
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

May 2021



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January 14th, 2015



[Filtered to Humans/Aliens with superpowers]
(he doesn't mean magical/supernatural people, he means people with actual superhero-style superpowers)

So it's obvious I'm not the only one. Who else here gets the special snowflake superpower badge?



Maybe I should follow Ali's example and try to find a hobby, aside from swimming.
If we can't go out of town, I doubt people can come in so we can't really have swim meets..



I haven't even had my coffee yet.

Who has the abilities to do this?




Um, hi. I'm Tessa, new and all, my brother here or Nate?



My face is really popular all of the sudden. Like damn. How many more look alikes can show up now? I'm already at three!

Who: Liz and Kara
What: Healing the sick girl
When: Backdated to Kara's arrival day.
Where: Liz, Julia, and Emery's place.
Rating/Warnings: Idk it's Kara
Status: Incomplete.

She wasn't God, it wasn't up to her who lived and died.  )

Who: Liz and Max
What: Awkward reunion.
When: Late morning.
Where: Coffee shop.
Rating/Warnings: Feels. Many feels.
Status: Incomplete.

She would know that voice anywhere. )



Who: Max Evans & Lapis Lazuli
What: healing a broken Gem
When: Tuesday, January 13, late night
Where: the place Lapis has been hiding out
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Aliens.
Status: Closed/In Progress

I will remember you. Will you remember me? )



I guess I should introduce myself now that I've been here a few days. The name's Erin. Anyone I know from Beacon Hills around here?

I probably should see about getting a guardian too. Oh joy yet another foster family. Screw whatever brought me here! I finally had a good family.



Who: Riddick [info]riddickr & Thistle [info]lookslikeakid
What: welcome home
When: late night, Tuesday, January 13
Where: #19 Birchwood Drive where Riddick, Deirdre, and Thistle will be living
Rating: General Audiences---who would watch a Riddick movie that is to say
Warnings: Riddick.
Status: Closed/In Progress

Maybe it's just a dream. Maybe it's inside of me. )



Elena and Katherine are going to freak that I've gone missing.

Okay, so I've read the packet and I know all of the info, I think... but does anyone want to explain anything else I should know?



I guess we all need jobs or something, right? Because the magical kidnapping town ain't gonna feed us all or get us warm clothes even though it brought us here against our will.



So I went into the hospital today for a check up, and as it turns out I am now completely healthy. No more need for a heart transplant.



Who: G. Callen and Laurel Lance
Where: In town
What: Callen and Laurel are searching for a place to live
When: Now
Rating: Medium
Open: No

Finding a new home )



I'm no stranger to having people look like me--or someone, anyway--but I'm used to Katherine now. The idea that there is another Elena out there somewhere is weird enough, but now someone told me I look like her friend.

I don't know what is going on with this place, but it's stranger than anything I have ever seen in Fell's Church.



Hello? Where am I? I've never heard of Storybrooke or Maine before. Some sort of portal? I've heard of portals though I've never used one.

Also anyone seen Regina? She was with me just before I got here.



Filter: Emma Swan

Hey. My name's Jake Sully. A woman called Alex said I should get in touch with you about jobs? Is that right?



I started classes at the college today. It's not Stanford, but it will do.



characters: Thea and Roy
setting: Granny's diner
summary: Roy is filling her in on the truth.
rating/warnings: Medium.
status: Ongoing.

the truth shall set you free. )



So rumor is that there are some woman out there who are pregnant?

Hello, I'm Dr. Evelyne Hendrics, I've been busy working with the hospital to set me up with an office some rooms to do exams in, which is why I haven't commented here.

I'm a pediatrician, top of my class, I was with Doctors Without Borders before this place brought me here.

I just want to do check ups, make sure everything is okay.

So please stop by.