War Is Coming Communications.

July 3rd, 2011

War Is Coming Communications.


July 3rd, 2011

Filtered Against Baddies

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Oh, hey. I forgot to warn you peeps. Me, Thor, and Tricksy are on a hunt. Out in the middle of nowhere (AKA: Mount Tabor, Vermont. Population friggin 203. It's like being back in Devil's Kettle.). So... we're not able to come to the phone right now. Or the door. Whatevs.

Filtered Against Baddies

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Well, took me long enough, but Drew Investigations should be opening up next Monday. That'd be the 11th for the date-challenged people we've got around here. If you need me for anything there, you can snag me here or drop by after I open up. It's at [address].

Filtered against bad guys.

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I need money for comics. Who's ass do I gotta kiss to get some?

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While most of the country is out partying, I decided to go and get this instead.

I got a puppy! I am debating calling her Frida, any suggestions.


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Elena told me what you said. Thank you, that was really sweet. No one has ever thought that of me before

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[Filtered to Galinda, Fiyero, Elena, Caroline and Damon]

How can you still trust me?
I know nothing I say will make up for what I did
Oz this is hard

I know saying sorry doesn't even begin to cover the things I said to you and the things I did, but I am so sorry, for whatever it's worth.

I wish I could say it won't happen again, but it most likely will because that's how my luck is
You all really would be better off staying away from me
I don't deserve friends


How do I even start to make it up to you?
I love you but after I almost killed you, I know I don't deserve you
You should hate me after what I did to you, after everything I've done to you

I'm so sorry for hurting you. I don't think there's anything I could possibly do to make it up to you, but I would do anything. I didn't...do permanent damage, did I?

I'll never forgive myself for this
I can't
You deserve so much better than m

[OOC: Btw, she is still in the basement. Those included in the filter can feel free to try and break in or try to talk her into coming upstairs.]

filtered against baddies and children.

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Somedays I wake up, and I've completely forgotten what it feels like to be human. It hasn't even been a year yet.


How are things with Brittany going?

Also, you wouldn't happen to want to get out of Lawrence for a day or two would you?

Filtered Against Bad

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Fireworks seem so much cooler when you're a kid.

How would you like to get to knocking off some of the rest of the items on your list? Maybe after the forth we can head out for a little bit or something?

[Winchesters (Includes Jules)]
Adam has nine days. I know that nobody needs the reminder, but I threw around the idea already of doing at least Christmas in July sort of thing for him, it could be a dinner sort of thing to.

I'm not trying to start anything here, I just want to see if we're up for doing this? And if people aren't just let me know I'm not going to force anything. If we are I'd like to figure things out. Adam has some things to knock of his bucket list still that I think he and I are going to do soon possibly.

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IIIIIIII NEED A PINT IT'D GO GOdo with morphhine someone smugle it into the hospitle


Text to Phoebe

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» Answer me, Pheebs.
» I made your favorite and it's getting cold.
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