Calling all Seal-Napped-Singles!!
It has come to my attention due to an overwhelming amount of gaudy red chocolate hearts and cheesy cutesie paper Valentines, that a certain holiday is approaching. And do not want. The annual reminder of people being annoyingly and smushily in love really should burn in hell. (And here, that COULD be arranged...except St. Valentine isn't here...someone get on this)
It is a truth universally acknowledged that February 14th is ALSO now declared Singles Awareness Day. And, for this, we shall have a Singles Awareness Day party! Cause let's face it, what DOESN'T deserve a party?? Thursday the 14th, my apartment (or flat, for my dear British friends), I'll get some pizzas and salads, BYOB, and we're going to pretend for one night that the world doesn't want us all to get matched up two-by-two.
Though rule, if you get hooked up at said party, you move on to another apartment! Cause hey, we're happy for you and good job, but there will be no makey-outey or nakey time at the Singles' party!
I believe I understand how this communication device works now. Thank you Morgana for showing me.
My name is Daenerys Targaryen and I am new here.
[OOC: I forgot to state this in the OOC intro, but Dany IS puncturable. So. Have at at your own risk?]
Know what's great? The beach. Know what's better? The beach in the daytime.