War Is Coming Communications.

September 27th, 2012

September 27th, 2012

Filtered Against Baddies & Jerry

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There needs to be more places in Lawrence that deals with 24 hour delivery. And by "more" I mean "even one would be nice." Because I don't always feel like making something at night. And I'm out of hot pockets.

Filtered against evil

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I'm just gonna start laughing now.

A.) Who the fuck even says noob anymore? I actually buy her being a gamer less because of that video.
B.) "Man stuff"? Is this even seriously a thing still? Like, for real? Look, dudes of the world, let me tell you something: X-23 has a seriously rocking pair of tits. She also stood back to back with me and gutted a whole shitton of Cthulhu-worshipping shark-men to save Hawaii. THESE THINGS ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. I mean I sort of get it, we're dudes and sometimes need to do dude things that remind us we're dudes. I got the memo, I subscribe to the newsletter, I'm down with that. But what the fuck, guys? Dude does not mean retarded!

[Edited in a few minutes later:]
...Also if anyone ever tells X-23 I said she has a rocking pair of tits, I'll kill you.

[A few minutes after that:]
This also means you can't tell Wolverine.

[Annnnnd again:]
Actually, shit, how do you delete a post? This is going to get me killed.

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[Filtered to Cole]

Hey, my darling favorite lawyer and occasional taxi cab...

I was hoping we could meet for lunch, I had some questions I wanted to probe you about...well to be frank, your past as a not nice guy. I promise, I won't get too invasive, I just want to gather some information and be nosy.

[Filtered to Scorpius]

I hope you're doing okay at camp. Let me know when you're back in town so I can grab those notes and give you some more cupcakes as a thanks!

[Filtered to Stefan]

Sorry for ditching you your first night. Do you need anything? More blankets? Better pillows?

[Filtered to Damon]

...I am in love with your bar, it is a very nice bar...

Thanks, for everything last night. It was nice, to have someone to relax with that I wasn't trying to impress in some fashion.

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I apologize for my abrupt departure this morning. But given what I have picked up in conversation and seeing what the future holds, I know who you see and do not wish to burden you with that. We are not in Camelot, you have no obligation towards me.


I have seen comments in passing about you not being who others see you as, that you are from before them. I never questioned but I think I now understand.


In your world, who am I?

Filtered to Peter V.

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Hey, you. Yeah, you. Me and you, we're gonna go do something that doesn't involve your apartment or alcohol, k? I'm pretty sure I'm not going to give you much room to debate me, either. You need something good and stupid-happy right now. And we are going to find whatever the fuck that may actually be. And then we're gonna do it. Even if I have to make you watch the ridiculous that is Finding Nemo 3D. DORI IN 3D PETER! It's gonna be even more squishy and swimmy than ever before.

[Added Filtered to Pete L. & Jinksy]
Can you boys handle Em tonight? Going to watch fish in 3D with Peter V. to get our sober and stupid-happy on cause the seal and Lawrence have been bitches to him lately and I am awesome with distractions, as you well know.

no evil

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Does anyone have any spackling? I sort of put a hole in the wall.

Are you still even here?
Doesn't seem like it lately.
It was in my head and I

Filtered to Group Six

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Drinks after the training session tomorrow night? There Marian I can be social when I have to be

filtered from evil and jerry the vamp

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so i was talking to elena earlier and she thnks that the possessin talk might have been specfically for people? like if you were possessd then wht you said might have some meaning to you? i thnk cause she thinks her abomintion one was about her and collectng vampires bt does anyone else think theirs was about them too? and if so then how so?

also rose i feel you shuold know that andrew keeps texting peter whle he’s supposed to be eating cookies and wtching whatever the hell it is that we’re watching.

and booth, is it possible to do camp with a broken hand?

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[Ruby W.]
Hey, chica, how's my favorite demon? And how's the cute one?

You were quiet. During most of A Christmas Story but on steroids. Everything go all right?

[ooc: backdated to yeserday, because of timing stuff ... and because it was meant for yesterday]

Text to Andrew

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» i have been kidnapped by a bouncy ginger hacker
» i'm blaming you for this.
» and yea that makes no sense as i dont think you know her
» but i am anyways :P

Texts to Lois!

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>> aNdrea wont do bod y shoits with me
>> she is beinmg modst stuibboren

Filtered against evil, Katherine and Jerry

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All right now that I've got the hang of using this, I should introduce myself! Percy Blakeney at your service. I'm the lovely, charming and ever talented Marguerite Blakeney's husband. She told me the basics of this place. Apocalypse, fighting and so forth. Bit strange to adjust to, but not so different from where I came from. So on that note, I wish to help out wherever I can!

Filtered against evil/Jerry/Katherine

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I promised photographic evidence, soooo....
[picture of Felicia. in the woods!]

[Filtered to Felicia & Rose]
So, uhm....what exactly, in girl language, does it mean when a girl refers to one guy as "simply a friend", and then refers to you as "not a friend"?

filtered against evil

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should anyone at the complex require a doctor please refer to anatoly. im sorry. i cant
he was

do you mind taking over rivers case?

i wish you were not at camp right now
but maybe it's better if you stay th

im sorry, im afraid i cant stay there anymore.

filtered against evil, Katherine, and Jerry

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I've been thinking. If I get sent home, someone else is going to need to take care of Captain. Not just anyone, either. He's a very sensitive cat and needs a lot of love.


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I am sorry I was harsh, the other evening. I am not sorry for what I said, merely for how it may have come acr
I am concerned for you, my friend. This recent behavior is rather alar
You are staying here for a time, now, yes? No more hunting for the foreseeable futu
I am aware that you are upset, but

How are you healing?


Please tell me you were merely under the influence of some strange force, and that you are not actually
Are you certain you do not wish to ch
I had hoped that
How can I be certain that

[Livia Eve]

What happened?


I believe I should like to attempt another sparring session, brother.


I inevitably end up upsetting you when these random events take place, it see
I am still sorry for my recent absence, and
I am n
Why do you continue to put up with m
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