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April 26th, 2020

[info]bougeotte in [info]valesco

WHO: A motley crew
WHAT: There's a storm a brewin'
WHERE: Hogsmeade
WHEN: Now!

Now it’s a fucking party. )

[info]picaro in [info]valesco

WHO: The bros + Kera
WHAT: 2ish hours after this
WHERE: Honeydukes, Hogsmeade

'Insane middle of the spring blizzards too boring for you?' )

[info]picaro in [info]valesco

hoo boy

Adian couldn’t say how long it took him to stand up again, but when he did, he retreated to the back of the shop. What had happenedwas happening to Kera… how? Had she---? Had someone---? A long, distracted search of the little building provided no answers. Adian found no signs of a struggle, no forced entry, no magical residue - no one else was here but them. The only thing he found was Kera’s cloak buried under a layer of ice on the roof. But what good would that do now? How had she gotten sick? Why hadn’t they got infected?

They had to get out of here, didn’t they? Yes… before something worse happened.

He looked down at Kera’s cloak clutched in hands, a frown etched onto his face. He was stuck in the backroom, unable to return to the main area where he had left Louis, Jake, and Kera. Maybe it would be better if he stayed on this side of the wall, he wasn’t sure if he could… handle…

Adian dropped his shoulders and knocked his closed fist against his forehead. Spineless, he was spineless for---!

What was that? Adian spun, thrusting himself toward the doorway at the sound of rustling in the other room. Was that---? He froze when he saw Kera’s feet twitch where they lay over Jake’s legs, her inhaling a great breath. Was she---? He stayed on the opposite side of the doorway, unable to move any further.

[info]bougeotte in [info]valesco

WHO: Who do you think?
WHAT: Still stuck in Hogsmeade, still dealing with a lot of baggage
WHERE: Honeydukes, to be specific

The storm’s shifting! )

[info]bougeotte in [info]valesco


It wasn’t silence, but the quiet that fell around them was daunting. )

[info]bougeotte in [info]valesco


I feel like that time we got locked out of Hogwarts during *that* rainstorm )

[info]prims in [info]valesco


When Louis still hadn’t come home by dinner, Nicola began to fear the worst.

Of course she had heard about the chaos at Hogsmeade; it was practically old news by the time the owl dropped off the Evening Prophet detailing what the newspaper knew so far about the mysterious dark wizard wrecking elemental magic on the small village. She knew Louis was there, he had to be, and it--- it---

But why had he continued to still there? The thought tortured her into the night. He shouldn’t be there, he should have come home by now. They should have sent him home by now! He had been on-call since yesterday afternoon! They couldn’t possibly--- think--- it wasn’t safe! He must be exhausted, must be---! Not well, tired, not in a right---?!

At about midnight, after a few hours of pacing, randomly thrusting curtains open to look outside, and destroying her cuticles, something occurred to her that sent Nicola flying in tears to the fireplace to floo Mattie; Louis could not be at Hogsmeade. And if he wasn’t knee-high in that fray, then where was he? No one would be looking for him, everyone would be tied up in Scotland, and--! And--!

A few hours after that, now painfully early in the morning, Nicola finally got her answer. She nearly tore Jack Bagnold’s letter in half from sheer relief and further worry. Hogwarts? Hogwarts? He was at Hogwarts recovering?!

While she could read and perfectly understood the words Bagnold had written, at the same time, Nicola understood nothing and could not grasp anything aside from demanding to see Louis at once.

Where was he, where had they put him? She all but shoved Bagnold aside and out of her sight when they entered the school's hospital wing. Her eyes searched exclusively for one person, one familiar face, one head of hair that consumed her down to her core. When she saw him, finally, tears sprung from her eyes and she raced over to him.

Louis!” Nicola cried out, throwing her purse to the ground. She reached first for his face, to hold it tight with both hands, before wrapping her arms around him.