War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



August 3rd, 2015

netpost: faith lehane

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Huh. So that's what life would have been like if I wasn't such a screwup I hadn't screwed B over so much. Good to know.

July 31st, 2015

backdated to Monday because reasons

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[ooc: aka I was late signing her up because I was waiting to make sure no one else wanted the last two slots, so pretend I posted this when the plot started, mmkay?]

As much as I really wanted to visit a graveyard in Kansas, I kind of have shit to do elsewhere.

Giles? Don't s'pose you can see this?

July 17th, 2015

No Known Threats

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I'm starting to write the protocols for the security system for the new complex.

Who wants some input?

And, yes Felicia. I'm getting you to test it once it's all installed. Natasha, Ward, you too.

July 16th, 2015

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Hi there, I'm currently over at the clean up centre and was thinking it would be a good idea to find out who uses magic here and how things like that work.

I'm not a very powerful witch at the moment, I can do the floating pencil and the like, I re-cursed a vampire not too long ago to give him back his soul but I was wondering who might be up for discussing the subject and maybe showing me how I can practice, maybe expand on my skills.

May 19th, 2015

No Known Threats

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With Giles gone, I've taken over ownership of the Magic Box.  Not that I have any clue about how to run a business.

Anyone want a job running a magic shop?  Someone who at least knows what half the stuff we sell is would be a good start.

May 17th, 2015

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Giles is gone.

April 12th, 2015

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Well, if I'm another world, at least it's not a hell dimension. Though the creepy graveyard definitely was a bit misleading at first.

Hi, everyone. I'm Willow Rosenberg.

October 9th, 2014

Filtered to Techy Type People

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I wanted to work with you all to get my teleport watches synchronised with the detection devices at the graveyard.

As well as my machine that goes bing.

And, obviously we have some newer tech people here, who will probably have new ideas.

September 22nd, 2014

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I must say it has taken quite a bit of learning but I think I'm finally getting the hang of this thing. And I have you to thank for that Jill. I feel like I'd be lost without your help. You have better food here. And the clothes are a little strange but they are growing on me.

She also mentioned that I should introduce myself. I'm Merlin and I seem to be a long way from home.

September 15th, 2014

Filtered from: evil/apocalyptic angels, Ward

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I have noticed a fair number of new arrivals, recently, so it seems wise to offer some information, in case it was not already offered. I should have said something sooner. I

There is a facility for the teaching, practicing, and researching of subjects related to magic. It is protected from outside view, the threats of this place, and warded against both those with ill intentions and against accidental magical "spillage". There are further protections in place, as well. It is at [address], and it is open to anyone who meets the parameters - and while some areas are restricted, many areas are accessible by those who do not have access to magic, as well, if you wish to simply learn more about it. If you need a space or supplies for a specific spell, or to teach lessons, or something of that nature, I can make the arrangements for you.

Secondly, given the nature of this place and those who often arrive here, it seems wise to mention that I - and very likely a few others, if they choose to offer - can magically imprint the anti-possession tattoo without causing damage to skin, or any pain. This is ideal for those who cannot be harmed by traditional needles, or are too young to acquire one in that manner by a licensed "tattoo artist" from this world. If you are sensitive to magic, however, I would not advise it.

I know I have a reputation in other worlds, but I
I understand if there is some mistrust, especially from those from my world, but I promise, I am
I have made an effort to be something different, here, and I will not allow that to be taken from m

If there is anything else I can do, I would be happy to be of assistance.


If you are not particularly busy tomorrow, I would benefit from further assistance. I feel it is nearly restored enough to work on it alone, but I would rather not take the risk of being complacent so soon.

[Friends Filter]

I intend to act as if this has never been an issue. Is that wise? Should I
It is not an issue. It was only a
I am not entirely certain if he was wrong. I thought he was, but now I
I do not know how to f

Is everyone well?

September 9th, 2014

No evil, that's still a thing I think

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Is there still a big witchy group around? Because I remember there were a lot of us the last time I was here.

Hi. I'm Willow. I like magic and people who do magic.

Also other people. I'm not prejudiced against people who don't do magic. I just want to talk with people who do. And others who don't. I want to talk to everybody?.

Technology has also improved since the last time I was here and its still light years away from what I was using back home. Taking apart this laptop and getting to the nitty gritty will be occupying my time tonight. I miss T

September 10th, 2014

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Does anyone know where I can get a cassette player?

The shop just had something called a CD player, or an MP3 player.  I have no idea what those things are.

But, I want to play my music, and I can't right now.  Which sucks balls.

September 8th, 2014

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Right. Drinking at the Bed of Roses aside, what's a bloke to do for fun around here?

May 4th, 2013

Sunnydale filter (includes LA folks too)

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Let's have a sound off. Who got swapped and who stayed behind?

April 29th, 2013

Magic Users

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Got a new project for us, guys. Hal Yorke, any of you know him? Well, he's asked us to look into sort of supressing a side of him that would be bad for us to meet. He's a vampire, said in his world he's called an Old One. Anyway, basically, for some reason, time cycles out this whole other personality for him, real nasty sort, all killing and maiming for the fun and such. He wants to find a way to suppress that part of him. Says he's talked to every sort of magic user in his world and the best shot lasted about a decade and even that didn't stick in the end.

I know Lilu brought up the idea of protection magic, protecting himself and us from this other part of him is kind of the goal so I think she's got a good point on that.

I was sort of thinking along the lines of charming something to help with it, sort of like the anti-possession amulets.

Thoughts, ideas? Something for us to toss round at the next meeting or something, yeah?

(ETA!) [Hal]
Got a couple questions for you, mate. Things that came up in discussions and such that I wasn't entirely sure how to answer that might help us figure some things out.

Any guesses on about how long this current cycle's been going, mate?

Does anything trigger a change in the cycles or do they happen by whims?

How do you become a vampire in your world?

What does it mean to be a vampire in your world?

[ooc: handwave, handwave, all prior comments under main filter, etc...]

April 23rd, 2013

filtered to Willow

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So you've had a bit of experience with souls? How do you feel about poking a stick at this worlds version of heaven?

Filtered to Rupert Giles

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[written over the course of the last week]

Dear Giles-Who-Isn't-Here )

[Dawn, Willow, Xander.]

I went to sign up for classes and it turns out that there's about twenty of them. Anyone want to tell me which one I'm really supposed to take? Because I could just sign up for a random class and call it college take two, but if I've got to do it, I'm gonna do it right.

And what do you think about this apocalypse? Really the end of the world?

[Dawn. And Spike.]

I know you're both from the future, and I'm there somehow. Not dead. So if there was...something I was supposed to do, you'd tell me, right? Some reason to be alive? Something I had to come back for? Some way to make things right? Even if it was... ugly? Or hard? Or...

Sometimes I feel so

Even if it was in Sunnydale and I can't do anything here. I just want to know. Please, I know it's not because I'm the Slayer, but there's got to be something.

That's all I want to know, and I can't ask Dawn.

April 17th, 2013

Filtered to Willow!

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What do we do? How do we fix this? We should fix this, right? Can it be fixed?

April 16th, 2013

Sunnydale Filter

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[Lindsey & Lilah included, even though...L.A. lol]

Say you've got someone messing with you head, tampering with your thoughts, making you have the worst nightmares known to man. Is there anything you lot know of that can prevent them from getting in?

And for inquiring minds, no, this isn't about me.

Dreams and head-tampering. Got potions to prevent that, love?

April 15th, 2013

Filtered against the evilness

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So classes, fun right?  Is it okay that I like the sword stuff better than the book stuff?  Also, the diagrams of different kinds of vampires and demons could totally work as a children's book.  Just saying.


I'm seriously considering making pom poms to pass out at the next magic show!  Also, before I forget, I heard you are the gal Friday to talk to about ID and stuff?  I need to job hunt and as much as I hate it, no putting it off.  Don't suppose I can get a little upgrade as well?  You know something more than High School survivor and vampire's book keeper?
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