War Is Coming Communications.

November 27th, 2013

November 27th, 2013

friends filter

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I let myseelf out of hospital for good behaviour. Sorry to worry anyone, I'm fine though.

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[Filtered to Friends and Inn Residents-But Not Eponine!]

Is there anyone who'd be willing to take charge of the Inn for a couple of days? Two nights at most. All we'd really need is someone willing to check on guests if there are any present (which at the moment, it's only the displaced, but things come up) and prepare meals.

I'm looking to steal my girl away for a weekend.


Don't make any plans for this weekend.


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So I might have been intentionally ignoring that rescue post. They even mentioned asking me and I didn't say anything. I'm too scared, and it's stupid, everyone else is helping, but I'm

Exactly what level of horrible person have I reached? I like to keep track.


I don't know why you
You're ridiculous and I
I don't d

If you wake up before I get back, I'm invading a tea shop. Yes it is stupid early. I was done sleeping.

How do you feel about the beach this morning?

[Tech people]

Someone make me the worlds smallest tracking device I can make someone drink in tea or something. Christmas present. I'll pay for it.

Added: Filter to Khan]

You. Where are you staying? I'm not okay with not knowing where John is or if he's okay or not, right now.


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I know you didn't want to deal with me after...last time. But I was wondering if there's anything you could do in this situation with Crowley. If you even want to, I don't know.

(ETA) [Family filter]
All right, I talked to Castiel...we'll have a 5 minute window for him to...I'm not sure, exactly. He said it wasn't my concern. Basically...we need to distract the Devil for 5 minutes.

Filtered to the Rescue party (Originals, Caroline, Kon, Castiel, Loki)

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Alright there's been enough going around in circles around this plan and I am bored of it.

We know the following

Crowley is being held in Detroit. There will be a smell of sulphr and a chill in the air. I am willing to use my hybrid senses to narrow the location down.
Lucifer is there, possibly with demon cohorts. 
He can be banished with the blood of a vessel. Castiel is willing to help 
There is little point using an illusion that looks like Sam Winchester as he would know. But the possibility was raised of Loki masking Sam's actual presence. We cannot guarentee this would even work.
That gives us five minutes, ten at most.
Kon has offered to fly in at inhuman speed and grab Crowley in that time frame
The rest of us put the demons down and get out.
This will anger Lucifer and probably make him step up his game.

This means its doable but high risk and the cost overall will be steep. But if he is ignored while everyone else is rescused then my siblings get to talk about how hypocritical everyone is and they do so enjoy that. Besides which he has been helping you people. And Kol seems to care about

Am I leaving anything out or as usual have I been the only one looking at the bigger picture? 

No evil

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Amy's given me a bit of a run down of this place now. She said I've been here before. I don't remember it, so sorry if you knew me and I ignore you or something.

My names Charley. I don't think I said that before. Which ones are the vampi

No Evil And Lord Harry Sucks

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OMG YOU GUYS. I just saw Ricky Collins on a commercial for the Hobbit! Okay, technically, it was a commercial for Denny's The Hobbit menu. BUT RICKY COLLINS!!!!

This is almost as funny as when I found Jane in a Skittles commercial. What has the Lizzie Bennet Diaries cast come to!

...and wait, where've I been???? And by 'I', I mean Mary Kate-me, obviously.

Also, Black Friday. My first time ever working retail on Black Friday. I'm scared!


You've been quiet. Really, really quiet. Like I didn't even know poltergeists were that quiet. And I'm worried.

I know it's hard. I do, I can't even imagine what you're dealing with.

But please try and hold on. We'll think of something.

Friends filter

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So uh, just to warn you guys Lucifer is probably gonna be pissed off soon. Cuz yeah, seems like the rescue team does need me. And I guess we can't leave Crowley in there even though Tim had a point andGonna be the one playing the crane game and snatching up a Crossroads demon from him and stuff.

Just..be careful. I'm doing this to hopefully in the long run keep you guys safe too. so..yeah, keep your guard up and etc?

No evil thanks.

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I'm BORED. The TARDIS needs some love. She been stationary bit long now.

Filtered to Stefan Salvatore

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So. Going with my brothers, and a former angel, a trickster god and Superkid to try to rescue Kol's demon from Lucifer. Almost certain death, even for me, and trusting in my lunatic brother not to leave me behind.

Hopefully back for Thanksgiving.

I love you, Stefan. With all my heart.

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[Filtered to friends and associates of Jacen and herself]

So, to let people know. I'm pregnant. About ten weeks along, due some time in June. I didn't want to say anything earlier, something about early weeks and stuff. Anyway. Not planned, as you probably guessed, but we're going through with it.

Oh and it's twins. because that never goes wrong in our universe

[Filtered to Jacen]

They're talking about Detroit.

Will you go? If it happens?


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Can I ask a favor?


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Are you keeping score? I believe I have bested you twice, now. We have. And so close together, too...

Are you growing tired, Lucifer? You seem to be slipping.

[ooc: A few hours after the whole rescue ordeal!]

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Be careful? I slipped a vial of pepper spray into your bag as a precaution, you may blame the bounty hunter within for that one.

Yes Lucifer is getting to me, he wants everyone miserable and especially people like us if I'm seeing this right. Its just going to make me fight even harder for what we have, after all your this little geek's best friend :)

At the medical center but should be heading to the manor around 9 allowing for the usual.

no evil

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Isn't talking to the devil something that's generally discouraged?

Filtered against evil

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Anyone else think that Lucifer's trying to get us to turn on each other so we don't lock him back up?

You okay?

Filtered Against Lucifer

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There are many different futures. Simply because he has seen one does not mean the future will take the path that he's seen. We merely have to make different decisions than were made in that future to change things.

Does anyone know the world he's describing? And what we might do to change it?

[Friends of John Watson]

Yes, John is currently staying with me. He's safe. The hospital was doing little for him mentally and he's still getting the medications he needs while being in the open air.

Visitors are welcome at his discretion.

[Little One]

It seems my otter needs a name.

No evil or Lord Hal. They dont deserve cute

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I basically, so badly, want this to be a real thing somewhere. Their little legs!

Text to Tim

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>>Where'd you go?
>>back now
>>but hey no fiery doom for me?

[ooc: sent a few hours post the thingy!]

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I've been thinking.

I mean I've seen the future, so have some of you. I win, so, I win. But lets run with a hypothetical for a second. I do enjoy those.

You somehow lock me back up, every lock on the cage, every seal slips back into place. Including 33. That's the one that acted up in a way no one expected. Brought you all here when it opened.

Ruby and Sam would be fine, the abomination they spawned, Jo, she'd be fine, her girls too. Dean, well, he'd lose the one girl that ever lasted more than a drunk weekend but he'd get over it, that's what booze is for, right?

But what about the little fairytale, what about the bun in Romanoff's oven, or the sith girl, or Lady Locksley who by all rights should be dead in what you so laughingly used to call the holy land. What about those of you who go back to die, or those who found love across worlds. The fixed point in time and the solider assigned to protect the team that die around him, (Actually Harkness, is that what you saw in him) the vampire and the littlest Bennett, the doctor and the mess, Jaina Solo and...oh wait, he left you already, never mind.

Giving up a lot just to lock me away, aren't you?

no evil

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ive not celebrated thanksgiving before since it is american. but apparently its a time to help those less fortunate. there are five homeless shelters in lawrence. i think maybe i want to bring them all food somehow. like we used to. only different now. maybe use the kitchen at the inn and try to prepare a turkey though ive not cooked one of those before either.

or open the inn to people who need a meal. ill cook it. i can pay for it. i think. maybe there is a way to get to those not at the shelters either.

enjolras? eponine? can I use the kitchen for it?
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