War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


June 24th, 2012

Filtered to family

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Piper's gone

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine

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Hi, Damien here. About to leave for Paris with Prue in a bit. Honeymoon stuff. I think we may keep an eye on the boards now and then just in case. Last time we didn't, got surprised by our future son's astral self popping in to Chicago to meet us during the whole "future kids showing up in Lawrence" thing. Might be gone about a week.. probably two or so. But if any emergencies come up, let us know and we will help. Hoping not though since it's our honeymoon

So, we about all packed to go? I hope you don't mind if I chartered us a special flight for first class seating. I know we could just ask Leo, Mel, or Chris to orb us there but.. I like this way. Thought it might be more romantic if we took a plane. You are going to love Paris! Great hotels and restaurants, the food, the wine, and Eiffel Tower. It'll be a blast.

Ohh.. you know what? That gives me an idea. I should get my own private jet at some point. Maybe have a landing pad in the backyard or something. But that could be later on.

June 15th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Katherine, Moriarty

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Just an update, myself and Prue have moved out of the complex. I'd been there for a few years now. But even though I have my own place (a big mansion, love those bauble wishes), I may visit on occasion, and can also help the place out on occasion. Or donating some money for equipment may be an option


Hey, so now that the stress is over now. What would you think if we booked a flight to Paris shortly?

June 6th, 2012

Filtered against alll the evils

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Have to admit, being in my mansion on my birthday today is quite nice. Glad I made that wish before. Though I wish things were safer and people weren't geting hurt now. I'll help as best I can, as I've been doing so far. Planning to go out to do a supply run again in a few minutes.

[Family filter; Halliwells, Leo, etc]
You're welcome to stay as long as you like, if you want to, even after this crisis is dealt with. Plenty of empty rooms in this place.

June 4th, 2012

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[Family Filter]
How about we do a supply run for everybody? Between Leo, Chris, and Mel's orbing, Piper's exploding, and Prue and I using potions, we should be well equipped to get supplies.

We haven't seen enough of each other lately. How are you?

May 30th, 2012

Family Filter (Halliwells, Leo and Damien)

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I've totally been meaning to mention this, but uh. Newly wed, been kind of...preoccupied lately. But Damien and I moved out of the complex and into a mansion he got for us. If any of you need some place to crash, or if you guys want to come here to brain storm/make potions/write spells on how to deal with these plastic people, you are by all means welcome. [insert address] There's more than plenty of room around here. I'm even working on setting up a room to use for spell casting and potion-making purposes and nothing else.

And uh, orbing in may not be the best thing ever so you may just want to ring the doorbell first?

Now that said, how does a fire spell sound considering these things can melt?

May 29th, 2012

Filtered against evil, etc...

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Okay, so here's my very important question about these....things... Can they be blown up? Because I can definitely help with that endeavor. If not, point me in a direction I can help.

Edit: My husband makes a good point. I can also freeze thingsm if that helps. Not ice kind of freeze, the make-you-stop kind.

Edit, the second: If we could have something belonging to those that are missing, my sisters and I could scry for them and help with the search that way as well.

Filtered Against Evil ++

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In light of crazy ass mannequin evil...which is bizarre and something I never thought I'd say...

I figured I should make sure new people know. I'm Mel, I'm a whitelighter. That means that 1. If you get hurt and you need help quick I can heal you. 2. I can orb, which is a little like teleporting only with shiny lights. So, I can get you out of a sticky situation pretty fast. So, if anyone needs help, literally, all you have to do is call my name and I can be there. I'm also a witch, so don't hesitate if any of you need help.

That feels a bit more like normal

[Filtered to Family (Halliwells and Winchesters)]

Hope everyone stays safe. And if anyone needs anything let me know.

I also just thought I'd let you all know I'm going to move out of the apartment soon. Too many memories and I need somewhere that's not full of them to get out of my funk.


Later this week on the coming over thing? To see if this whole...whatever it is blows over?


Thanks for everything, by the way. I've decided I'm moving, so be ready to play the muscleman in the near future.

May 13th, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer & Moriarty.

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Does this make me look more like Dean?

May 11th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine

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Ohh, I am a very happy man now. Happily married. Never thought I'd get to Was never the type before It's literally a dream come true for me. Thanks to everyone who made the ceremony wonderful, and to all who attended it and the reception. And the gifts too. Though.. that one gift, the real ball of chain? Haha, hilarious. Amusing, really. I liked that. Might come in handy for breaking unneeded stuff later, maybe. Or to hang on a wall. I did like wearing the tux, though. And Prue looked great in her gown.

But those aren't our only gifts. There is but one left. One. And trust me, it's very big. Alex almost spoiled it by accident when he was here, but thankfully he didn't Remember when our kids mentioned my wedding present? They didn't say what it was, but that I gave it. And it was something of magnitude. But of course, that's always my style anyway. ;)

It's time that you see it now. Something I wished for on the last bauble but never spoke of, did check on it occasionally though But first, how about going with me for a ride on the town? I'll drive us to it I feel like driving now. Need to spend time outdoors anyway.

May 10th, 2012

Filtered to Magic Users, also Claudia and Irene can read as can Helena/Emily

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I have a question about what's been going on with Helena.

The cause of what is happening to her with Emily is because of an artifact from home, so some kind of magic. Is there some way that Emily's consciousness can be removed from Helena's body and then placed in another body somehow?

I really have no idea if this would work but the two of them fighting for control is destroying Helena and it seems wrong not to give Emily a chance to live as well, even if she was a created identity.
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