War Is Coming Communications.

December 1st, 2012

December 1st, 2012

Ruby (Winchester)

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Being of this world, is your magic still intact? Or is there some other way to track specific demons? If it is at all possible, I need you to find Darcy for me. I cannot continue to wait for If you need something of hers, I can provide it.

I will be in your debt.

['Darcy' Demon]

Where are you?

Filtered Against evil, Jerry, Katherine, possessed people, and minors

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So during this discussion with Hermione, she's brought up some fairly good points. Kids are more likely to lose things, so depending on the amulets may not be enough. I don't like the idea of allowing kids that young to get a permanent tattoo, but getting some temps made up might not be a bad idea. Or, if we ever get this power inhibition sorted out, perhaps looking into some way to create an imprint on the skin using magic so that it is painless.

Though, like I said to Hermione there, even if you have the tattoo, somethign could happen to damage it. So, those of you with the tattoo, I'd recommend wearing the amulet as well, especially given the current situation.

That matter aside... I've been thinking. The Seal seems to like sending kids through to this shithole far too often. And I know some of them are getting old enough that they can manage on their own, and others show up and have family here that can look after them. But then we get ones like Hermione, who are far too young to be living on their own. It might be a good idea to set up some kind of foster care system for kids, say, 15 and younger, or thereabouts. We could set up a list of volunteers, stable adults who would be able to look after a child until the Seal pulls them back or sends an adult they know and trust through. Any thoughts on this?

Filtered against evil & Teddy

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Finding out my kid from the future is here and knowing I'm never really gonna know him...is that what this place does to you? What do I do with that? I'm 19, I don't know anything about being a Mum. And, I mean, maybe he doesn't even need me to be a Mum to him. He's 18 himself. Do I try to be something I'm not? Do I just try to be a friend? And I'll just be ignoring the fact that I now have a time limit on life if I get sent home because I canmt even pretend to be able to process that at all right now.

Filtered to the people that know how to operate this bloody blue box

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Can somebody more solid than I am at the moment-

ETA: Oh come off it, just let me get this done, will you?! Can somebody come see why this bloody machine is acting so wonky beca-

ETA2: this is getting old...

[ooc: Basically, I just want someone to come be able to point out to him it is not the TARDIS....it is him. He is disappearing. Oops.]

Filtered to Hermione

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Are you living by yourself here?

Filtered against evil

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I still don't have my signals. It's wrong. All wrong. I don't like it. I want them back.

Filtered against evil/possessed folks

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Oh bloody hell. The bli- nking. It's not the, what? Right. TARDIS, snarky little ginger girl, sorry pet, never got your name, was ri- right. I'm apparently fading from bloody existence!

Filtered against evil & "Peter Vincent"

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So, I've got a question for you guys.... how long's this Peter Vincent guy been around? And if there's anyone who's particularly close to him, I've got another question for you as well...

Filtered Against Lucifer, Demons, Demon-Possessed, etc.

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I'm really rubbish at this demon thing. Just so we're all aware.

Also. Question. We're protected with the amulet because we're wearing the symbol on us. Would it work if it was on our clothing? I mean... I'm not saying get little demon-protected hooded sweatshirts or anything but... That kind of is what I'm saying. Is it possible?

[Filtered to Freddie]

I have a proposal. And you're not going to like it. And I love you?

[Filtered to Hermione]

Settling in all right, love? Need anything?

Filtered to Katherine

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[OOC: Katherine took the advice she was given to heart and convinced Regina to watch sappy romantic holiday movies with her. The two of them settled down and watched Santa Baby and bantered about the absurdity of the film thus failing in the initial purpose of watching said film. Embracing humanity = failed attempt numero uno. Said banter will continue because amusement really.]

Dear, there really must be another way of embracing your humanity. That film was the poorest excuse for reality that I have ever seen.


This is why I
Snow, dear, has Belle been found yet?
....are you all safe?


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I don't really get how humans work.

[Filtered to Connor T.]
Can you summon monsters by hating math enough?

Filtered against evil and those who are possessed

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I wanted to let everyone know there are are several boxes full of water balloons filled with Holy Water on the ground floor to use against demons. Grace, Fayina and I made them today and believe they might be a decent way of defending the complex if it comes to that.

Feel free to take as many as you wish. We’ll continue to make them as the need arises.

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I know it has been a few weeks, but it seems as though my cough has come back as well as the fever. Is there a time I should come down with everything going on or shall I continue to monitor it?


I miss Armand.
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