War Is Coming Communications.

February 8th, 2013

War Is Coming Communications.


February 8th, 2013

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[Peter, Lois, Dick, and House (wtf??)]

Stop. It isn't worth it. I appreciate what you're all doing, believe me. I just... Leave it alone.


How would you feel about skipping school tomorrow?


Are you happy now? Even here you continue to screw up my family. We were doing just fine until you came along.

Filtered from Evil

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I enjoyed the drinks Ruby though I slept a full hour later than I usually do in spite of the usual beepy noise on my cellphone device that happens to wake me. I don't think it worked correctly.

More to the point I did not know you could get Iced Tea that potent!


Do you know? I don't think its that you lied, in theory you didn't lie.

Its that you didn't walk away when you ran into her. Or probably more accurately when you promised them in the first place knowing it wasn't what you wanted to do. They'd probably have been less upset if you hadn't tried to smooth things over with promises you then broke. Red and Emma, they're both proud women and they hold long grudges. And your Stepmother hurt them both dreadfully.

Just something to think about.


That family is decidedly hard work. And you didn't tell me Snow was as foolish as all this.

I'm not sure its my place to speak to her either but I have.

That said, they need a break, a distraction, something or other. We should mention again about that...Disney place. They seem entirely too insistent we join them

Filtered against evil and Dark because she's been paying attention

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Right so I know things are tense with talk of Mr. Dark, but I just have a question. I need a job, but I don't exactly have the credentials I had back home with me. So. Can anyone help me with that?

No evil, no Dark

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I'm still not on a coffee shop level, here, but Gwen, wouldn't you say I'm making progress with the making hot chocolate lessons? Just a little?

*Close Filter

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[ooc: Filter is to anyone Loki is close enough with that he magically stalks. I.E. Darcy, Emma, Thor, Morgana, Kevin, Helena... I think that's it, for that level? IF NOT, LET ME KNOW?

Basically, he's untying his stalky magic strings right after he posts this; normal-types will feel a weird tingle-absence-thing, like something they didn't realize was there is no longer there. Sensitive-to-magic-types will probably know what's going on at least theoretically.]

If things feel a bit different, for a moment, it is nothing of great importance.


I have put in place new precautions. If I appear unable to enter the house, do not make any effort to allow me in, or to come out to me. Send for Thor.

I am sorry, my love, that I allowed this to happen. I will not allow him to take y


You will stop me, if I
I do not know what he is doing. It is too quiet. Something is
Have you made any progress on
If this goes badly, you must


What would you say if I were to offer to assist you in the development of technology that would prevent the use of magic in a certain radius?

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Do you have plans for tomorrow evening, darling?

[House Warehouse]

Would one or more of you be willing to watch Emily for a while this evening and possibly tomorrow evening? I'm meeting Natasha today and will be helping her do some wedding planning. I have no idea what goes into a wedding these days, so this will be interesting

Also a thought that has been on my mind. I was thinking of looking into buying a car with some of the money I've stashed for our use in the bank account. Given that I know Claudia and I enjoy building and fiddling with things, I was thinking of getting a car we could perhaps personalize to some extent. Thoughts?

[Friends filter]

So in searching for fun things to do, I happened to find this is taking place next Friday. I will most assuredly be in attendance, even if they are Scottish. Anyone who wishes to join me is more than welcome to!

Filtered to Lydia

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If I ask you to help me with something, and keep it a secret, do you think you could manage it?

Filtered against evil and Dark

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I’m not the only one who saw those freaking posters springing up in various parts of town, am I? Dark’s coming back and I figured it might be a good idea to share what I know about this stupid carnival. Some of you personally experienced everything or have read the book as well so please add in your two cents if you can. I think we all need as much of a heads up as we can get.

cause it got long again )

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I'm going to die, aren't I?


You really ought to relax and enjoy the rides this time, Loki!
They're spectacular!


Filtered Against Evil, Jerry, Katherine, and Dark

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After a long and bitter bidding war on eBay, I think I've finally reacquired one of the things from my collection I sold off this past summer. Roman incense burner. Now I just have to find all the rest.

Also, I had a thought. I know the filters against Dark keep him from being able to mess with us, but... what if we all filter TO him blasting positivity and shit? Or, well, maybe not everyone, but people that think they could stand against him. Maybe that could help to weaken him?

[ETA] Hey, tech experts, is there a way we could filter a message to someone but keep them from being able to reply?

[Filtered to Tom S.]
You and me, we are going to get drunk. And do something ridiculous and entertaining. I don't know what, but we're going to. I am NOT letting you get taken by him agai

...let's TP the complex.

[Ginger, Charley, and Amy]
So we're going bowling or something this weekend. Because we don't do enough shit together and this should change. So. Saturday night or Sunday night?

You feel like skipping town for the holiday? Maybe go spend the day out, just us two?
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