War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


July 13th, 2013

no evil

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Is there any use for a samurai? I am uninterested in becoming a katana instructor. I have no intention of passing down the Hiten Mitsurugi style but I would like to be of use beyond gardening. I am fairly good at cooking though only Japanese food is where my knowledge lies.

July 8th, 2013

no evil

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I am enjoying farming again. When I started in Kyoto I was awful but now I seem to have improved greatly. There will soon be leeks carrots blueberry and blackberry for everyone to try I'm sure.

July 4th, 2013

No evil!

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So do parties like Felicia's happen often? Because if not I really feel they should.

It's like the perfect way to get to know people and who doesn't like being thrown into a pool full of tea? Okay, maybe that doesn't always need to happen, but I really hope that celebrations do.

July 2nd, 2013

no evil

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I fear I am still quite confused on many aspects of this world but I've grown a certain fondness for strawberries. Fresh food is somewhat difficult to come by where I am from. I would like to contribute to the small garden on the roof but I am not certain who to ask to do so? I have owned a small farm in the past.

June 23rd, 2013

no evil

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I am curious just how many are from times past and what year? I am from 1867 specifically and am quite a bit overwhelmed in attempt to catch up to modern things. I've only recently ridden on a steam engine. One was placed recently in Yokohama.

Bugger off evil

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Alright. How do I go about getting an apartment at this Complex place?


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I seem to have lost track of the conversations but I have managed to create an e-mail address if you would not mind sending me the class information so I can read it? [email address]

June 22nd, 2013

No evil

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I've decided I need lessons in pop culture. It'd be a good way to pass the time and really, you do miss so much when you're otherwise incapacitated for a century. We're talking early 1900s, folks. I believe it was 1912 specifically.

Culture me, loves!

June 18th, 2013

Filtered against evil and FN vamps

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Umm. Sorry, I don't really have the patience to read hundreds of comments to figure out what's happening and what the plan is. There is a plan, right? Or is it all Does anyone want me to help with anything?

If you don't, that's fine too. I've heard about too many cooks and how they all crowd around distracting each other and the next thing you know the broth got away to Mexico. So I could just go guard part of the city in case there's an unexpected breakout. Or whatever. I don't mind.


So about tonight. I've really got no idea what's going on, but there seem to be a lot of people talking like there's been a big breakthrough on the vampire front and stuff is going down. I guess I really ought to help if I can. Have I mentioned that I'm a vampire slayer?

Anyway. Wanna come too? If I end up patrolling or whatever instead of hanging out?

June 10th, 2013

no evil or fn vampires or anyone related to the FN confusion.

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I am worried about Miss Kaoru and my friends. Home was not a very safe place for them to be and if they are alone it is even more so.

June 4th, 2013

no evil

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There is much to keep up with. I am afraid I do not understand it all but if I can help somehow I will.

Buffy has been very helpful.

Does anyone speak Japanese it is easier for me.

May 30th, 2013

no evil?

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Hello? Can anyone help? I am very lost. I did not intend to travel this far. I need to be getting to Kyoto.
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