War Is Coming Communications.

July 4th, 2011

War Is Coming Communications.


July 4th, 2011

[Filtered against baddies]

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Okay, so forget all that shit I said the other night. That's what happens when your friendly neighborhood freak I forget to finish off the bottle before hitting the net to watch Youtube videos.

to Nathan

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Hey. Leprechaun. I've got a bone to pick with you.

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So, aside from rescuing pyromancer witches what do you do to fight this war?

I know about the lessons offered and I'd gladly participate if I could find a way to get there. But beyond that? ...Do you have any way to anticipate attacks?

Filtered Against Bad

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Does it not seem a little excessive to participate in shooting off these fireworks before the holiday in question? Would it not be more fulfilling to just set off these fireworks on the day of celebration? I've been hearing and seeing these fireworks set off periodically leading up to today.

I understand the significance, but I fail to understand the reasoning behind how excessive some individuals have been leading up to today.

I believe I'm going to indulge in some chocolate now.

To those who are involved in the celebration of this holiday I wish you happy and safe celebrating.

Filtered against baddies.

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I've got the day off and picked up too many fireworks. Probably gonna go set up somewhere nearby if anyone wants to join me.

If anyone else is setting them off, we should see whose are loudest/most noticeable. Because I feel like acting like a kid for the evening.

Filtered to Ruby

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So I need you to help me figure out where I might be going on a date. I got one hint and it's, "It will include a trip somewhere most people wouldn't expect."

Seriously. That could be like five billion different place.

And on a related note: So, I've got a date.

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Okay, I get it - we're in Lawrence, and so far everyone I've met is really nice.

But why did some guy practically molest me, saying I'm his favourite on the voice. God, the guys at the club were a lot classier than that!

texting from his phone to Elena

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(ooc: This is all in the span of three minutes.)


Happy fourth of July

If you celebrate it

Some people think it's stupid. I like it.

Plus, the burgers.

Where are you?

How are you doing?

We should hang out.

Can I bring you anything? Teddy 2.0, maybe?

I miss you being around here.

Text to Ruby!

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Hey, are you okay?

another text from Damon to Elena

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They've got fireworks going.

Want to watch them?

I really miss you.

antiii badguys~!1

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everhybodys so hungryyyyy
althe caek is gonn

HEY joo my head knda hurts so
 i am
gonna go sit. ifyou need me i wil be... over.   by the treeees

[ooc: okay I might have lied, apparently the Chuckmuse is more than slightly drunk at this party. Also, he's starting to have a vision but he doesn't really realize it yet. Carry on.]

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....I feel weird. A good kind of weird. But weird.
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