May 27th, 2011

[info]_prettyparvati in [info]veritaserum_rp

New Veritas )

[info]bredinadunstan in [info]veritaserum_rp

It was the night of the highly anticipated opening of Balthazar, the place to see and be seen. Unassuming waiters and waitresses glided through the glittering, mingling crowd, discreetly circulating hors d'oeuvres and flutes of champagne. The gorgeous, intimate interior of the trendy restaurant lounge sprawled open into a stunning patio over facing the North Sea. The sun was setting and the sky was washed in streaks of hot vibrant pink and soft pale lavender. Every witch and wizard was glowing with pleasure - the place was amazing.

Dressed in an inky purple backless dress that Spencer would have loved and hated to see her wear, Bredina Dunstan's clear blue eyes lit up when she saw her friend arrive.

Also without a date.

Or rather, not a date, but rather her rightful date. Both of their significant others were working late at the office. But men be damned, the girls weren't going to pass up this brilliant night.

"Knock on wood, because there's always one out there, but I think it might be safe to say that there's not a single creep here tonight!" she announced proudly, handing Parvati Patil a flute of champagne.