War Is Coming Communications.

April 24th, 2011

April 24th, 2011

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Okay my Patrollers. We're gonna do a sweep of the bits of the city not being looked after by others right now. Just a sweep. Don't engage unless its to help a civillian. I just want numbers and locations.

These are the pairings for this.

Clark & Sarah
Kon & Allana Ah young love :p
Jacen & Kitty
Booth Me & John
Seifer & Tenel Ka


Anakin Solo says there are issues with her but they only seem to flare around the boyfriend. Also she offered and we need her. Just keep an eye on her okay?

And the dragon thing is still badass

Filtered from Bad

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Please do not be alarmed by the dragon that was summoned earlier. Seifer summoned the dragon and it has disappeared already, it is nothing to be alarmed by.

He is fine as well. He seems to be suffering some complications due to the summoning, but he is alive. He is bleeding, but I believe he will be fine.

Filtered: Lauren, Vicki, Sam

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Would it be a really good or really bad idea for the three of us to act as some kind of...support system for each other?

We know what we all have in common Blood. Addiction

Filtered from Bad Guys

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So....Dragon. Big scary fire breathing mythological Capital D Dragon.

Well done Lawrence. You've actually shown me something new. Which I didn't think was still possible

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So...whatcha supposed to do if a bug gets you?

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Anyone else keeping score on bugs or is that just me? Whoever's pets these are owes me a dry cleaning bill. Creepifyin crawly goo isn't an easy out.

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[OOC: That is supposed to read "Help" but Isabela has no idea how the hell to work a computer and is driving herself insane in trying to figure it out. People on the second floor may hear a butt load of cussing coming from room 214. XD]


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Stop fidgeting.

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So, I think our tentative new return date is Wednesday? If the bugs are gone by then. Can't say I'm disappointed to be staying longer. Or to be avoiding the crazy-dangerous crap.

While you guys are fighting for your lives I'm going to be sleeping on the beach this afternoon. I may or may not be a horrible person.

[Filtered against baddies]

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Alright. Why am I in the infirmary? The last thing I remember is a bunch of bugs swarming, and then I had to summon Bahamut and then...a lot of pain? Which doesn't make sense. It isn't supposed to hurt and holy shit why does this watch say it's 8:38pm?

Filtered Against The Meanies

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Hey, can we be done with the bugs soon?

And is it normal to not find anything after exploding them? Because I haven't gotten anything from the ones that I blew up.

Filtered against baddies

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I realize it's tiring fighting the Killiks believe me. The dragon took out a good large number, and that's what we need if we want it to stop. The more of her Killiks we take out the easier the tracking will be. I'm working on a way to track Alema through the Force metalinking with the bugs. Sort of like a translation from one to the other.

Filtered Against Baddies

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So fighting these bugs has lost it's nifty-new-thing-to-do appeal. If someone wants to point me in the direction of that chick that's controlling them I'm willing to go see if punching works better on her than it does on her gross pets.

Punching or knives. Or any other blades, really. My game plan here mostly consists of "do violence."
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