War Is Coming Communications.

July 25th, 2011

July 25th, 2011

text to clark kent!

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hey. so. what are you doing on sunday?

Filtered Against Baddies

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One of the oddest things just happened. I was walking about in the TARDIS (which is absolutely fascinating, by the way) when this woman comes walking out of one of the rooms, kicks me, then nervously runs off. I have no idea who she was. Apparently she was able to block my telep

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Sunday evening/Monday morning the invitations to Kurt's eighteenth birthday extravaganza went out. They were slipped under every door in the complex or mailed to people Kurt had addresses for if they didn't live in the complex.

The invitations were obviously designer, with fancy script stating that the "birthday extravaganza" would be held Sunday evening (as the 31st is Kurt's birthday) at a rented-out-for-the-night club in town. It also made note of the fact that there would be a special guest performer, one that was very famous, but it didn't say who it was. Clearly the people were going to have to show up to find out for themselves who it was.

(It's Lady Gaga, btw.)

Kurt isn't being picky about who's invited. Everyone is, so long as they aren't evil.

Filtered Against Baddies

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I know I sent invitations out already, but sadly, I don't have the addresses for everyone that doesn't live in the complex. I only have a few addresses outside of here.

That being said, I should fill in those of you that I was unable to send an invitation to.

Sunday is my eighteenth birthday. It's a big deal. So, I have rented out a club for Sunday night and I will be having a magnificent birthday extravaganza starting at 7:00 PM at [local club]. There will be fabulous catering and live music. One of the performers is even quite famous and a rather special guest, so I'm hesitant to spoil who it is. I'll just say that I had to start trying to book this guest months ago. As in, it was still winter when the negotiations began.

Gifts are not required, especially as there are several people that I don't know very well.

That being said, I know there are several people that can see this post that I don't know at all. My name is Kurt Hummel. And if you can see this post you are officially invited.

Edit: And one last thing! I know we have several extremely talented singers here in our strange little community, and I would like to point out that there will be opportunities for people to take the stage themselves if they wish to.

In fact, I know I'm going to want to do a number with some of my friends. I just have to find out which friends would like to join me and we have to figure out what to do.

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The internet is useful for many things. The fandom for Star Wars is mostly interesting where it's concerned. And then I had to go think that typing my name into it for the first time was a good plan. The worst plan ever actually. I don't know what I was thinking would come from it but I wasn't thinking the first thing that would appear is the fandom slashing me with my brother. What's wrong with people?

filtered against evil

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So. This thing called YouTube. Fascinating. Though, it has led me to question if I'll ever be able to take Harry seriously again. So far, I'm thinking no, I really won't.

Filtered to Tess

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[ooc: So. Adam broke in Hell today~ Good times are had by Chuck's brain. By which I mean the exact opposite. He is currently sitting in the dark / a closet somewhere hiding. This post was pretty much accidental, and you probably won't get much in the way of answers out of him right now. Demons/angels/Lucifers that would also be aware of this event, feel free to give proper explanations? :D]

Filtered against baddies

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I hate thi
Oh bugger it all

If anyone feels like having a good time, I know an excellent club at [address]. Maker knows I'll be there until it closes

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[Filtered to Ginny]
I'm not a demon.

[Filtered to Connor]
I hate to ask you for more help, but you seem to know technology and about me. My holowatch is malfunctioning. Do you think you can take a look at it?

filtered against DEMONS YOU GUYS SUCK (except you ruby you're okay and pretty)

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i hate demons.

[ooc: What? Did you guys really think all the drunk posting was over?]

filtered to anna and castieel (i guess even if you are a whore)

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whatqualifiactions do i need for your loan prgroam?

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ok who can get rid of my blods

Filtered against evil

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Sarah, Clark, Tish....and anyone else I might be forgetting at the moment because my head is killing me again, I'm going to need you guys to look after the bar for the next couple of days. I'm not feeling too good going to try and take care of Chuck.

[Sam, Dean, Melinda]
I'm so sorry. If there's anything I can do, let me know.

[Jess Moore]
Are migraines normal?
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