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Jan. 24th, 2015


Flint Family Friends!

She bustled through the house, glad to see it alive with laughter and smiles. Caden most certainly did not enjoy being the center of attention, so their rowdier friends eagerly took up the helm of providing entertainment. Games were played, drinks were had, and all in all Estella was quite sure everyone was having a good night. Even the kids had managed to be on their best behavior in their designated play areas, a feat much helped by the fact that there were other children to impress and properly boss around. After checking in on the little ones (Jacob had somehow started a re-enactment of a great goblin war and they were now picking sides), Estella swept into the kitchen to bring out some more snack trays.

Her eyebrows rose as she entered the kitchen from the back way, spotting Jolene seemingly hiding out by herself. Estella moved quickly to the counter where there were bags of treats to pick from. She thought about staying quiet so that she could slip out quickly, but then looked over to her sister-in-law who was standing by the other doorway that led to the living room. A rousing game of charades was going on that seemed to have Jolene's attention, and Estella pursed her lips as she could only guess why the other woman was so attentive.

Practically on her tiptoes, Estella crossed the kitchen with ease and popped into Jolene's line of sight, "Who's winning?"

ooc: Caden's birthday is next week, so Estella had fun and planned a party~ If Caden can stand your presence, have at it! lmao

Dec. 21st, 2014


Who: Jolene and Matt
What: Doing the dishes!
When: Saturday night - After the Flints' Holiday Party
Where: Caden and Estella's House

That looks overwhelming. )

Oct. 19th, 2014


Who! Delilah and Matt
Where! Outside Ollivander's
When! Earlier this week, like Tuesday?
What! Angst and what not. Matt manages to still be a saint.

What kind of wand wouldn’t want to be your wand? )



Caden had been playing Quidditch since he had graduated from Hogwarts. He had lost track of how many games he had played, though there had been a time he had kept tally of his wins and losses. There was no getting around the fact that he was competitive as hell, and that every time another notch got added to the losing side, he wasn't happy - sometimes moreso than others. When he was younger, had he come back into the locker room after a game like the one they just had against the Tornadoes, he would have been livid. His teammates would have known not to approach him, since his temper back then was as unpredictable as a storm; and it still was, but it was more manageable now. It had taken him years to get to where he was – to learn how to pick his battles, and decide what was truly worth getting upset over. He didn’t know if he would have been able to do it if not for Estella, his friends and family helping him through the lowest point in his life.

He saw a lot of the younger version of himself in one of his teammates. He would come into the locker rooms before a game and barely spoke to any of them, which never bothered the seasoned chaser since that was one thing about Caden that hadn’t changed. Sure, he had more to be happy about, but that didn’t mean he said very much unless he had to. Still, there was more to it with Matt Summerby. He had always been withdrawn, but since he had broken up with the Spinnet girl he seemed downright miserable. Caden suspected his attitude shift had more to do with the blonde dueler, but he wasn’t about to stick his nose into what wasn’t his business.

Or that was what he had been telling himself until today, when he looked over at Matt as they were all stripping off their gear and the seeker looked like he was about to explode. Caden didn’t make it obvious that he was watching him, which was easy since the rest of the team was too preoccupied to notice. They all made their way into the showers to wash off, leaving the chaser and the seeker alone. At one point it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, though a sudden, loud banging sound broke the silence. It was enough to make Caden look directly at Matt for the first time, waiting to see if the younger man even realized his teammate hadn’t joined the others.

Oct. 1st, 2014


WHO: Rick House and Matt Summerby
WHAT: Healer House in the HOUSE
WHERE: Puddlemere stadium
WHEN: ERRR last weekend's match? That I still need to do scores for.

Anything else bothering you, aside from the shoulder? )

Sep. 17th, 2014


WHO: Billie Trimble and Matt Summerby
WHAT: Getting feels out the only way they know how
WHERE: A bar
WHEN: Uhmm, could be today, could like the weekend after this was posted.

They seemed to find each other when they were miserable )

Aug. 10th, 2014



Glenda hadn't a wisp of worry all day, and was it funny to think that one of the most relaxing days she'd experienced in her recent years was her own wedding day. They were blessed, she and Vinny, with friends and family that could take time out of their busy schedules to drop by the house for a lax celebration in the fields behind their house. She hadn't wanted to make a huge fuss out of anything, opting for simple refillable plates and a relaxed atmosphere, and whether guests decided to stay eight minutes or eight hours she was more than thrilled to welcome an old or familiar face.

She just, to put it simply, wanted to remember today as enjoyable and happy. And she hoped that everyone else would feel that way too.

When whispers of a of pick-up quidditch game began to run through the field, Glenda had encouraged Vinny and Tristan to go along. After all, with this many professional quidditch players popping in and out all day, it would've practically been sacrilege to not partake. Their departure, more importantly, gave Gleny a bit of necessary alone time, letting her mind, peacefully, wander to Gideon...

The shriek of happy child brought Glenda back to the present, and it was with surprise that she realized the sun had moved significantly in the sky and her two boys were returning to her with glints in their eyes and pride in their smiles.

"Hello, sir," Glenda greeted her six-year-old son with open arms. Instead of crashing into her, he tumbled to the ground arms wide and began to babble about how he was destined to be the next great quidditch star so he would really appreciate something a bit better than a training broom. Her eyebrows rose, and withholding a laugh, she pressed her lips together as she looked at Vinny from her perched seat on the ground.

"What do you think about that Vinny?" she asked aloud, most amused.

OOC LITERALLY everyone is invited/all guests are welcome. talking six degrees of Kevin Bacon here

Jul. 27th, 2014


All Star Party - Posted for Wednesday! Game on Thursday!

Charlie had not lost the pure joy that was making the all star team. The first time he'd been voted on he had been stunned into silence, which was a feat if you asked anyone who knew him. It was always a surprise, it was always an honor, and this year he had felt especially blessed because as the top vote getter he was named captain of a squad of absolutely amazing players. He was overwhelmed with joy and pride, it was simply---amazing.

Not amazing! He was the captain of the Dangerous Dragons, not the Amazing--however you said it.

He wasn't feeling dangerous, though, as he made his way back from an impromptu photo shoot with Wendy Midgen that ended up with the pink-haired woman nearly clambering over his shoulders in a fake duel. Still grinning, Charlie's smile widened even further at the sight of Liddie, who looked marvelous, fantastic, and simply stunning. It was not lost on him or the press that this was their first public outing, and even though they had not been a secret for a few months now, it was an exhilarating feeling.

"I almost got swept up by a pink tornado!" Charlie exclaimed, enjoying his play on words. He dropped into a seat quickly and leaned in for a quick, but not-so-quick, kiss. "But I made it out, barely alive."

OOC: All-Stars, Players, Press, Family, & Friends who were insistent they attend!

Jul. 24th, 2014


Who: Spinnerby BBS
What: Important Awkward Conversations
Where: Delilah's Flat
When: About a week after this thread

I’m going to do better )


WHO: Matt Summerby and the two crooks, with special guests
WHAT: The confrontation
WHERE: Crooks' hideout
WHEN: ABOUT two-ish weeks after he found out the truth?

What the hell, right? Two against one. )

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