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Feb. 21st, 2017


in the morning post...


Feb. 14th, 2017


valentine's party post! gifts and threads and owls, oh my!

OOC hybrid post! post anything you like 😊 ❤️ Happy Valentine's Day!!

Dec. 16th, 2016


WHO: Louis Bonaccord & Nicola Montgomery!
WHAT: street run-in!
WHERE: London?
WHEN: today!

Are they allowed c-a-n-d-y? )

Nov. 30th, 2016


WHO: Louis Bonaccord & Nicola Montgomery!
WHAT: it's crazy who you run into out late, isn't it?
WHERE: London? Muggle bar in London
WHEN: tonight!

One thing he knew clearly: he had not been kissed like that in a very long time. )

Oct. 31st, 2016



Vivienne thrust the doors of the bathroom open, almost slipping on the tiled floor because of the ridiculous heels she was wearing and headed straight to the sink. She glared at the pink drink, the pink fizzy drink, the pink fizzy drink that contained alcohol and had been given to her free-of-charge by the bartender and when she asked why he said that it was from that bloke down the counter. Feeling sick without having taken a sip, Vivienne poured it down the sink.

This evening was not going as anticipated. Or perhaps it was exactly as she had imagined? She stared at her reflection wishing she could enjoy how well-done her makeup and hair was. Her night out with Nicola was supposed to be about having fun, doing as they wished, but her stomach felt twisted in knots she wasn't sure how to detangle. Boys expected things when they bought a girl a drink, so that--she wasn't---

Her eyes jumped up as the door to the loo opened again. Thankfully it was her friend's reflection in the mirror, and Vivienne turned around to sit against the counter. She smiled sheepishly at Nicola as she tugged at the fabric of her skirt and became rather interested in it to avoid her friend's gaze.

"I really shouldn't drink," she said, unsure why she was even bothering to lie. "You know, with work tomorrow. Halloween on a Monday is the worst..."

Sep. 1st, 2016


WHO: Julian Fawley & Nicola Montgomery
WHAT: #friendship
WHERE: Bewitching offices!

A self-serving smile slid onto his lips. )

Jul. 16th, 2016



It was one of her favorite traditions; every year, four times a year, she, Vivienne, Reid, and Julian specifically got together to celebrate the designated's birthday. Times and lives may change, but their loyalty to each other was ever constant. And the thought brought Nicola great pride, their little group had made it through quite a lot over the years (and some particularly bad birthday celebrations, mostly thanks to Julian’s unconventional tastes). Was it always on the day? No, not in this case, but it appeared that Vivienne hadn’t minded the belatedness of it all.

Nicola smiled across the table at her friend, minding the brief quiet moment as Julian finalized the check of their meal. When the waiter bowed away, she leaned over to whisper in his ear. The side of his mouth hooked into a smile.

“Darling, yet again a lovely restaurant choice,” Nicola announced after she pulled away, tossing her hair back with a shake of her head. Under the table, her hand brushed along Reid’s knee before she stood up. “Reid and I must head back to the office, but you’ll owl me about spa holiday plans?”

She blew two quick kisses at Vivienne before turning away, causing Julian to watch both her and Reid with interest before they walked out of sight. He blinked, and then turned his head to blink at Vivienne before suggesting that they, since the night was so nice, should walk a bit of the way home before parting and disapparating. It sounded quite nice, but as Julian said it, he intentionally left little option for Vivienne to deny him.

Once outside and on the street, Julian smoothly hooked his arm around Vivienne's so they walked side by side. He waited a cool moment before speaking.

“Almost an entire year of living with that Gryffindor muggle-born, Vivienne.” Julian sighed as he tutted, directing his gaze up toward the sky. “When are you going to give up the act?”

Jun. 11th, 2016


Who: The Montgomerys
What: Mah
Where: St. Mungo's
When: Last week? Leigh fails so much at tagging. DX
Status: Finishing in comments.

If you’re sure it's not too much... )

May. 29th, 2016



The rest of the staff had gone home hours ago, and yet Reid was still standing behind his desk, going through the book that had been left on his desk. The June issue of Bewitching was due to launch in just a few days, and he had to sign off on the final submissions from each department. He was already on thin ice with his father after falling ill in April, resulting in a disastrous May issue. It was their lowest selling in years, according to his brother, who was in charge of the publication's finances.

There was a lot of weight on his shoulders, and he needed everything to be perfect. He had been harder than usual on most of his staff, beginning to feel the pressure now that the deadline was so close.

Reid sighed as he laid his hands flat against the top of his desk, rolling his head from one side to the other in attempt to alleviate some of the tension in his neck. A few satisfying cracks followed, but he felt his body stiffen as he heard knuckles rapping against his office door. His jaw clenched, assuming to it his assistant - she had been sending people away all day, at his request, but every time she knocked on his door it was to tell him something he didn’t want to hear, or delivering an owl that he didn't want to read. It had just been one of those days, and he reached up to rub at the back of his neck, not looking up just yet.

"What now?" He said, sounding exasperated. Glancing over to the door, he expected to see the emaciated witch who sat at the desk outside his office, but was surprised to see who was there instead.

"Nicola," he greeted, straightening up, his features softening significantly as he did so. "Are you here for business or pleasure?" He asked, a brow lifting with intrigue, his lips twitching upwards for the first time all day.

May. 5th, 2016


The 1987 Wizarding World Awards!


Apr. 7th, 2016




OOC: Use this post for reaction threads/recovery threads/other threads relating to the outbreak
ALSO: COMMENTS: Obituaries (dun dun dunnn!)/ Communication between characters/ aka HYBRID post!
Thanks for the focus on the plot!

Mar. 28th, 2016



This post is fluid time, meaning it is not set for a specific date - please state the time/date/location in the subject of your thread's first comment. There were a lot of thread ideas for the spattergroit breakout, so to help the friends list here's a group thread.

Be creative, this can be the first early symptoms of Spattergroit, it can be a few days in, or toward the end of the disease. Perhaps something else entirely, but it should have something to do with the outbreak.


Feb. 26th, 2016



February was quickly becoming Cameron's favorite month. There had always been the small highlight of his birthday, but ever since learning about his twin brother, he had never really cared much about his birthday. Now, though, it seemed to be a month of excuses to go out and spoil his wife. Not that he ever needed an excuse, but with their anniversary (one year already!), and Valentine's day in each of the weeks preceding, he couldn't help but be in a great mood by the time the day came around. With Nicola and the twins, today felt like it meant so much more than it did in previous years.

Which made having to come out to his family's manor all the more frustrating.

"Sorry about this," Cameron said settling down on the couch next to his wife, with a small sigh. They didn't get the chance to go out, just the two of them, very much these days, so to receive an urgent floo call just as they were about to walk out the door had been beyond annoying. Even more so that the solicitor in charge of the Estate insisted that it could not wait until the next day and the issue needed to be addressed immediately. He couldn't help but think the man was actively trying to spite him since he showed no invested interest in the Estate.

Apparently all the wards and charms placed on the Manor were starting to fail and Cameron was the only one that was able to redo them. Or rather he had to be there while someone trained and actually decent at doing such spells reinforced the dying magic. Cameron couldn't deny that it was something that needed to be done but he hardly thought it warranted derailing the evening his wife had planned. "We can finally go now, I hope this hasn't messed up our plans too terribly much."

Nov. 28th, 2015



Miles felt, he felt, he felt everything! He could not sleep last night, he left bed early this morning and spent it poolside with Sabine, breakfast was barely touched, he felt nervous, but ready! Excited, but wanting to make every moment last a millennium. Most of all, he felt very loved, and told Mira so as often as he could, thinking it would never be enough. The morning had whirled by, they were married under the Moroccan sun, in the middle of the vast Sahara Desert that showcased the enormity of this step, how very little they were when it came to the rest of the world, making him think that they needed to take advantage of every moment they could.

With his mind having been jumping everywhere all day, it was no wonder that Miles had already made his rounds about the room before the first course of dinner had been served. He'd lost Sabine to his sister, then their mother, and now it was time to find his wife and perhaps whisk her to the dance floor again? Or did she wish for cake? Or maybe to sneak away for a private moment because her dress made his hands twitch with anticipation of the evening---

"Mrs. Lufkin!" Miles let out, putting his hands up as if seeing Mira for the first time that day. He clasped his hands at his chest, and then bowed as if being graced by her presence (he was!). "May I have this dance?"

He lifted his head to waggle his eyebrows, his smile brighter than it had ever been before.

Oct. 29th, 2015



from a tired yet nonetheless regal owl )

Aug. 12th, 2015


Nicola! (same day as thread with Mattie)

Cameron checked the clock on the wall as he nudged the front door open. His chat with Mattie hadn't taken nearly as long as he thought it would and since it was so early the shops were still mostly empty so he had gotten all the errands done in record time. If he was lucky, he should be back before the twins were even awake.

He hummed as he made his way to the kitchen, checking the rooms as he went. The house was still quiet and he didn't see Nicola in any of the rooms he passed. That didn't mean she wasn't awake yet. He heard footsteps behind him just as he placed the bags on the counter. He wondered if there would ever be a time where smiling wouldn't be the automatic response upon seeing her face. Cameron certainly hoped not, that would not be a good day.

"I brought you something to eat." Cameron said with a grin, leaning over the counter to give his wife a kiss. It would hardly be fair if he got pancakes and didn't bring anything for her. He returned to putting away the groceries while he tried to broach the topic of her sister. Just bringing it up out of the blue would not go over well. Nicola had never brought it up herself. Before talking to her sister all he knew was things that happened since they had met. "I was able to find that special tea you like. I got extra just in case they ran out again. I could make you a cup, if you'd like."

Aug. 2nd, 2015


WHO: Mattie Scarpin & Nicola Montgomery!
WHAT: this is why we can't have nice things
WHERE: Montgomery house!

Do whatever you want Mattie, you always have anyway )

Jul. 10th, 2015


Who! Precious Lambs
What! Romance novel level of sap.
Where! Mungos!
When! Today!
Status! Finishing in comments!

What is that? On your face? )

Jul. 2nd, 2015


Who! The Montgomery's
What! They were being cute :/
Where! Their Home
When! This morning!

I always want you to stay with me )

May. 31st, 2015


Mungo's Spring Charity Fair! Open to All! June 1st - 3rd!

So, she didn't think that refereeing could be as much fun as actually participating, but since she got to do it with her face painted like a pretty fairy and a bottle full of red and delicious alcohol, Siena was having herself a ball.

"RED TEAM WINS!" she hollered, pulling up the front of her broom to come to a screeching, perfect stop at the finish line. The gaggle of eight-year-olds jumped, shrieked, and cheered, while the Blue Team held back tears. If their parents weren't five feet away, Siena would've told them to buck up and cut it out, but she cooed and bent down to give out commiserating hugs.

After the tears were dried, her assistant made an announcement about the next relay race starting in forty-five minutes, giving Siena a good amount of time to explore the rest of the fair grounds. With so much to do, she was glad there were three days worth of time, but part of her just wanted to go and get another one of these amazing concoctions. The Three Broomsticks had really outdone itself, it was a wonder that she'd never known how good of a bar they really had.

With her broom sitting on her shoulder, Siena made her way through the crowd, sipping her drink happily through a twisty straw. She neared what looked like a petting zoo, what smelled like a petting zoo, and spotted a familiar flop of hair. Expertly, she flipped her broom around and jabbed Octavius Pepper in the back with the handle, grinning with her teeth still clenched on the straw.

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