War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


December 15th, 2012

Filtered from Evil

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Today I took Argo out and stayed out for 3 hours.

It was wonderful. Freeing.

December 11th, 2012

Filtered against evil

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Bloody hell. Why am I a ghost again?

November 25th, 2012

Filtered to Lucifer

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Can we speak?

Filtered against evil

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Listen up folks.

Some of you know that my husband is a prophet of the Lord. Some of you don't. Well occasionally when there's major angel/demon/Lucifer related things about to happen, he gets a head's up. That happened late last night, but he didn't get a chance to pick up on details and now he's practically comatose from the pain.

Long story short, something Lucifer-related is about to go down and it's going to be bad. No, he doesn't know what exactly. What I'm saying now is that we should all start preparing. I know we don't have details on what to prepare for, but patrols should start beefing up/becoming more frequent, and no one should go anywhere alone. Those of you who've been to the camp and know how to shoot and fight, or those in general who know how - even if its just defending yourself - get armed, stay armed. If you need a gun or knife, come by the Roadhouse; I've got a pretty large supply of weaponry I've massed over the last couple of years and I can loan or give you something that suits. Archers, I know that Clint & Robin have been making bows for a few months now, so if you need one I'd recommend going to them and stocking up on arrows.

Just because we don't know what's about to happen doesn't mean we can't get ready for general bad. I hope we all get through whatever this will be

ETA: Marian has offered extra lessons in archery and sword practice for those who need it. If people want to come by the saloon today, I can work on knife practice. If anyone else wants to offer up any extra lessons/help, let me know here so I can add to this post and those wanting the lessons can reach you.

Natasha is offering up hand to hand combat training.

October 10th, 2012

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Is there even a point?

Filtered to: friends*

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It has been one year, as of tomorrow, that Darcy and I have been together. As such, I intend to take her wherever she wishes to go, in celebration of this fact. Thus, we may not be present for a couple of days.

If there is an emergency, and I am needed, I can, of course, return. But do not be surprised if we are not terribly communicative, otherwise.


Thank you, for not allowing me to be foolish enough to disregard the potential in this.

[ooc: *Ares is still being left off this filter, for now. Sorry, broseph. Katherine is also not yet 'friend'. ...I think that's all the special notes for this. Other friends, if you're not completely sure, use your discretion!

Also, tomorrow morning, Darcy will have all the pretty flowers ever, again, some more, wherever they're going. Also a present - which is, of course, practically crawling with a possessive sort of protection magic. Fair warning to any other magic-sensitives: if you touch it, you will definitely feel something; not painful-something but it'll be distinctly present, and it may be clearly Loki in nature. Not that I foresee a bunch of magicaltypes fondling Darcy's necklace but yes, fair warning.]

October 2nd, 2012

Filtered from Evil

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I've been changed, cleansed I suppose you could say.

Now I know how it sounds and I know Livia did horrible things. And I am Livia. I'm that woman they called the Bitch of Rome, slaughterer of countless, both in Rome and in this world and if you would have me pay for her crimes then I will.

But I have been tasked to bring a message of peace, a message that will aid in defeating Lucifer. Eli does not wish war, but he knows war will come. He asks only that other options be exhausted first. That good be allowed to be just that and not be turned to evil purpose under a banner of 'for the greater good'.

I will not lift a blade again. That life is done. And my name is Eve, as I was named at birth.

I will teach the ways of Eli. I will go among the people and speak his word. But do not ask me to fight.


I am sorry. Truly sorry.

What I did to you was unforgivable.


I think I'm ready to go back. To be Eve.

But I will need you.


How long did you
Was I ever
I still

You know they'll kill you if you come near me, don't you?

I suggest you don't.

September 27th, 2012


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I am sorry I was harsh, the other evening. I am not sorry for what I said, merely for how it may have come acr
I am concerned for you, my friend. This recent behavior is rather alar
You are staying here for a time, now, yes? No more hunting for the foreseeable futu
I am aware that you are upset, but

How are you healing?


Please tell me you were merely under the influence of some strange force, and that you are not actually
Are you certain you do not wish to ch
I had hoped that
How can I be certain that

[Livia Eve]

What happened?


I believe I should like to attempt another sparring session, brother.


I inevitably end up upsetting you when these random events take place, it see
I am still sorry for my recent absence, and
I am n
Why do you continue to put up with m

September 26th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil/Ares

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August 13th, 2012


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livia please i need your help
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