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Mar. 9th, 2015


Owl to Henry Wadcock


Will you be free on the 20th? No big, upcoming sports agent meetings that are taking over your entire schedule?


Feb. 14th, 2015



Jolene couldn't remember the last time she had moved so quickly, and without even tripping over her own feet. She had, once again, agreed – no, she had definitely volunteered - to watch the Flint children, which allowed her brother and his wife to go out and enjoy themselves on Valentine's Day. Jo had always enjoyed the holiday when she had someone to celebrate it with, but she hadn't intended on sulking around her apartment just because she didn't. There was no reason she couldn't watch her nephews and niece, but Estella had once again reminded Jolene that her mother was on retainer in case she suddenly did have plans. She thought it very unlikely, which explained why she had almost leapt out of her skin when she heard an owl tapping on the window with a piece of parchment addressed to her.

Needless to say, the boys had gotten a good chuckle out of watching their aunt almost have a heart attack. It was a very pleasant surprise, receiving an invitation from Henry, but that didn't mean she hadn't stopped to look down at her appearance, horrified because she looked like she had been spending the evening with children. She had already changed into pajamas, and her hair was a mess, but she scribbled a quick owl to Mrs.Gibbons before she put Marcus in charge long enough to take a shower and try and find something to wear.

Thankfully, she had a few drawers and at least half a closet full of things in the guest room, being its primary occupant now that she was back home. She had Lizzy help her pick out something to wear, deciding on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a pair of cute flats, and a cream colored sweater. She incorporated some red with her lipstick once her teeth were brushed, though between trying to get herself ready and getting the kids prepared to go to Grandma's, Jolene felt like she needed a time turner. It had to have been well passed the half an hour she had requested, and she groaned as she ran from one end of the house to the other. After what felt like an eternity, the kids were all packed up, and she was profusely thanking Mrs.Gibbons before apparating to Henry's flat.

It was her first time there, seeing how when their nights were over, he had usually walked her home. They had been spending quite a bit of time together over the last few weeks, and their nights had been ending with more than just a goodnight. Tucking some loose hair that hadn't made it into her braid behind her ear, she lifted a hand to knock on his door. She shifted her weight as she waited for him to open it, though once he did she greeted him with a smile that was a bit more apologetic than usual.

"Hey," she said, leaning in to greet him with a kiss on the cheek before she stepped inside. "Sorry if I kept you waiting. You might have thought I was a street urchin if I had come straight over," she joked, glad that she had made the effort now that she was there.


Owl to Jolene Flint


Any plans this evening?

- Henry

Jan. 28th, 2015



Jolene had been to Puddlemere Stadium several times, since her brother had been playing for the United since he had been drafted after Hogwarts, but seeing it so empty was strange. There was just something about empty or abandoned buildings (or stadiums, in this case) that made her feel uneasy. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that the only sound she could hear was that of her breathing and the snow covered grass crunching beneath her boots as she walked across the pitch, the bottom half of her face hidden behind the over-sized scarf she was wearing as her eyes darted around to make sure she was actually alone. Normally when she was there, hundreds of fans were sitting in the seats that surrounded her, and she stopped walking when she reached the center of the field, taking a second to imagine what it must have felt like to stand in that exact location when the seats were filled.

She decided, very quickly, that she would have had an anxiety attack if she were ever put in that position. She was a very outgoing person, and she made friends easily, but having so much attention put on her would have made her turn beat red, and she probably would have passed out. Still, it never ceased to amaze her to hear ‘Flint’ being chanted by the fans who adored her brother and wore his jersey to show their support. Caden may not have been as outgoing as his sister, and might have hated the spotlight even more than she did, but he had endured all the attention for his love of the sport. He had lived and breathed Quidditch since he was able to walk, and Jolene smiled to herself at the thought, taking in her surroundings for a few more seconds before she continued walking before the stadium lights came on.

Jolene had made plans to grab dinner with Caden, but he had told her about a meeting he had with the United management team. He didn’t say what it was about, but he asked her to meet him at the stadium so they could go right from there. Lifting her sleeve, she checked her watch to see how much time she had, pulling open a door she knew lead to the offices. It may have been a few years, but the layout of the stadium was coming back to her very quickly. She peered into a few of the windows, trying to figure out which room Caden was in. The sound of footsteps (other than her own) made her look up, seeing a man round the corner. He looked familiar, but she couldn’t put her finger on why. Was he part of the management team? He looked awfully young, but she couldn’t help but assume he was a business man because of the way he was dressed.

“Excuse me?” she said, getting his attention. She smiled at him when he turned to her, taking a few quick strides towards him so she wasn’t shouting from one end of the hall to the other. “I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m looking for my brother. He’s about yea high,” and with that she reached as far up with her arm as she could, palm down, “quiet, tends to brood, answers to ‘Caden’?” She raised her brows hopefully, her gloved hands playing with the ends of her scarf.

Oct. 24th, 2014


Who! Wadcock bros
What! Seth has a bit of a problem, surprise!
Where! Henry's flat
When! NowwwwW?

Wait---did you and Michal elope and are planning to break the news with The Tattler? )

Aug. 2nd, 2014


WHO: Henry Wadcock and Seth Wadcock!
WHAT: Early morning arrivals/interruptions
WHEN: Saturday morning?
WHERE: Henry's house

There seems to be a spider in your shower. )

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