War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


April 24th, 2011

Filtered Against The Meanies

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Hey, can we be done with the bugs soon?

And is it normal to not find anything after exploding them? Because I haven't gotten anything from the ones that I blew up.

[Filtered against baddies]

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Alright. Why am I in the infirmary? The last thing I remember is a bunch of bugs swarming, and then I had to summon Bahamut and then...a lot of pain? Which doesn't make sense. It isn't supposed to hurt and holy shit why does this watch say it's 8:38pm?

April 6th, 2011

Filtered Against That Lucifer Meanie

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Oyo! I have a job! I work at one of the junkyards here in town, but not the one with the creepy guy and the dog. :)

And hey, can somebody teach me how to drive one of the cars? Because it looks really fun and the junkyard's kinda far and I can walk the whole way every day but I don't exactly want to.

March 29th, 2011

Filtered against baddies.

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Even after living in an apartment for over a year, I'm still comfortable sleeping in dumpy old motel rooms. Go figure.

Lucifer creeping around the boards makes me uncomfortable. Do any of you tech savvy types have any idea how to block the Devil from accessing the site here?

Head's up. The wife wants to talk to you about your soul. You better listen to what she has to say.

When I'm done dealing with this, we should go on a road trip. See if we can dig up anything else about Lucifer.

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Alright, now that I've got a semi-legal job, I think I'd like to meet some people. Is anyone interested in going out for drinks tonight? My treat.

ETA: It should be obvious, but just in case, bear in mind that if I get a huge group of people going, I might not be able to cover everybody. The job's not that good.

March 24th, 2011

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Was debating a broadcast but


(ooc; um...all nighter for the scientist caused a facesmashing of the keyboard. his previously written message was still up. ^^;;)

March 18th, 2011

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thee mUSI C HERIS Fent11! BUT E MEG ed!

[ooc: Drunken Rikku slips into Al Bhed. Yeah.]

March 17th, 2011

to Rikku

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What do you say we go out to celebrate St. Patty's day and I show you how Earth girls party it up?

March 13th, 2011

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Filtered from baddies.

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Thanks to some wonderful assistance a week ago, I'm back in business.

Considering the weird I saw floating around the past days, it made a nice little mention on the newly improved website I've set up. Don't worry - I'm keeping it under close eye but if anyone would like to keep up with...well, anything weird:

[catchy website address with the word 'strange' in it]

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So. I'm kinda bored and that's just not fun.

What is there to doooooo here? Because apparently going around and poking at all the machina isn't really allowed when it's someone else's machina.

Edit: Does anybody have any swords or weapons or armory things that you want customized? Because like I said, I'm bored. And I'm good at customizing weapons!

March 12th, 2011

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So, apparently there's not a conversion rate for gil-to-dollars. Also, motel managers don't seem to take gil, and get kind of pissed when you try to explain that the IOU you managed to talk them into a couple days ago won't be fulfilled for the foreseeable future.

Don't suppose anybody would let me couch surf until I find a job? And as an added bonus, this is blatant baiting for Ultimecia. No way would she leave an opportunity like that hanging.

ETA: For the record? A free apartment complex is one of the first things new people should hear about. Not something that gets found out when you're wandering around on the street hoping you're not going to have to check into a homeless shelter.

March 8th, 2011

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For the record, randomly teleporting me around is probably the worst mistake you can make. I'm not your brainwashed servant anymore and I will hunt you down like a dog no matter how many eras or dimensions I have to go through. So why don't you just save me some time, Ultimecia, and get your freakish, tattooed ass out here now? I promise you it'll be so much worse for you if you make me hunt for you.

(OOC: Seifer is still working under the assumption that Ultimecia's dicking with him. Thus, hero!posturing. XD)

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So hey, can somebody tell me how I ended up in this weird Kansas place? Because I've never even heard of Kansas before, and that's saying something because I've been all over Spira. A few times.

Yht zicd eh lyca drana'c cusa udran Al Bhed rana, lyh cusaputo damm sa ruf E ahtat ib eh drec faent Kansas bmyla? Palyica E'ja hajan ajah raynt uv Kansas pavuna, yht dryd'c cyoehk cusadrehk palyica E'ja paah ymm ujan Spira. Y vaf desac.

[ooc: So, the second bit is just the same thing again, with the added "And just in case there's some other Al Bhed here" line at the start of it. It's just... written in Al Bhed. It's a pretty simple "language" though, just letters switched with each other. Al Bhed Y=English/Spiran A and that sort of thing. So pups good with that sort of thing might figure it out!]

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Where the hell is Hardison?
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