War Is Coming Communications.

June 24th, 2012

June 24th, 2012

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Phone call to Clark )

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idont understand this

someone told me i could get answers here

they didn't lie to me

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine

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Hi, Damien here. About to leave for Paris with Prue in a bit. Honeymoon stuff. I think we may keep an eye on the boards now and then just in case. Last time we didn't, got surprised by our future son's astral self popping in to Chicago to meet us during the whole "future kids showing up in Lawrence" thing. Might be gone about a week.. probably two or so. But if any emergencies come up, let us know and we will help. Hoping not though since it's our honeymoon

So, we about all packed to go? I hope you don't mind if I chartered us a special flight for first class seating. I know we could just ask Leo, Mel, or Chris to orb us there but.. I like this way. Thought it might be more romantic if we took a plane. You are going to love Paris! Great hotels and restaurants, the food, the wine, and Eiffel Tower. It'll be a blast.

Ohh.. you know what? That gives me an idea. I should get my own private jet at some point. Maybe have a landing pad in the backyard or something. But that could be later on.

Filtered to family

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Piper's gone

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The first batch of cavorite is ready. So if I could attain your assistance to installing the generator in Emily's room, it would be most appreciated.

Also, I have been forgetting to ask you something as my mind has been on other things of late. But in July, Myka, Svetlana and I are going to Paris for a couple days. I just...need to be there on that day. I know it is not our world, but this is something I feel I need to do, especially with Emily here now. Would you be interested in coming along? It's all right if you don't want to come, I will tell you I won't be in the best of places mentally and emotionally. But I hope that being there and trying to work through the grief I still feel will help.


My first batch of cavorite came out today. I will be installing the first generator and if all goes smoothly as I expect it should, I will have another batch ready for a generator to be installed at Stark Industries on Tuesday. My question to you is where would you like it to be installed? And would you like more than one installed?

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This Just In: Masked, heavily armed psychopath breaks through second story window and scares the shit out of half naked woman and her adorable bundle of joy.

Thanks a lot. This is exactly what I needed.

Dimension hopping just isn't good enough for me. I've got to show up in a fucking nursery and point a gun at an infant. My reputation is going down the goddamn toilet.

But no, really. Lets get serious here. Send me back. I was kind of in the middle of a life or death situation. I don't have time for this. Whatever this is.

Filtered against Evil and Moriarty after Peeta reminded her

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Surrounded by liars. Truth comes out, it will always come out. You can't run, can't hide. Your identity is known. Brothers they are not, Cain and Abel. Failed experiments and revenge. Hide behind a mask that never comes off. The eyes tell the truth. The teeth. Fight the demons, fight the anger.

We know and see. Accept your truth, they say it sets you free.

Filtered against Evil, Moriarty, and Katherine

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Troy Barnes screams like a little girl. That is all.

Thanks for not killing us last night. Not that I trust you yet, but I can say that last night didn't make things worse.

You feeling any better, love?

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Not quite accurate.

Maybe I should get high right about now, though?

[Darcy Ainsley]

What's up with you lately, Darce, haven't talked in a little bit?


Not even going to bother to beat around the bush. Word is you're the guy to talk to about getting my hands on some pot. If you point me in the right direction or have some to sell I'll compensate real damn well.


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[Text to Elphie]
>I'm bringing someone home with me
>He's not from around here or even this time so I felt I could help get him used to the technology
>He's Lancelot. Yeah. That one. But not the one from Mists of Avalon from what I can figure.

[Texts to Anakin]
>I found a displaced person while out
>I'm bringing him back to the house because he has no idea what technology is and needs help adjusting
>Don't worry, you're still my favorite <3

[Texts to Rose]
>I have a new thing to add to my resume
>Rescues legitimate knights in shining armor

Filtered against evil

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So...teaching someone basic computer skills sounds a lot easier than it actually is... Also, microwaves. And basically everything under the sun that is an every day object for me, but didn't exist back during the Shit, I guess you really do learn something new every day. I learned I suck at teaching. Sorry, by the way, Eponine if you've gotten the hang of the thing enough to see this yet?

Yeah. Eponine. Like legit from Les Miserables, looking for her Marius. This is my life. Gotta love the Seal. That's kinda cool right? I win for coolest newbie, right? That's a chick who can handle her shit, Ames. I saw that shit on a field trip once, she's fucking hardcore. And she totally gets the epic romance aw

Connor Temple

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Can I ask you a favour mate?

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\I do have a story.

When I was very young and wandering outside I would sometimes watch people, and not in any negative sense of the word. I am hardly that sort. But I would watch people because they do the damnedest things. Sometimes, while I watched them I'd construct little stories about their lives.

I saw this woman once, she was an older lady that looked very remarkably like a hag. I do not know her name, but I still do very clearly remember her face, and only half because she tried to eat me as I walked by. You see, she grabbed me in passing and told me I reminded her of her husband Gene, which in hindsight I find terribly unfortunate.

I was ten, you see. The problem is obvious, isn't it?

Anyway, the point is that I sometimes imagine that she was a giant spider trapped in her human flesh, and what she was going to do was take me back to her spidery lair and there consume me. You can imagine that as a ten year old, it was rather frightening.

I see her face sometimes, and I wonder if all older individuals eventually just look the same; like old hags trying to eat children.

Anywho, the moral of the story is to not get kidnapped by old hags.

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My sister, Piper, was sent home today.

Filtered to Friends

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I just want to update everyone, not overwhelm anyone with baby things, but.... Well, we've been calling the baby Ella and thinking that it was her...

According to the ultrasound we had last Thursday it's not Ella. I'm pretty sure if my son reads back anything in the future he'll be embarrassed we thought he was a girl.

I had it quadruple checked. So, Pete and I are officially having a boy and not a girl. I think I'm still surprised about it....

[Text to Kim (Sent several hours before the post)]

> I need to tell you something.
> I'm really shocked right now.
> You should be sitting down too.
> Tell me when you are.

filtered to anyone who went to the dance competition

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Thanks, guys, for supporting the team yesterday. I'm still so happy that we got a trophy.

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine

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Hey, has anyone seen my dad around? Angel? Went by his place to talk to him about something.. left him a Father's Day card recently. I was hoping to talk to him about a project I'm working on but can't seem to reach him. He doesn't always use phones, so I wasn't so much worried if he hadn't picked up. I heard Angelus used them a lot, so that's a good sign But if anyone has seen him.. let me know. He's probably out working a case or something.

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I'll be really glad if I never see another plastic mannequin again. Those things felt a little familiar, except they didn't look like Coltan metal skeletons. Sorta alike in how they grouped together, though Wonder if any could have been re-programmed like Cameron or Uncle Bob

Also, been looking into buying more equipment and such for my classes. Those seem to be coming along quite well lately. Planning to do a run for groceries soon too, let me know if anyone in the complex needs anything specific and I'll see what I can do.

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[Filtered to Tony Stark]
Mind if I stop by your lab tomorrow? I need to make some new Widow's Bite cartridges.

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine

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I heard they have actual theme parks about us magic people. I've seen the commercials for it. Like THIS. Merlin, took me an hour to figure out how to compose that in text! Bad idea to go in an introduce myself? Yeah, probably. It's.. games. Our lives are not a game Pretend playing, though I guess their computer stuff can make it look a bit real. Tempted to show the real thing. But then that would be bad and expose real magic to them and my family would ground me so hard for life if I did.

I wouldn't mind checking it out though just to see what they have there. Maybe go on a few rides. Though, it could make me homesick being in the castle. Being in the school, or a Hogsmeade copy, or Diagon Alley, all seemingly real but knowing it's a mere imitation of the real thing, after having lived it all my life. Glad that father holiday thing is done, didn't feel so alright during that without him around Maybe someone could go there with me.
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