War Is Coming Communications.

October 23rd, 2010

October 23rd, 2010

Filtered to Ruby

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You have magical capabilities, right?

filtered against baddies

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Someone may want to head down to [address of police station] and pay Puck's bail.

[ooc: posted in the early morning around 5ish AM]

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Alrite. Ive been here long enuf. Can I go back to Metropolis yet?

Filtered to Geek Types that aren't Sam

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Anyone know how to fix a broken laptop? I'd pay

Filtered to Winchesters

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Yeah, um, sorry for last night, guys.

I...I got a little slap happy and couldn't stop. I'm really not that kind of a girl.

I don't think
I wasn't coming on to

Yeah, sorry.

Filtered against baddies.

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How is it that the Yoo-Hoo boxes taste better than they do when they come in the bottles? It's weird.

Filtered to the Good Guys

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I'm having a thought. Idea. Probably not the most genius of ideas but here it goes.

We're in an Apocalypse. I know, I know, duh Vi. Everyone knows this because the seal brought them here and most of our introductions now to new people includes, "Hi, welcome to Lawrence, Kansas and the Apocalypse!" So here we are, gearing up to fight a big battle and fighting a bunch of little ones along the way. Which we're not doing half bad at, right? We've pretty much smacked down most of what has been thrown at us.

My idea. Point. Thought. Whatever. A lot of us live in this complex, some of us outside of it, but we're all pretty much in the know. The supernatural exists. Lucifer is a threat. Good and Evil deserve their capital letters. So I'm thinking maybe we could set up some kind of database of powers and abilities and skills so maybe in the future, when something comes up, we have that reference. Like volunteers for a mission or, God forbid, someone gets possessed. Kind of nice to know who you're going up against, right? And with people showing up and disappearing, it's kind of hard to keep track sometimes.

I know some of us are still thinking exposure risks. Believe me, back home, announcing that you're a vampire Slayer was not the smart thing to do because people would either think you were insane, a terrorist, or get you into trouble. But we all pretty much know we're a collection of unique skills/abilities/powers/etc, so it really wouldn't be exposing anything? (And for those of you thinking up a comment to that sentence because it doesn't sound the best, stfu.

So what do you guys think? Yes, no, maybe, shut up Vi and go play your Wii until we need you to go kill some evil thing?

Filtered Against Baddies

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Dick, Elle? You two good or do you need hangover remedies?

I'd offer you one, Damon, but I doubt you need it.

[Filtered Against Parker]
Same goes for all you that are going to the thing for Parker tonight. Down side is, since that event isn't my idea, the remedies are $15 a pop for you lot. Up side is that my remedies knock out the hangover within minutes of taking it with no side effects.

Any time someone drinks with me and the drinking was my idea (which might not be all that uncommon), they get remedies free. Or if they got drunk at their own birthday celebration or whatever. Otherwise, I've always got some for sale.

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"I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too."

Wow. Who the hell even wrote that? I'm insulted. But...is this how I'm viewed in this world?

[OOC: The quote is a link to a clip of the Wizard of Oz cuz I can't embed the video.]

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delivered to Quinn. )

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Up to my neck in hardware. Productive Saturday is productive.

How about a Saturday night project?

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So seems like you had fun yesterday.

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You guys think that the internet is helpful - You should see this Cosmopolitan magazine I just stole found! I had no idea any of this was physically possible...

Filtered to Sarah

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So as it turns out I have to go bail out the jerk my little girl is supposed to look up to and learn from cause he was a moron and got arrested.

Can you take Beth for a few hours? I'd really appreciate it
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