War Is Coming Communications.

April 4th, 2010

War Is Coming Communications.


April 4th, 2010

Filtered to those at the Apartments

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Now that I'm happily back in my own handsome body, I must say I want to go fight.

So I'm going vampire hunting. Anyone else up for a fight?

Filtered; Private

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Glorys gone, just the vampires. Vampires are normal, her time will come. Big threats gone, finally back in my body. Gives me time to think. I just realized time to think is the last thing I need.

Sacrifices have to be made, just keep telling myself. Death is a part of war. We're at war. He'd agreed to work for the god. That makes him no better than Glory. Like another Caleb. Still, human. I killed him. For some reason it seems different than the military that took Willow. I don't know why.

I chose this. I made this bigger than what it had to be for me. Sacrifices must be made.

...still doesn't sound right.

For crap sake, I'm not dying.

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Eliot )

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Buffy )

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Hey, Babs? What's this?

Cut for picture of WTF? )

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Buffy & Andrew )

Rose, Martha & Jack )

Filtered; Xander

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What's up with the posts I read yesterday? That reaction to you and Stephanie flirting?

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Because frankly, that Trickster fellow while annoying, did make a point. I'm going to try something. You'll have to bear with me, I'm only getting used to this world with Romana's lessons...

I haven't been here long, but the point was made we could all know each other a little better so I'm going to say three things about myself that aren't known to most of you. I urge you all to do the same.

It's a start.

My name is Kahlan Amnell. I have been on a quest for quite some time that has changed my life for the better. I found love, friendship and a focus I hadn't known myself capable of.
There is a part of myself that scares me. It is rarely seen. Only when my loved ones are threatened. But it is there.
I have a sister. I lost her once only to have her returned to me in the most unusual circumstances. She lives a quiet life now and I believe that she is happy.

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[Filtered; Ruby]
Hi.. it's me, Damien. How are y Is that offer still good, about the demon lessons? Learned a few things at camp, but I always need to learn more I can meet at any time or place that you would choose. Unless you're busy or needed elsewhere. But if you are still offering the lessons, then I'm willing to learn them whenever you think would be a good time for it. Just gonna need to give my boss a good excuse if it runs into the night shift

Filtered against baddies

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This message is for members of the Combat, Magical Combat, Offsite Reserve teams and of course Justice League members.

The comm system is now up and running and I need people to come down to the Security Office to pick up earpieces. They've all been modified and the frequency can be switched from here as needed. You will be able to speak with one another, and of course whomever is on monitor duty.

If you live off-site please stop by and pick them up or have someone you trust come and get them for you. I can't tell you how important this is. In the field it is difficult enough to stay in contact. The earpieces have a range that spans a little bit more than the city limits.

For the Tech/Surveilance team, I need you to scheduel times to come down and get trained on the equipment. There will be a shift table set up soon with the times you are responsible for.

Thank you.
Oracle Out.

custom filters.

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[Filtered to Ruby]
Going to be up at Bobbys this week?

[Filtered to Bobby]
Need some space between me and the complex. Got my own ride, don't need to be watched. Don't want to be. Just want to check out the library. Work for you?

Filtered Against Baddies

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So, over the last couple of days of actually being able to relax for once I watched the first eight episodes of that Glee show. And it's super nifty! Too bad there's no new episodes until next week though. But now I know what I'm doing on Wednesday nights if there's time.

Filtered to Guinevere

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Did you know?

Filtered Against the Evil Intentioned

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I was curious about the process of taking a permit exam. I imagine that the people proctoring the exam would look much more closely at my papers than then my employer at the library. Unless there is a way to bypass the exam, I would like to take it, in order to be properly qualified to learn how to drive.

Edit: I was wondering if someone could take the time to teach me how to drive. Please.

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It's good to be me again. Wasn't horrible being Tony, at least I knew him so it wasn't so bad. Got a day off from work at the comic shop. The owner sent me an email though i'm supposed to find him two new "minions" by Friday. Rich you in? If yeah that still leaves one open spot for a closer. Not old enough yet legally or I'd do it myself.

Filtered, Dean

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