caves security monitors while I was searching for Bruce. She triggered it's security system but she's fine. I was able to override it before she got hurt. She's safe and going to stay the night with me. She's acting strange but she won't tell me whats wrong, I guess at least she's resting. I just wanted to let you all know so you didn't have to worry.

His comm link is offline..

November 9th, 2012

Filtered to Friends and Family*

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*OOC: Katherine, Gaia, Galen, House, Snow, Henry (Remind me if I forgot someone)

I wanted to let you all know that I will be away at camp until the 16th in case you grew worried that something had happened to me.

November 6th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil and Katherine

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So tomorrow is the day I go plummeting to my death. Because this is me and we all know my luck and I will be the man with the faulty parachute. Just wanted to say thanks for everything, Lawrence, it's been fun! Abby, I love you, but feel free to move on with your life. I know, I know, you'll be dating again by next week, it's totally okay.

If you guys ever need to see my face, just look at Hatter, close enough and I'm sure he'll come out of this unscathed. And Claudia can absolutely pick up any and all of my necessary tech prowess. ...that's a hard word to spell. Oh, and Henry, I'm sure your grandmother can figure out math and science easily enough. It'll be fine, promise.

Also, this song has been in my head all day )

November 1st, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer.

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Does anyone know where I might be able to find work?

And how does one sign up for the training camp?

I'm interested in training at the camp.

I'd like to have a conversation with you.


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Okay, little man. Graham and I left this morning so Operation: Glass Slipper is in effect.

Thanks again.

Filtered against Evil

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Do I look like someone who enjoys the company of cats? Or any pet for that matter? Why would someone just...who could possibly know where.....Snow

A cat, dear? I know it had to be you. Gaia or Galen wouldn't have left it outside the door if it had been them. That and you are the only one I've told where I am staying.

I saw that your daughter was here I'm sorry for keeping you away from Grace, Jefferson.

House of Lust
I believe my insane stepdaughter dropped a kitten off earlier this evening.

October 31st, 2012

no evil

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How much sugar is too much sugar you ask? When you can't stop your hand sfrom shaking.

I regret nothign even if my hands are si stupid and i can't play Assassians Creed atm.

[ooc: intentional typos are intentional]

October 29th, 2012

filtered from evil and bad vampires

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connor can my friend grace meet your dinosaurs?!?! and can you maybe tutor her too? if her dad says its ok

mom i'm going to the complex! i'll just grab a banana from the kitchen for dinner.

that doesn't mean you can have any more apples in the house

Filtered against bad things and Regina

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a patchwork cat decided to follow me and joined my tea party. his name is binks.

October 26th, 2012


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What would you say to going to this Halloween celebration that Rose is holding at the Youth Center tomorrow?

Filtered Against Evil

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You're not a talking human sized mutant turtle. You're just a regular turtle who has superpowers. Which were given to you by the turtle gods. And you can't use your shapeshifting powers on yourself. You have to be a turtle forever.

Choose wisely.  )

October 25th, 2012

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Hello? Can anyone read this? If you can I think, can you please help me? I'm lost and I can't find my house even though I went to where it's supposed to be. A whole entire farm is missing and my family and I'm scared I don't know what to do.

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i’m looking for my papa. he makes hats, has anyone seen him? he looks like this. [insert scanned copy of crayon drawn missing poster]

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[Filtered to Henry]

I did my homework.

[Filtered to Loki]

They're beautiful. Really. Thank you.

There's something I wanted to talk to you about, whenever you have a few minutes.

[Filtered to Merlin]

You sneaky little wizard. This is possibly the coolest thing ever. Thank you, darling.

[Additional Filter to Anyone Who Made Birthday Dinner Night]

Thank you all. I've never had It was probably the most You're all incredible and you have no idea how grateful I am to have you all in my life. It means everything.
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