War Is Coming Communications.

March 31st, 2013

March 31st, 2013

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If this is the opening salvo in some battle or other. Message received.

Clearly they haven't thought their target through.

How much will it take? Before they realise it was a bad choice.


I don't hate you.

I do expect you by my side Apprentice. Through whatever is next

[OOC: Um, yeah. Forcies, Its not quiiiite Dark Side but its not fun in the Force where he is right now. Telepaths, all the angry :p]

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You know how to do the hiding trick?

Him and Tahiri
I don't know what to
How do I react to th
it's her ch
I can't

[Aunt Mara]
Are you all right?

Friends Filter

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Really guys? I mean, seriously? You're playing into his hands by responding, you realize that, right? Have you all forgotten what happened in December when he last felt like toying with us? Or with the psychowitch?

I need a fucking drink.

[ooc: since it's been a while... friends filter includes the usual suspects, the rooftop boys, Andrew's friends, and pretty much anyone Peter is generally friendly with or drinks with ever. If unsure... most likely assume yes.]


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Surprise, you're comin for drinks with me and the cat-girl.


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I feel it is time I take my leave of the complex. It makes little sense to be taking up a room in a secondary residence, and I am sure others would prefer if Lestrade and I made a bit less noise at night.

You are more than welcome to
If you do not attempt to disrupt my work, I would be happy to

There is more than enough space, should either or both of you wish to visit. Or stay. There is an entire building, and all. Both floors, obviously, not just B.

Either way, you know where I will be.

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Everytime the Seal does something awful I feel so helpless to do anything.

But I do think us being  here, it makes a difference for the world, both the battles we face and those in this world that cannot help themselves.

Someone very clever once said it was time for us all to decide who we are, and what we fight for.

I do it for all of you, and for those that cannot fight for themselves.

All I can say is...remember your reasons, when things get bad, they'll help you through

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I do believe that it's time for us all to have another heart-to-heart.

Your determination is admirable. It's not all that often one finds a branch of humanity quite as infested with such selfless optimism and bravery as this one.

I sympathize with all of you. I truly do.

That is why I'm going to tell you, here and now, that you should stop. Your hopeful speeches, the never-ending rounds of hakuna matata that you keep throwing at one another whenever you take a fall...

Aren't you tired? Wouldn't you rather rest? Stop fighting. Stop pretending. This war is already over and you should be spending the rest of your days enjoying what little time you have left. Go to the beach. Get some sun. Embrace your loved ones while you still can. Live your lives while they're still yours.

And, if you have the time, deliver Sam Winchester to me in a box with a pretty bow with a certain agreeable word that starts with 'y' on his lips.

Filtered against evil bitches -- INCLUDING THE SEXY, YET EVIL, DEVIL.

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Почему я быть ответственным один?!

This is a public service announcement to all of my lovely, yet clearly mentally challenged, displaced friendlies of the apocalypse : all of you have LOST YOUR MINDS and need to stop talking to the DEVIL who, BY THE WAY, is STILL TRYING TO KILL US ALL.

Text to Sam!

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» Croatoan.
» The fuck is it and why is Lucifer talking about it?

[Text to 'Dr. Pretty']

» So Satan is foreshadowing at me and I might be kind of freaking ou
» You'd know if I was actually still inf
» Sorr

» So, that just happened.
» Is there a prize for 'stupid person of the weekend'?
» Because I might be in the running.

» Also your captain is trying to kidnap us for drinks. I have no idea why, but Does he do that, or is this weird? You actually going to let me drink?

Filtered against Lucifer because Sexy is clever like that.

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[ooc: If you haven't watched the new Who episode, this post features a tiny gif from it. Nothing drastically spoilery, but fair warning is fair!]

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