War Is Coming Communications.

July 29th, 2011

July 29th, 2011

filtered against evil

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I've been considering this for some time now, and I think it's worth putting to the rest of you. We have a fair amount of emergencies and injuries here, and so far we've been lucky in that I've been able to either use the facilities available or to get the patient to the hospital in time. However, we might someday have a situation where transportation isn't possible, and there are some of us that could cause some, shall we say, awkwardness by showing up at a hospital even at the best of times.

That's why I want to convert some space in the med bay, I'm thinking the locker room and perhaps one of the more miscellaneous offices on the ground floor if the space can be spared, into a surgery and a space to house an MRI machine respectively. It would take a good deal of money and a good deal of specialized construction (especially for the safety features an MRI would demand), and perhaps some forgery since this apartment complex is not a licensed medical facility.

All of which means it's not something I can do alone, though I would certainly be willing to put some of my own money towards it. If people are in favor perhaps I could have some volunteers with ideas on how to make various aspects of this project a reality?

Miss. Moore
I've been thinking, would you like to shadow me at the hospital? I'm sure someone could arrange to falsify papers saying that you were some sort of intern. You should know how to perform some basic surgery, and how to use the MRI if we get one, if I'm ever incapacitated or unavailable.

I'm still not sure you leaving the infirmary was for the best. When will you be available for tests? Brain injuries, especially completely inexplicable ones, are irritating nothing to fool around with.

Sam Winchester
I think I've heard from Miss. Moore that you studied as a lawyer once. I may have a legal question for you, if you have the time.

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I'm not on the island anymore, am I?

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Seriously? Now? The seal choses now of all the
for the love of
Jacen did you do this? Did you make some kind of pact with the seal that
I just want one night alone with my girlfriend and this h

This is..I don't really have words except WHY THE HELL AM I A GIRL.

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Okay. In ten words or less, someone tell me what is going on. Tell me now.

I am Scottish, do not mess with me!



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So, I may or may not have hexed Steph... Ron made a post about Malfoy being in his apartment so I went to hex the git... but now 'he' is claiming to be Steph.

if it is Steph, I was justified, right? I mean. Death Eater with my brother. Perfectly acceptable reaction, yes?

Oh. And I've decided I'm baking you cookies tomorrow. Well. Today. They'll be edible, I swear!

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I want my body back. Now.

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Right, no FBI for me tomorrow. I have boobs.
If it wasn't so weird it could be kind of fu

And here I am all out of scotch.
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