War Is Coming Communications.

November 28th, 2013

November 28th, 2013

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I shouldn't have told you like that.

And I don't blame you. I didn't even blame the you that was here before. I just don't understand why he I don't know if I can trust y

You shouldn't
Are you

Concert's on Friday. We're still on, right?

You okay? You've been quiet lately.

no evil

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I've been making pies all day! Anyone who would like a pie for Thanksgiving should come see me. I have Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pie and Blueberry Pie!!

no evil

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Lucifer called me plucky. Why is it always plucky? word makes me feel like I'm fat or something. I'm not fat am I? Yes I know what it actually means, but still.

I don't know. I should be sleeping. But I think I'm at that point of so tired, can't? oops? Whatever. I've got a pie. Anyone coming near it, I can't guarantee the safety of your fingers.

Serenity-types and their people

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You guys should all come over here. Because, uh, I might have accidentally made a turkey and fifty potatoes. Completely by accident. One minute I was surfing the internet and the next minute there was a trip to the store and suddenly, all this food happened. Exactly like that.

And if you see a strange orange-colored casserole in a dinosaur-shaped pan, you may or may not be only imagining it. I haven't decided yet.

So. Dinner. Come have it. Hopefully it's not terrible, but even if it is at least it's kind of real food, so it can't be as bad as protein #4 from a can?

[ooc: Dinosaur pans exist. FOR THE RECORD.]

No evil, no Lord Harry, really really no Lucifer

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fucking lucifer

wintchester? screpw you. could have savqed my own arse if i'd trnued on oyu. didn't.

loki. you're on pmy lisst now, well done.

kon... okay not on the islt, too goodie two-shoes, but i owe you.

castiel. i don't even know.

mikaelsons, you're pretty awesmoe.


i told you not to cme foer me.

thank you.

No Evil because fuck those guys

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A very happy Thanksgiving to you all. I find I am much to be thankful for this year. I have my family, my Katerina and my friends. Despite the odds we all are to overcome thanks to Lucifer and his friends, I hope that you can all find something to be thankful for this year.


I find that I am most thankful for you, my darling.

No Evil

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I had quite an enjoyable time at the Thanksgiving dinner at the youth center. Thank you very much for organizing it, Elizabeth. For a first Thanksgiving it went rather well.

I thought I might bring up that the youth choir I am the director of will be having a holiday concert on the 20th of December, if any of you would like to attend. It will be at [address] at 7PM. It will be mostly Christmas songs, both old and new, and they're trying to talk me into letting one of the girls who writes her own music perform a song penned especially for the concert. I am inclined to let her. I hope to see many of you there.


I think, perhaps, it might be time to have a talk. Nothing bad, I promise. I just realized today how thankful I am for you and I feel it is time you know about my entire past in case those who want to harm us try to use it against you. I know the types of relationships Lucifer talked about include ours, and I just want to make sure we can weather anything thrown at us.


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Thank you for doing Thanksgiving dinner with me. I know its not exactly something you wanted to do.

Want to go away for the weekend? Anywhere you want.

No evil or Lucifer or Lord Harry or anyone evil

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Isn't my goddaughter the cutest?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I need more pie.


Filtered to Scott

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Dude. Please tell me you're awake right now.
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