War Is Coming Communications.

March 2nd, 2012

War Is Coming Communications.


March 2nd, 2012

Filtered from Lucifer flavoured evil

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My locator burned out. Like literally. And I called on the darkest of the dark hell magic.

Which means demon.Which means Meg.


Knife is yours.

...Just take her down Dean. One quick clean stab and she's out for good. Just kill the bitch. Don't give in to... Y'know

filtered against evil

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笨天生的一堆肉 demon deserves more then death. Leave her on the gorram edge of space without ruttin air supply if I were able.

Filtered to the people looking for the kids

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Uh...there was a werewolf...she said she was there and stuff. She told me that she left a blood trail on purpose, uh, for you all to follow? To find the kids, I mean.

I want to unsee her I still feel s

So...yeah. Immunna puke now, all right, awesome I could tell it was hurting her to talk so...I figured she said because she wanted you all to know. Unless you already found the kids, in which case...never mind, then, I guess?

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[Text to Ruby]
»You okay?

[Text to Rose]
»Dean isn't back yet.

[Text to Dean]
»So..when are you coming home?
»I need you
»Samantha will need you.

Filtered to Florence

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Ma...please try to understand. I know you're mad. You have every right to be. But I have this...freak thing this...whatever, gift, I guess, if you're a glass-half-full kinda person...and I can't just sit on it when Jo and Darcy's kids babies are missing, among plenty of others. It wouldn't be right. But I'm not going alone and I promise I'll come back. So...don't hate me too much, okay? Please?

Text to Jess

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» I have Ella. 'm not going to sugarcoat it, love...she's in really bad shape.
» You shouldn't work on her. Find someone else. Just be her mother, right now, when you can. And make sure every bloody medically trained resident is at the ready. They're calling out for teleporters...there's a lot of kids, and a lot of injuries.
» On the way back now.

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[Family Filter]
Ash and I are on our way home with the babies. They're okay. I think

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[Temple Family]

I'm on my way home. They're all here and they're all alive, but some of them aren't doing so well.

Jillian, I'll come by and get you. Kim, I know you're busy. Do whatever you need to do and then head on up, okay? I'll wait up. I love you both so much That doesn't feel right


And Meg is dead. Or, at least, going to be. Dean pulled her away from everyone. Did it himself. She won't be hurting you again.


I'm sorry. I'm so, so bloody sorry.

[Complex Doctors]

The girl Troy brought in, the werewolf? Her name is Anna. And she heals differently than humans. Please, just... She was helping us. She's not a danger to us. I didn't mean for

Filtered Against Evil

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You can say what you want about my husband and myself. Yes, I know you all don't approve, no one here is stupid enough to think you would. But I've never once let a child be hurt. Children. They're innocent and it isn't fucking fair.


They won't hurt her, will they? Just for who she is? She needs help just like the rest of them and I can't...

I'm just glad you're you right now. I couldn't have done this with the other you. They hurt my baby

Filtered to Dr. Moore

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Jessica...Dick sounds like he's in bad shape again but I know you'll be busy from the sounds of things. I'm going to bring him by so you can check him out but I'm making him stay with me until you have bed space. Team work, yes/no?

How is your daughter? Is she okay?

filtered 'gainst evil

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m'sory evryone. tred to track dmon and gotc aut. culdn't figt bac ithr. guna be wulf now hel bettr that way.


Thank u for caryin me. sorry ifi scarred scard u

[Sam Winfesde W]

girl sad seh cud kep mec alm as wolf in case. so u kno if ur worried about wolfme.

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[Mom and Dad]

I'm fine, really. I'm sorry for worrying you both. So not how I planned to spend my day. And I swear I didn't plan to get into trouble or look for it. It just happened. This time I will be more careful, I promise.

And dad? Thanks for the regeneration, it saved me. Though it made me suffer longer than the others had to


I'm sorry if I worried you. Also, I'm sorry Aurora got hurt. Is she going to be all right?

Filtered against evil

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Thank god the kids are alive and safe now

[Filtered against kids who were kidnapped/injured by Meg]

Now that things are most calmed and what have you, I think we need someone available for the kids who got tortured injured to talk to. The physical damage is going to heal far faster than the emotional trauma. They'll need someone to talk to. Preferably someone who's trained but I'm not sure who all we have in that department that the Seal brought here.

So, anyone who's good at giving advice and/or listening would be good if you're willing.

[Jessica Moore]

With things calmed down, go sit with your daughter for as long as you want, sleep/rest. If the medbay gets something myself or Watson can't handle alone I'll call you.

Filtered to Complex Residents

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My daughter, I know you rescued her and for that my wife and I are grateful. The demon is dead or will be once Dean has his way, such elegant work too I really can only admire it.

I'd like to see her but if she's too hurt to be moved. Just this once can we call a truce where no one tries to be a hero. If I or my wife come by with someone medical of our own can something be arranged. We'd also have security, we're not complete idiots

Or tell me if she can be moved and I'll send the appropriate transportation.

One time truce, for the sake of a teenage girl who will want her family. All I ask.

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Hey, so...Anna's not going to be able to respond to anyone for a little bit. I just thought I should let you know. She posted that before she had to change...and now she can't really type, obviously, so...

I just thought I should let people know. Don't worry, she's in good hands, though.

Left by Ella's bed while she's sleeping )

I need you. Can't you just come home? Please? I don't know what Dad and I did wrong but we'll fix it. Please come back home.

I know this sounds stupid and I'm way too old for this, but can I stay in your room tonight? I didn't sleep at all last night. I keep having nightmares about Ella and everything I saw in the med bay la

filtered against evil

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that inevitable post mission adrenaline rush is killer. darcy wont let me do anything eithout glaring in my general direction.

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I’m ok, I’m leaving the medbay now. But tell me you have her. Tell me she’s still in enough pieces for me to take one. Please. Otherwise I don’t think I’ll ever sleep ag


I’m ok, the witch Mel healed me. Leaving the medbay now, she said you were coming for me? I…I want a hug Mom. And if Daddy has the demon I want her too


I’m sorry I didn’t show. I’m guessing you know why…um…yeah. Patty’s gonna need you I guess. I’ll…text later.

(OOC: Backdated to whenever Mel healed her and brought her out!)

Filtered to Sexy/TARDIS

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You didn't happen to tell Rose to talk to me, did you? You do look out for me after all Faith.

папа (dad)

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Я знаю, мама пытается делать вид, что все будет сильным и хорошо, особенно в других, но я также знаю, что вы можете сказать, когда она это не так. Так что ... она в порядке? Я имею в виду, со всем, что происходит, и я уверен, что вчера не помогли в отношении борьбы с вещами .... она в порядке? Ли она спать, когда она, наконец, вернулся в квартиру?

[I know mom tries to pretend to be all strong and okay, especially around others but I also know that you can tell when she's not. So... is she okay? I mean, with everything that's going on and I'm sure that yesterday didn't help in regards to coping with things.... is she okay? Did she sleep when she finally went back to the apartment? ]

Filtered to Dick!

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You lose.

filter against evil and moriarty/co and katherine

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the spinning of the planet is quickening. destruction reigns and laughter dies. pain pain so much pain. the choices one makes destroy a soul. its so very cold and loud. stars going out. stars being born. the singing and screaming and laughter and crying. feel the cold in the air, intermix the heat. do you see it? do you feel it? each step made is a step to a new life a new future. paths are being determined as they werent before.

kings and queens fall
the knight took up the stead
say yes and lead to death
say no and lead to heart ache

what is right when everything is wrong? why is it wrong when you think it is right?

destruction on the horizon. death and illness. the time has come the walrus said to speak of many things.

we are at war within our own hearts and minds. we are the catalyst.

beware the cyanide.

Filtered against known evils

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I...don't have any skills. I'm still learning simple things. But I want to help, if there's anything I can do for anyone. Especially the ones

Is your sister okay...? Can you teach me how to

[Ben's unc]

[Ben's dad]
I'm sorry...I can't remember your name. Dean? Maybe? It's been a long time since we've talked. I just...I wondered if, when things calm down...could you maybe teach me how to fight? Or, um...how to defend myself, I mean?

I'm sorry about Samantha. I hope that she's all right.

[Mr. Solo]
Can you teach me how to defend myself? I don't want to be scared anymore. ...is Mrs. Solo okay? I was trying to understand but I kept getting confused...is she angry with me? She seemed upset when I asked if there was anything I could do for her.

Hey. I don't know why I can't just stay aw

Filtered against evil and future kids

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I never do this but I'm sorry to hear about what happened yesterday. I'm not, like, a social worker or a child psychologist or anything but I am really good with kids...and these ones are going to need someone to talk to. They're going to need to work some stuff out before they can really be okay, of which I'm sure you're all aware...so, I mean...if there's no one already doing that, you know...I could. I mean, I'm more experienced with kids under the age of ten but...

Yeah, just figured I'd put it out there. See, Boone, I'm not completely fucking useless

You still around? I haven't heard much from you lately...

Heard you got knocked around by another Robin. ...right? Whatever, I Wiki-ed you guys. You all right?

Question for you...that I hope can remain between us. On a scale of one to death wish, where would taking Katherine on for trying to butt in on a potential romantic encounter be?

Where've you been hiding out, handsome?

filtered against evil

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Does she even know or care
Of course not
Do you?

I think I died and was brought back.

[I will close my ears and my heart and I will be a stone]

filtered to Connor

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you a drinkin man?

Filtered against Lucifer.

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I'm really sorry about what happened. I know there's probably not much that I can do to help, but I'm here if you all need me.

You probably don't. But in case you do. I'm around.

What's your favorite color?

Filtered to Jason

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Hey, loser. Drinks tonight with me? I could use one...or twenty. Plus, I haven't seen you in a while.

filtered against evil

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that hit way too close to the orphanage last night
I don't
So many kids
There are a lot of people healing up right now, if anyone has any special food requests leave them here. You are not limited to Kansas, it isn't a lot but I know I find food comforting sometimes.

I'm gonna go to the Fortress for a couple hours to check on something unless you need me here. Want me to bring anything home for dinner? It's late, but I haven't eaten yet so yeah.

Doin okay kid?


filtered against evil

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Thanks, to everyone who came and helped us last night.

Do you know when you're coming home yet?
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