War Is Coming Communications.

April 1st, 2013

April 1st, 2013

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[Dean & Sam]

You should know...he's trying to get people to make deals with him - agree to give them something they want in exchange for them convincing Sam to say yes.

So, Sam, if someone approaches you trying to talk or convince you about something? Don't listen.


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Can I cash in that rain check? I could use a drink. Or eight.

Hogwarts + Friends Filter

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Please tell me none of you lot are talking to the bloody devil?

Filtered to Marguerite

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That song is good for venting, isn't it?

April Fools~

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A list of prankythings! )

Filtered against evil

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Okay, so a few weeks back--I think, don't quote me on the timeline--there was suggestion of mass marketing the amulets, to getting the symbol out there and on more people to try and ward off random possession.

Not a business person, but I do know we'll need backers with money. I think Connor said he could work his magic to get the amulet onto some actresses. We'll need somewhere for the amulets to actually be created and I have no clue on the specifics of the amulet but I'm guessing they need to be made a certain way.

Then there was also talk of somehow getting the tattoo symbol onto clothing items as well.

Anyone have any insight in how to make this actually happen.

Going out tonight with a friend. Don't wait up.

Filtered to House

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Geez, man if you wanted to go out for drinks all you had to do was ask. You didn't need to take those. My pictures of Perry and Nick and Chloe are in th

Text to Sherlock

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>>Come get your bloody goat.

[ooc: pretend this was earlier and not immaculately late because I've been busy <3]

Filtered to Avengers + Friends

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We got news! Natasha's pregnant.

[ooc: ATM, this IS an April Fool's joke]

ETA: now filtered against evil?

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Hello Lawrence online network of the year 2013?

Which either someone is playing a very intricate practical joke--it does say it's April 1st and that's like the joke day. Pretty elaborate joke though to somehow get me to the middle of the country. Or there’s magic involved, maybe techno-magic, or time travel? Maybe all three. Maybe just two out of three.

Or I’m locked in a dream world again but usually I don’t realize that one until much later in the dream. And usually it involves nightmarey creatures of some kind. Which I’m doubting is what’s happening because these computers are pretty damn amazing and you don’t need to have cables to be hooked into the internet and the person next to me their phone--I’m babbling as I type so I should probably cut this short and do get to that whole point thing. And I guess the whole computer set up is like out of one of my dreams...

Any information would be great and if anyone could spot me the hundred dollars or so it’ll take for a bus ticket back to Sunnydale that would be amazing. Or point me in the direction of a phone that works because none of the numbers I try dialing seem to be going through.

Abby Sciuto

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Would you happen to know why everything on my computer is Beetlejuice themed?

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[Filtered to friends]

Just so we're clear, how many of you lot have been/are planning to talk to Lucifer? Just wondering how armed I might need to get.

[Filtered to Jack]

This is as good a time as any to ask one of the early dating questions- how likely is it that you or someone you care about might start provoking the bad guys?

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[Dean, Sam, Bobby... and Ruby]

Croatoan. Lucifer has been threatening people with zombification.

He has shown his hand. He must believe he cannot be stopped.


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I don't even know what the actual fuck my life is anymore. I did something stupid...that ended up even more mind-blowing than the stupidity of the thing I did.

(ETA a few hours later)

[Peter V.]
This pretending I don't know you thing. It's stupid. It was a dumb idea and it'll never work. But I refuse to keep avoiding each other. It's ridiculous. I'm done with that. Honestly, I'm done with being such a giant fucking girl with all of this. This...awkward avoidance shit? That's not me. That's not us. So I'm done with not-me and not-us.

So...the plan. Is...basically. I'm making an active decision to move on. I'm not the mopey little girl I've been lately and I'm not gonna be anymore. Also I need friends. Friends that aren't 98% yours. That's on me, not you, but plan. It's in there. And I don't know how yet, exactly, but I'm going to find ways to stop focusing on old!you and find ways to deal with new!you because he's who I knew you could be and I need to know him better than I do.

Mark your calendar, Vincent, because Ginger is back.

[No evil]
So, who needs a bookkeeper or something for their business? I have...had? a business management degree back home and I need something to do with my days.

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You ever get sick of trying to explain how you're not evil?

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I have something regarding your girlfriend that you may wish to see. [Insert video of Claudia freaking out at Helena's April Fool's prank and subsequently Teslaing one of the spider robots.] Just in case you have yet to witness that side of her.


I have something that hopefully will make you laugh. Or at least smile a bit. [Insert the video of Myka freaking out over the spider robots.]

[OOC: Sorry House Warehouse, you all don't get to know you were recorded yet. XD That, for the moment, is Helena's little secret that she is extremely smug about.]

filtered against evil

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April Fool's Day is almost over. I don't know. I think this place might benefit from pranks more often than one day a year provided no one gets too mean. If you need me, I'll be cleaning the lube off of my door.

Filtered against all Evil

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What the fae is going on?  I swear, I didn't eat any cookies this time  so where am I?

Now filtered against the EVIL and the big guy down below, or now above.

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Right so it's bad enough that I totally just lost my favorite pair of boots, and missed an audition this morning thanks to some rotten egg smelling demon mess, but now, I seem to have lost my apartment.  My wonderful rent controlled apartment.  Which, has some awesome features by the way, not the least of which is my very own ghost bed!  So while I appreciate the kidnapping and impending sacrifice and or demon spawning going on here, someone needs to just point me the way home. 

Also, replace my jacket which totally got destroyed on the way here.

Filtered to Tony DiNozzo

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So you're not doing anything provoking the Devil, are you?

Hey. You okay?
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